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Aaron's POV

I crawled out from under the bed, only to be met with a zombie. I didn't think, I just smashed the heaviest object down on his head while screaming, which obliterated the walking corpse's head. Another was trying to get in the door, and I ran and killed it.

There were a lot more, and not a lot of time, so I started killing them before they could reach Henry.

I wasn't able to stay, however. They kept coming, and I ran, getting them to chase me, so that Henry would be safe.

I ran and I ran. The zombies were so stupid that they fell for my trick, but I hadn't fully thought it through. I thought I was a goner, but then I spied a chalk drawing of a gun on a wall.

"This.. this isn't a joke, right?" I said to myself.

Sprinting over to it, I noticed it looked like Henry's favourite gun from Black Ops 4 Zombies, the Spitfire. I hesitantly reached out tk grab it, and felt my fingers close around cold metal, while my pockets were suddely lighter.

I fucking wall-bought a gun.

"This is fucking weird," I said to myself, as I pulled the trigger, sending a stream of bullets into the reanimated bodies infront of me.

I quickly looked around saw a bike on a nearby driveway. Hopping on it and pumping my short legs, I went as fast as I could, but was still being closely followed by the zombies.

I went towards the next town, Caledonia, a small town that, ironically, had the same name as the town me and Henry used to live near, in Canada.

But of course, there was no sign of my boyfriend. I had most likely gone to the wrong town. But it was too late. The undead were surrounding me, and I almost gave up when I saw the Mystery Box.

"Ok, now its just too much.." I had said, hitting the box.

By some random luck, I managed to get a fairly decent gun, the Dualbore. Not sure why the fuck this was happening, I fired.

And I missed. I fired again, and thank god I did not miss, because I really didn't want this to become a Game Grumps skit.

It took a shit ton of time, but I managed to stay alive long enough to find my brother.

Who was almost dead, zombies swarming him.

I pulled out the Ray Gun I had traded the Spitfire for and blasted the corpses. And thankfully, I was not too late. Ethan was ok, and holding the two cats in a carrier.

"Get the fuck out of here, Ethan. Get somewhere safe," I said to him.

"What about you, Aaron?" He asked me.

"I.. still have someone to find.."

He nodded in understanding, gave ne a hug, and left, after I had given him my spare pistol, the KAP-45.

I trudged on and on, my life almost over multiple times, pressing onwards in the hopes of finding Henry still alive. I wandered for weeks, then months, then...

Years went by, Henry was nowhere to be seen. I had basically given up hope when I stumbled on this really fortified house, with some vaguely familiar faces and..

"Holy shit..."

I stopped dead in my tracks.


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