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  I've trained relentless the following days, until Chiron got back. His reaction of how quiet the camp was what was expected, he was surprised to say the least, everyone was training their hardest, because they knew if they didn't, it would reflect on me. He also noticed how everyone addressed me as Perseus, especially around Mr Doc.

  Mr Doc was a tyrant, but finally thinking, I was grateful. I've gotten stronger, I've gotten tougher, it was a cruel thought honestly. Everyone saw the changes in me, the beatings haven't stopped, the humiliation hasn't stopped. He hasn't hit anyone else and that's what matters. I've grown up getting beat, I can handle it.

   I continued to train, it seems to make Mr Doc happy, he doesnt approach me when I'm training, so I train when I can. Last few days really feels like I've detached myself from my friends, and just life in general. All I've learned from Mr Doc is that no matter what, somebody is always going to target me, and nobody cares enough to stop it! Yeah, I was angry and frustrated, and most of all, tired.

Sleep seemed to come harder and harder the past 2 weeks, the whipping, the archery, the stares, the silence, it all haunted my dreams. But the thing that got to me the most was what Mr Doc said to me during that one dinner, when he told everyone that I got abused. The fact that I haven't been confronted about it yet scares me more. They want to act like it wasn't said, wanted to believe that I had it best! "Arg!" I shouted, throwing Riptide to the ground in anger.

"Percy, calm down!" I heard somebody say, and I saw Grover, who looked like he was there for a little while. He's been gone for a month now off on wildlife patrol thing. "What's wrong?" Grover asked, sitting down beside me.

"Everything, Grover." I sighed heavily.

"Alright bud, lets go." Grover smiled, dragging me by my wrist and to Zeus' fist, where we talked when we needed to talk. "Annabeth mentioned a little bit, so go over it for me." Grover said, leaning against a tree casually.

"I- Mr Doc came and first thing I did to piss him off was almost shoot him with an arrow, since then I've been his target for everything, then my mom got into a car accident and almost died, and then Mr Doc felt like he needed to announce it to everyone, along with all my other damn problems." I growled, pacing slightly. It helped getting it off my chest. Deciding to take off my shirt, I showed Grover my back, which still showed the deep lines on my back, the one on my face was still there as well.

"Mr Doc did that?" Grover asked in shock and I nodded.

"And now whenever someone breaks the rules of something, I'm the one who gets punished for it!" I said angrily, but Grover's silence gave me some pretty bad news. "And he's right behind me." I said before turning around, facing Mr Doc who had a deadly look on his face.

"Perseus, follow me." He said and I lowered my head.

"Yes sir." I mumbled and followed him to the centre of camp, where everyone already was. Grover followed a safe distance behind, and he was as surprised as I was.

"I said whenever someone breaks the rules, the punishment falls on Perseus here, and somebody made a mistake by trying to assassinate me in my slumber." He said loudly, and I gulped under my breath. "So unless anyone volunteers?" He hinted, raising an eyebrow, but nobody stepped forward.

"Figures." I whispered to myself, making sure no one heard.

Where he dragged me to was a large sized post with four chains, two at the top and two for the bottom, and with a snap of his fingers, I was pushed to my knees and chained up. "And look at the hero, he can save everyone but no one can save him." Mr Doc said mockingly.

"Just get it over with." I growled, and it almost seemed to surprise him, for the first time, he stopped, and stared. He stared at what he'd done to me, what I had done to myself.

"A man who begs is weak, a man who asks is brave, and a man who demands is punished." He said after a minute. It was silent for a minute.

"Leave him alone!" Someone shouted, and I turned my head, seeing Leo step up, and it surprised me more than anything.

"And are you volunteering to take his place?" He asked with a raised eye brow.

"I guess I am." Leo said defiantly.

"No!" I growled, and the earth shakes, and everyone froze, no, not time, everyone, my powers stretched out and controlled everyone's blood. When I realized what I was doing, I calmed myself down, and everyone stood in shock, some fell. "Leo, everyone knew this would lash back at me, and that's on them, you don't need to take anything." I said, and Leo frowned, but nodded.

"And does the person who attempted to assassinate me want to take his place?" Mr Doc asked. No voiced came out, and I lowered me head. Where's Chiron when I needed him? Mr Doc cut off my shirt carelessly, making sure it dug into my skin as well. "Let's make some art." He hummed to myself, and dragged the knife across my skin, digging deeper and deeper until I cried out, pulling on the chains as much as possible. I squeezed my eyes shut as the pain overtook me.

It seemed to go on forever, so many people left, they couldn't handle it anymore, the blood, the sound of my crying out, sound of Mr Doc's chuckles. "And now we're done with that." He smiled calmly, and suddenly I heard the sound of the whip, first one was it just hitting air, after that, he started hitting me. It was hurting so bad, but I didn't cry, I couldn't bring myself to. I shouted, I screamed, I yanked at the chains to try to break free, but I did not cry.

   "What did Gabe teach you, huh?" He smirked at me, pausing, grabbing my face and pulling it up for everyone to see, my face was dry, which seemed to surprise my friends who had surprisingly stayed. "What don't boys do, huh?" He smirked at me.

    "Boys don't cry." I grumbled under my breath, tearing my face out of his hands, which caused him to whip me again, but I bit my lip.

   "Say it louder, loud enough for them all to hear." Mr Doc demanded, and I clenched my fists.

   "Boys don't cry." I said, I didn't shout, but I didn't whisper, all my friends looked at me in shock, some jaws dropped and some covered their mouths, others just stared.

    "And what's would you like to say to the boys in the crowd, share what Gabe taught you." He grinned sinisterly, and I looked at them, specifically Nico, who shifted nervously.

   "Cry if you damn well want to." I smiled, causing his eyes to go wide, all of them. Mr Doc growled and hit me repeatedly. "If it hurts, don't bury it," I squeezed my eyes as he hit me harder, "don't ever bottle it up," I continued, I didn't care what Mr Doc did, he can torment me. "It doesn't make you weak."

The pain became so unbearable, I'm not sure when I first screamed, or when I finally couldn't scream any more. I also don't remember when I was turned around and he started hitting my chest. I don't remember finally getting unchained or falling to the ground.

"Oh gods." Will said nervously. "Get me needle and thread right now! He's going to bleed out!" Will ordered loudly.

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