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He was gone, not for long though, only for the winter. Once the flowers start to bloom, he will be back, with his powers is what I fear. He's not human, he's not demigod, he's something more powerful, and the gods won't be able to keep his powers from him, not for long anyways. This is my time, I've watched Mr Doc for months now, figuring out his weaknesses, his strengths, everything about him, and now I know what I have to do to get rid of him, for good. Evil thoughts crowded my mind, I was beginning to fear myself, because I would ponder for hours how I would torture and kill him, but I knew better, I shouldn't. But I am, and there's no changing that, I made up my mind, I bought the sleeping pills and the gun and knife. Doc had known about the knife from the beginning, but he has no clue about the gun.

Chiron saw me change, and I felt bad, I was murderous, I was cold, and I craved revenge for all the humiliation Mr Doc had put me through. If I didn't know better, I'd say Chiron knew what I was planning, but nobody knows, nobody will suspect a thing, and I'm going to keep it that way.

"Perseus, my boy, some of your friends are visiting from school for winter break, they will be arriving soon." Chiron from outside the cabin door, and I bit my cheek, they were meant to help me, not just stand and watch as I got tortured!

"Thank you!" I yelled out, and I heard him leave. It's been days since I even brought myself to look presentable, maybe even weeks. I haven't left my cabin in about a week, I've spent to much time plotting my revenge to even bother eating, training and even sleeping. My cabin was a mess, worse than it's ever been. Papers were everywhere, pens were in no specific place and half of my bedding was on the floor. It looked hideous in here, but luckily people don't come in here. I have to clean up before any of my friends see it, they're going to be worried about me, and figure out my plans. I did leave camp once more, to get some money, and buy more weapons. Weapons have become peaceful to me, dual knives that can be disguised as lip chaps, another gun that can be disguised as a pen, just like riptide, and another pocket knife, but this one is designed for poisoning people.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door, and I jumped, running to hide the papers. "One sec, I just need to finish, uh, finish uh, something!" I rambled, not even finishing with a lie, and once I finished shoving everything into the drawers, the person came in without making sure I was okay with it.

"What were you doing?" Annabeth asked. Of course she was the one who came back first, and had to knock on my door. My heart still ached, I love her still, she and I had gone through so much together, but no, she broke up with me because I wasn't the same person as before! I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thoughts in my head.

"Uh nothing important." I chuckled nervously, I didn't know what lie I should make, saying I was getting dressed wouldn't sound convincing anymore, it would have to be something of importance, something that sounds secretive. The look she gave me made it clear she was going to keep asking, she didn't even have to, her crossing her arms and giving me a look that demanded I give her an answer was enough. Shit shit shit what do I say?

"Percy, I know it's important, don't think I'm dumb." She said, giving me an unimpressed look. I sighed in fake defeat, I was going to lie.

"I-it's hard to explain, Annabeth, I-" I stumbled nervously, or pretended to anyways, and picked my bedding up off of the floor, sitting on my bunk. She started to look concerned, and she sat down next to me.

"You can talk to me, and I think you need to talk to someone, even if it's not me." She said, patting my shoulder, and I sighed, nodding, smirking when she couldn't see my face.

"I've been struggling, a lot, actually." I began, clearing my throat, and she looked surprised. "Monsters chased me the entire time I was gone, so I came back here once most people left. But when I came back, I had fallen into some bad habits." Annabeth looked surprised, but she believed me, perfect. It may not be a full truth, but it's a truth. So if she found anything suspicious, she would think it was for me, which is perfect.

"What habits?" Annabeth asked worriedly, standing up, looking around, she noticed it was a bit of a mess, and she looked at the garbage.

"Smoking and pills, mostly. Please don't look around, I'll just show you." I bit my cheek, and she stopped looking, sitting back down. "But please don't tell anyone, you know it won't end to well." I said, and she nodded.

"Of course, your secret is safe with me, no matter what." She said sincerely, and I faked a small smile, digging into my carbon and pulling out a few packs of cigarettes, and I pulled out the sleeping pills, which she didn't seem to realize what they were. The last thing I pulled out were a few bottles of liquors, and she frowned heavily. Now she thinks she knows what I've been hiding, I don't care if people know I smoke or drink, I don't actually use the pills, but now she knows that they're there.

"What are those pills?" Annabeth asked hesitantly, she looked surprised, like it was a smack in the face to her, she thinks she could've done more to help me, and she should've, but she didn't care enough to help me! Clearly my throat, I put everything back where it was.

"Sleeping pills, it's the only thing that gets me to sleep these days." I chuckled, fake nervousness in my voice.

"When was the last time you slept?" She asked in surprise, and I shrugged.

"Let's not worry about that, how has school been?" And the topic instantly changed, she forgot all about how rushed I was before she came in. Perfect.

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