Snap Back to Reality

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Nikolai sat there stunned, letting what he was told sink in. Me, who sat calmy beside him drinking vodka, was severely traumatized, and not showing a shred of the pain in my facial features.

"I did not know you had gone through such pain," Nikolai said to them, "I apologize if I brought up any.. unpleasant memories.."

I just shrugged. Yeah, it was fucking painful, but I wasn't gonna say that. He wanted to know me. He knew me now.

"I just kinda wish Dempsey and Richtofen weren't gay..." I said quietly.

Nikolai looked at me with a surprised look.

"Eh, I find them attractive. Its ok though. What isn't ok is them fucking so loud the dead again undead can hear them."

Nik nodded, held out his hand for the vodka, and took a large swig, leaving about a quarter of the bottle left.

I pulled out my Ray Gun Mark 2. Staring at the blood red metal, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart, remembering the headless corpse laying on my floor.

Heavy breathing was heard from behind me and Nik, and turning around revealed the gay couple, dressed very sloppily, and with their hair messed up.

"Oh, looks like the lover boys decided to come down for their shift," I said, smirking.

Dempsey and Richtofen both blushed a deep red and shifted awkwardly on their feet.

"Come on, comrade. It is our turn to try for sleep," the Russian said to me.

We got up and went to our separate rooms.

3rd Person POV

The young man ran through the trees, undead on his heels. Holding the Dualbore, he fended off as many walking corpses as he could, but they were getting closer, and his weappn was running dry..
Running for his life, he came across a house, boarded up and fortified. Two people were sitting outside on watch, while a man and an incredibly familiar face were headed inside..

And then he realized who it was..

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