Falling alternate

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    I ran and jumped, looking at the sunset as I fell, but I never hit the rocks, instead when I closed my eyes, I woke up and saw a rainy sky, with faces all above me. I felt my face, my scar. I'm back! "I made it! I'm back!" I said, sitting up, but then I saw the burning body once again, it didn't scare me as much, considering I had killed him hundreds of times after.

    "What do you mean?" Annabeth asked skeptically. "Back from what? You only fainted for a few seconds." She said, they were all scared of me, it was clear as day.

    "I was in a loop, I had to relive last summer over and over and over again hundreds of times, I had to kill him hundreds of times, he killed me just as many. Then you guys were smart and brought me to Olympus and Ares killed me but then I woke up again and I jumped off a cliff and now I'm here." I said, standing up, but I was sore.

    "None of that happened, Percy. Come on, let's take you to the infirmary so he can check on you." Annabeth said and I glanced at what used to to be a body but now was nothing but a pile of ash. I followed them, everyone stared at me in shock and fear, I'd killed a man in front of all of them. This is why I'm going to kill myself soon, especially if they try to admit me to a hospital.

    It was silent when I sat down on one of the beds, and nobody said anything. They all walked out to talk, so I grabbed one of my cigarettes and lit it casually, until they all walked it and I put it out against my legs and put the butt in my pocket.

    "I am sorry, and I truly didn't mean to shoot. If it could have gone differently, it would have. Considering I relived it all and I did do it a bunch of different ways, this definitely wasn't my favourite." I tried to explain, but they weren't having it, they all thought I was crazy, beyond help. And I was, they weren't wrong.

     "Sorry doesn't change the fact that you killed him." Annabeth said quietly, they all stood around the room.

    "I won't say I feel so bad that I'd cry and beg for forgiveness from him, or it'll make me feel like shit the rest of my life. I'm not who I was at the beginning of last summer. I'm crazy, Will already told me, but you guys wouldn't remember." I chuckled humourlessly, but they couldn't even look at me. "I'm already apologized in another time, but I need to apologize when you guys will remember."

    "Apologize for what?" Jason asked, finally looking up at me. He looked scared, they all did. I did that.

    "Scaring all of you. Especially Leo and Annabeth, I did more to you two in the past, I'm sorry for threatening you if you don't anyone what you found and Leo, I'm sorry for hurting you and breaking down on you. Looking back at it, I could have handled it better but I didn't and I'm sorry. And I'm sorry to everyone, I scared all of you, you all saw me change so much. I'm also sorry that I'm not going to stay." I said solemnly.

    "What do you mean that your not going to stay? Are you going to go get help?" Jason asked hopefully and I shook my head. "Are you leaving the demigod world for good? Are you going to become part of the mortal world like nothing happened?" He asked again and I once again shook my head. "Are you..?" He asked, he couldn't finish his sentence. I nodded, and they all looked down.

    "I want to forget all of this, go and start a new life with a new name and hopefully not to bad of luck. Maybe I'll have a normal life." I chuckled, shaking my head. I stood up, and they all did as well, but they didn't approach.

"You're actually going to go through with it, aren't you?" Annabeth asked, and I only nodded.

"I did it like an hour ago but this one is for real I suppose." They didn't like the sound of it, but it's what's best. "I feel it's better you guys know I'm going to go through with it rather than you all finding my body. Saves the suicide letters. Can you let my mom know I love you, and apologize to Chiron for me?" I asked, mostly to Annabeth, who nodded.

"We'll see you again in the Elysium." Nico said surely, and I shook my head.

"You all know that's not where I'm going. We'll see what the judges decide for me. Goodbye." I smiled, and I walked away to the same ledge I jumped off of on the last loop.

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