Real side

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  So far the day was playing out like it used to, Mr Doc wasn't harassing me currently, and I was with my friends. We didn't talk about the new director, or my mom, or how I didn't sleep last night.  Things were calm for the first time in a few days.

  We were strolling around, Chiron had to leave camp for a few days so he said no training for today, but tomorrow Mr Doc will train us. I'm not looking forward to it. "So can you finally shoot a bow?" Leo asked jokingly and I shrugged, looked at my blistered, red, and bruised fingered.

  "Yeah, but I don't think my fingers ever want to pick up a bow again." I laughed, and Annabeth grabbed my wrist, looking at my damaged fingers in shock.

  "Damn that's some damage." Nico said casually, and I only shrugged casually.

  "Took me ages to hit the target. Past midnight I think." I shrugged and they looked surprised. "Then Mr Doc said I couldn't sleep last night cuz I slept all of yesterday, so I had to train more." I said, yawning casually.

  "Guys picking on you, isn't he?" Hazel asked and I shrugged.

  "Might be for a good reason, who knows." I shrugged, we walked by the big house, noticing a large group. "What's that about?" I asked curiously and my friends shrugged. I pushed my way through the crowd, and saw a boy a few years younger than me, cowering while Mr Doc stood over him with a whip. Natural instinct took over me and I stepped forward. "That's enough!" I shouted, and every whisper disappeared, it went so silent that someone could hear a pin drop.

  "And I assume you would rather take hit place?" Mr Doc asked with a raised eye brow. I jogged towards the boy and helped him up, and he scurried away with a small thank you. "Because the hero of Olympus needs to save everyone." He scoffed.

  "What's a hero when they don't help others." I said quietly.

  "Take off your shirt." He ordered, and I did what he ordered, I was nervous, I have so many old scars that are still visible. "Now drop down and give me 50." Mr Doc ordered, and I listened, but I was surprised when he hit my back with the whip, and it caused me to fall.

   "Come on! Hero of Olympus should be able to take a beating!" He shouted at me, as I continued to do push ups, and every time I went down, he hit me. I was almost done, and I was biting my lip trying not to cry out. Last one. When I was finished though, he winded up really good, and the sound snap, and I cried out, and crumbled to the ground, my back ached.

  "Sir, he's done, leave him alone." Jason said, leaning beside me.

  "No! Back up now before your next!" Mr Doc threatened, and I looked at Jason, telling him to listen. "Your afraid of humiliation, Jackson." He growled at me, kicking my stomach.

  "Percy!" Annabeth shouted, and I grunted, I wanted to sleep.

  "This is why you don't take other peoples punishments!" Mr Doc said, crouching beside me as I struggled to sit up. Everything hurt so much. "50 more!" He ordered, and I listened, just listen and it won't be as bad, hopefully. He didn't bring the whip down as many times. My arms were shaky by the time I reached 20, I couldn't do another 30.

  "Mr Doc, sir, if he keeps going, I can't help him much." Will said calmly, but I couldn't see how Mr Doc reacted.

  "Perseus you may stop." He said and I sighed in relief crashing to the ground in pain. "Stand up." He ordered, and I struggled to stand, but I managed. I could barely carry my weight, and I couldn't see, everything was blurry. But I heard the sound of the whip, and I felt it hit me across the face with such force that it caused me to fall and cry out, tears threatening to fall.

  "Oh my god Percy!" I heard someone shout, people were surrounding me, but I was hardly awake.

  "That hurt a little bit." I chuckled, but passed out right after. When I had finally woken up, I was on my stomach, and I was beyond sore. "I didn't miss this." I whispered to myself, standing up.

  "Percy-" Will started, until he realized something, "Perseus, you shouldn't be up right now." He said sternly, and I turned and saw Mr Doc, who looked unimpressed.

  "I'm fine." I said surely.

   "You've been saying your fine all your life so people think your strong, but that's truth?" Mr Doc asked me, and Will looked at me, expecting an answer.

   "Back off, sir." I growled and walked away, although my entire body disagreed with me. It wasn't my first time being whipped, and I thought I went through the last time to, but now I'm not to sure.

  "Percy? How are you feeling?" Nico asked me, walking up to me. Everyone saw me get whipped mercilessly, I'm not surprised that he was concerned.

  "Better." I smiled. Except for feeling humiliated. I turned and looked around me, that was Mr Doc and I know it for sure, but, where is he? Admit the truth Jackson.

  "You still look hurt, you should probably eat and then get some more rest. We've noticed you haven't eaten much since Mr Doc came." Nico said, giving me an unimpressed look, but I only shrugged.

   "Well I got a reason now." I whispered to myself, making sure Nico didn't hear. It was silent for a minute before he decided to speak up.

  "What happened to Sally?" He asked me. Everyone heard Mr Doc when he 'apologized' for what happened to my mom.

  "Drunk driver hit her vehicle, she's in a coma." I said quickly, walking towards my cabin. I've lost my appetite, and my need for socialization.

  "She's going to be alright, Percy, come and eat."

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now