Chapter 9

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Ellington's Pov

"Rydel and Ross Lynch?" The doctor said. "Yes" we replied. "Well it seems that Ross just passed out due to hyperventilation he's asleep now he'll be up soon." "What about Rydel?" I ask worried. "Oh yes, she unfortunately slipped into a coma, we are not sure when she's gonna wake up though." He said. "May we see them?" Stormie asked tears in her eyes. "Of course, Mr.Lynch is in room 426 and Mrs.Lynch is in ICU which is about a hallway down from Ross." he said walking away. 

As soon as he left I ran to ICU they pushed me out though. "FAMILY ONLY!" The guard yelled. I started to break down then Mark said "He's her brother and I'm her father let us in." He stepped out of the way we walked all the way to Rydel's side, I saw the love of my life and so called 'sister' laying there with a million of cords attached to her. "I'm gonna give you some alone time." Mark whispered. I turned and watched him walk out.

 The nurse came and asked me who I was I told her I was her brother she looked at me and I said fine, I'm her best friend then she said something that shocked me "and you love her?" I just stopped and nodded my head. Then I said "please don't tell the guard he al-" "I won't, you have my word." After she walked out I walked to Rydel's bed. "Hey Delly you probably can't hear me but I'm here and I miss you so much I just don't know what to do, I know what you would say exactly it would be this "Ellington move on and live your life don't dwell on me I'm nothing to be dwelled on" but you Rydel you are something to be dwelled on your so beautiful and perfect I love you so much and I just can't lose you." I managed to get out as I sobbed. 

I saw Stormie in the hallway she heard everything she came and hugged me.  "You know Ellington, Rydel used to always tell me she needed a superhero and I think she found one today." She said smiling. We hugged once again and I just cuddled to her and cried. Please wake up Rydel I'm such a fucking mess right now I need you, I need an angel.

A/n: I was crying writing this chapter omg 😭 Updating again tomorrow.

Stay Beautiful 💙

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