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   The pavilion was full of whispers, and Chiron was still gone. People were pointing at me while whispering to each other, but I only kept my head low. I don't know what's wrong with me! I was getting frustrated and angry, and I was done with Mr Doc.

  "Perseus, come sit with me." Mr Doc said from behind me, and I gulped, and I gave Nico a small pleading look, I wanted him to get me out of it.

  "Percy and I needed to discuss some things, actually." Nico said.

  "As I've told your friend, around me, he is addressed as Perseus and Perseus only. And unless you want the same thing that happened to him yesterday to happen to you, I'd walk away." He said, and Nico shut up. Mr Doc knew how to make someone shut up.

  "Sorry sir." I mumbled, and I walked away from Nico and followed Mr Doc to the table he sits at, and I sat down across.

   "You're humiliated, aren't you?" He asked in a casual tone, not overly loud, but loud enough that people could hear if they listened.

  "Excuse me?" I questioned in a quiet tone, I was surprised by his question, it was so blunt and honest.

  "You feel humiliated, because everyone saw a weakness, everyone saw that you have a limit. You pretend that you're stronger than you actually are." He said, and at this, everyone shut up to listen.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." I said quietly, and Mr Doc gained an angry look on his face.

  "You know exactly what I'm talking about, ever since you were a kid, trying to protect everyone, your mother from your previous step father, your friends from monsters, and now, others from me!" He shouted, and I felt all colour drain from my face, I felt like puking. "You've taken endless abuse from everyone around you since you were four years old!" He continued to shout.

  Nobody said a word, nobody felt obligated to, right now, the only focus was on Mr Doc and I. "And now your to afraid to say anything! What are you afraid of, if you talk you will lash out?! If you talk you will break down?! Or if you talk out of turn you will get a beating, just like your previous step father used to do!" He shouted, no longer questioning me, but yelling, because he knew the answer. "Give me an answer, give everyone here an answer!" He ordered, but my mouth was sealed. I wasn't going to cry.

   "You already know the answer, if your as smart as you say you are." I said quietly, but everyone heard me, and some people gasped, some people didn't know what to expect. Older campers started dragging out younger campers in fear something will happen. "I'm not afraid of getting beaten, sir." I said defiantly.

  "No, your not, your afraid of why. Not being good enough? Saying something you shouldn't have? Making a bad decision? Or for simply just being alive, for not killing yourself?" He asked, and he calmed down, he liked to humiliate me, and it was clear as day. "I know that you've tried, to be good enough, to shut your mouth when you need to, make the best decisions, and tried to solve the being alive problem, tell everyone of your attempts!" He shouted at the end again.

  "Per-" Annabeth started. "Perseus." She said, correcting herself in front of Mr Doc. "What is he talking about?" She asked me quietly. My mind felt numb, I felt like I couldn't move, and I felt my breath quicken, but I tried to slow it down.

  "Or how about the anxiety attacks! Or the self harm! Or sleepless nights!" Mr Doc continued, and all the rage finally built up.

  "Just shut up!" I shouted at him, and he sat still, his glare turning into amusement. "My problems and my past are my own and not everyone else's!" I shouted at him, standing up. "And you don't need to sit at yell at me for what! Tell me exactly what the point of this all is!" I shouted, leaning over the table and glared at him fiercely.

  "Because you are simply to afraid to admit anything about you that's personal. Annabeth, what's one thing you know about him that no one else does. Don't bother trying to keep it secret, or else I'm going to reveal other things out Perseus here." He smirked, but it wasn't nice, it was one of him knowing he won.

  "He controlled Misery's poison, in Tartarus." Annabeth whispered, and Mr Doc nodded at her.

  "And revealed that when angered enough, can turn into a monster." He said, and I frowned. I knew it was true.

  "You know what, I'm not doing this anymore." I said, starting to walk away, until he grabbed me by the hair and knocked me down, slamming my head into the ground repeatedly.

  "And what are you going to do, Perseus?" He asked as he continued to hit my head into the ground. When he finally stopped, I couldn't see, or feel. I felt like I lost all my senses. His words kept repeating in my head, I didn't understand how he angered me so easily, like he had a handle on me. Once again, I tried sitting up, I can't be weak. "I can't be weak, he thinks. Can't let others down, he thinks." Mr Doc said, although the words slipped through my head, and I couldn't even process it.

  I managed to sit up, and grip my head in my hands, trying to soothe the pounding headache. Well, that was the intention, I wasn't up for long until I was kicked in the head, and my head bounced off of the ground. My ears were ringing, and I could barely keep my eyes opened.

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