Chapter 22

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Ell's Pov
I sat on the floor beside the bed rocking back and forth with Rydel sitting in my lap and my arms around her. She was still sobbing, but it was way calmer now. I pulled away to look her in the eyes. She kept her head down, I took two fingers and lifted her chin so she was looking at me. I wiped the tears from her eyes. "Princess tell me what's wrong?" I whispered rubbing her cheek. She opened her mouth and slowly started to speak. "Today I got sick so I decided to take a pregnancy test and.." My mind went blank I couldn't talk or move. "Ell, are you okay?" I heard Delly say. "Yeah it's just umm you're not pregnant right?" I asked scared. "No but you seem so scared, what if I was would you leave me?" She started to cry again.

"No princess no, I just I don't think I'm ready to be a father. If you were pregnant I would step up and do everything possible to help you and my child." She looked up and I saw the beautiful smile I loved she hugged me. "I love you so much baby girl I would never ever leave you." I said kissing her. I pulled away "So baby why were you crying?" I asked confused. "Ell I don't know, I know I'm not ready for a child but you know there was a part of me that wanted a child someone that is part of me and you something to tie our relationship. I know it sounds stupid but I-" "Hey it does not sound stupid at all baby. You wanted something to make sure I'm always here and I always will be."

"We have a lot of ups and downs but it will never affect my feelings for you. I will always love you. Forever and Always" I said looking deeply into her eyes. I saw tears build up "Ell that was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I love you too forever and always." I leaned in and kissed her. We pulled away and I saw a smile not a fake one a real one the one I've been waiting for. I'm happy to say I put that smile on her face and I want it stay there for the rest of her life. I know exactly how to do that but I gotta do some things first......

What's Ellington thinking of? More drama Yayy haha. Sorry for the lack of updates I have been super busy lately. I'm writing more tonight I promise chapter 23 will be up by tomorrow(:
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❤️ Gabby

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