Its not really ever over alernate

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    "What was that!" Jason asked me as he saw Mr Doc and Mr D walk away, talking about whatever they're talking about.

    "He has the ability to read minds, keep your minds quiet, Leo pointed out last time that he probably had to be focussing on whoever's thoughts he's reading, so if he's near you, keep it quiet that I am from the future." I said sternly, and they all looked at me.

    "You better explain everything." Annabeth growled firmly, she wasn't going to have any secrets.

    "That body, he fooled Hades and gave his body to vengeful spirits who seek revenge, the man in that body is my abusive ex step father who was turned to stone by my mother." I said, and their jaws all fell. Apollo had already left. "He tortured me, he figured out my fears and used them against me to torment me." I continued to explain.

    "What, which fear did he use?" Nico asked, raising an eyebrow. They all thought I was so fearless.

   "Public humiliation, being weak in front of others. I need to get back to my time, I need to know why I'm here." They didn't seem to care enough about the second part as much as the first. "First time I actually accidentally shot him, he made me practice until I got a break, then Jason checked up on me and I took a break and then Doc made me stand in front of the target and wanted me to tell everyone my darkest secret. That's when it mostly started because everyone watched. That was a huge this during this summer, everyone watched." I growled under my breath, putting the bow and arrow away.

"What do you mean that everyone watched? All summer?" Piper asked me, they all looked worried.

"I got tortured, whipped and having my head slammed against the floor, usually that was it. Nobody did anything. It's why I'm so bitter and angry now. Other than being weak all the time. Leo tried to volunteer to take a beating for me, the worst one I ever received because someone tried killing him. First time I got whipped, Jason tried asking for him to stop, other than that, it was silence from everyone around me." This was never something I could get over, I don't think so anyways. None of them could say anything. "I have to go call my mom and prevent her from going into a coma, I'll be back."

After I called my mom, I sat around. It would be a couple of days before he tried to beat that kid, was it tomorrow? I think so. Regardless, I went to the pavilion to wait for everyone else, I was bored, I couldn't drink or smoke or anything, I don't have any of my stuff anymore. "Perseus." I heard my name, and I saw Mr Doc, or Gabe. It's hard to think it's Gabe sometimes, because it's not his face.

"Yes, Gabe?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, and he looked surprised, but he didn't do anything. "Yes, I know, I know a lot, I know everything." The irony here, huh? It's finally the other way around, I don't feel so vulnerable.

"And what do you think you know?" He asked with a raised eyebrow sitting across from me. I saw myself smashing his face with a plate, beating him up mercilessly, hurting Leo before I fulfilled the prophecy of beating and killing him. I shook my head, trying to focus on the now.

"I know that this is going to end this summer, I'm not going to be abused by you again. I killed you once I'll do it again." This wasn't cockiness, or glee for murder, but anger.

"You never killed me, it was your dammed mother." He growled. This caused me to laugh hysterically, which made him prepare to back up a few steps.

"Oh the things you do not know." I growled. Well, I have to see if it was me killing him that sent me back here anyways. I pulled out riptide and stabbed him, although I didn't like killing him, I can't do this. It was pretty quick after where everything went black.

My eyes opened again, and I cursed, training. Sighing, I pretended that nothing happened, this wasn't happening. Maybe this isn't happening, maybe I'm just crazy. Yeah, just crazy.

The day continued to go on, I said the same things I said the first time around, although I didn't remember it all, I remember what makes sense for me to say, me acting clueless and dumb, why am I in this loop? "Hey cuz!" Apollo grinned and waved, "you ready to show me how good you are at archery?" He asked enthusiastically. He was so excited to mock me, to laugh at me, watch me struggle. I laughed nervously.

   "Uh, no?" I forced myself to act casual. Just shoot the arrow so badly it almost hits Mr Doc.

     "Chill, you got this cuz!" He smiled, handing me a bow and arrow. Hesitantly, I notched the arrow, which succeeded in almost hitting Mr Doc, who caught it. This entire thing is like déjà vu and I didn't like it.

    Soon enough, I was standing in front of the target carelessly, and everyone was standing around, looking nervous.

   "I know everything about you, Perseus, so why not let everyone else know?" He asked, and I didn't do anything other than slightly lean against the wall. How did he? "How did I know? I know about everyone in this camp, Perseus, you aren't special. You're as useless as you've been told you are." Mr Doc scoffed again. It was all like the first time.

"Mr Doc." Mr D warned, he still could sense that I wasn't myself. He thought I'd go crazy, but maybe he hasn't quite realized that I am.

    "What's your darkest secret? Come on, tell everyone!" He said, he didn't say that the first time around, maybe it's my demeanour towards him.

    "Yeah, so, here's the thing, secrets aren't secrets if everyone knows. But hey, you know, I think that counts for something." I smirked charismatically, this seemed to push his buttons a bit, but I didn't care to much.

    "Are you to much of a coward? You afraid everyone will view you different? You happy with how everyone perceives you?" He asked, I couldn't bring myself to get angry.

    "That sums it up pretty well." I laughed, nobody else looks amused. "Yeah, well, this is all going to happen again regardless so you might as well shoot me." I shrugged opening my arms to make myself a bigger target. He didn't shoot though. "Well I think you're more a coward than me." I said, walking up to him and grabbing the bow and arrow. "Because if it were the other way around, I wouldn't have hesitated." I whispered to him, nobody heard but him, and he didn't like it, that's when he stabbed me, in the skull.

New camp director (Percy Jackson fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin