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Everyone gathered around, but Mr Doc didn't care, his sharp look told me if I didn't listen, the consequences would be worse than what's going to happen right now. Slowly, I walked in front of the target, and he aimed the arrow at me. "What's your darkest secret?" He asked, and I looked surprised.

"What?" I asked in shock, and his look told me he knew I heard him.

"I know everything about you, Perseus, so why not let everyone else know?" He asked, and I frowned. How did he? "How did I know? I know about everyone in this camp, Perseus, you aren't special. You're as useless as you've been told you are." Mr Doc scoffed.

"Mr Doc," Mr D started, even he knew this was to far, everyone did, but it didn't stop him.

"What's your secret." He said more than asked, and my silence was enough of an answer, and he sighed, putting the bow down. "And that's what I thought, Perseus, your weak, and afraid, and you know it." He said, and everyone stared at me. "Now you can go to your cabin until the morning. No dinner, and no socialization." He ordered, walking away.

I didn't bother protesting, what he said bugged me more than it should. And all they did was watch, they were waiting for an answer. I shut my door quietly, sitting on my bunk. How'd he know? He knew it all, he knew everything about everyone, and he will use it against us. Honestly, I was waiting for him to let the arrow impale me, I was waiting to be dead or something.

It was only nearing dinner, but I wasn't going, I don't want a repeat of earlier. Yeah, I'm afraid. Mr Doc is something else, a god maybe? A titan? I was unsure, but if I were being honest, I really don't want to find out.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I heard the sound of knocking, and I stood up casually, opening the door, seeing the faces of my friends. "Since the new director guy said no dinner, we thought we would bring you some snacks, and give you some company." Leo smiled, barging onto the cabin.

"He also said no socializing." I smirked, although I was nervous. This new guy puts makes anxious. "So how many other campers did he harass?" I asked, and Annabeth spoke up.

"Zero, he likes picking on you apparently." She said and I frowned.

"What did he mean earlier? When he said that 'you're as useless as you've been told you are'?" Jason quoted and I frowned, shrugging.

"Just bullies, nothing important." I said, taking a bite out of the apple I was given, and they looked at me like they didn't believe me.

"Do you think that your weak? Mr Doc seemed to think he knew everything about you." Hazel asked me and I frowned, rubbing my neck.

"I'm not the only one he knows everything about, he said so himself." I said simply, but they didn't like the answer, and it was obvious. Wow, this is real targeting here.

"All because you couldn't shoot an arrow." I heard Mr Doc say, standing in the doorway, and I gulped, so did the others. "Perseus, a word." He said, and the others stood up.

"It wasn't his idea, we barged in." Jason defended, but Mr Doc didn't care, he just continued to give me a hard look, and I stood up.

"I do not care who's idea it was. And it's not what I need to talk to him about, although he will be punished." He said, and I looked at my friends nervously, before following Mr Doc out of the cabin and to the big house, where Chiron was sitting, and they sat down beside each other, gesturing me to sit down across.

"What's this about?" I asked nervously, sitting in the seat anxiously. Chiron nodded at Mr Doc, who stood up and walked out calmly.

"It's about your mother." Chiron said sadly, and I instantly got scared.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly, and Chiron frowned heavily.

"She had gotten into a car accident with Paul, Paul is alright, a few injuries, but your mom is in a coma." He said, and I rubbed my face. My face fell, my frown was heavy, and I was done with just today.

"What happened?" I asked, a lump in my throat.

"A drunk driver in a semi truck." He said briefly, and I stood up quietly, walking back to my cabin, my head low. I locked the door as soon as I was in my cabin, and I sat on my bunk, tears started swelling in my eyes. It shouldn't have been her, my mom didn't deserve it.

Why do the worst things have to happen to the best people? My mom has been through way to much. First her parents death, her having to take care of her uncle and had to drop out of college, and then Gabe. Anger swelled up within me, I threw things off the wall and broke whatever I could. My sight was blurry because of tears, I was angry and bitter. It must've been an hour until I calmed down, enough for the silence to disappear and the knocking to come. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, so I just sat on my bunk silently, frowning out the noise of their yells.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now