Chapter 16

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Rydel's Pov

I woke up and turned over there was a note on the pillow it said,

"Baby, I had to go my mom wanted me home to starting packing I know your really confused, I'll explain later. Don't let it worry you I love you so much Be careful remember you just got out of the hospital.

Love, your amazing, super sweet, and hilarious boyfriend.

P.S: You're beautiful and I love you"

I smiled at the end he really is a sweet boyfriend. I rolled back over and grabbed my phone. I smiled at the picture of me and Ellington, I was on his back and we were both laughing. I unlocked my phone and checked the time it was 10 am, then I opened twitter and read some of the tweets I got recently. I wish I didn't. Apparently Rocky posted a picture of me and Ellington cuddling last night. My feed was blown up with rydellington tweets some were so sweet and some weren't. As I read and read they kept getting worse they were calling me ugly and fat and saying that Ellington deserved better than me and that I was annoying.



Your a stupid ugly slut, obviously you believe it yourself, that's why you cut.. I don't know why Ellington likes you I bet he doesn't I bet he feels bad for you.


I just dropped my phone and I felt tears come to my eyes. She's right Ell probably just feels bad for me. I ran to my bathroom and I locked the door and sat on the floor. Why does everyone hate me why do I have to be so ugly and fat. I just bawled and bawled. Then I saw my scale in my bathroom I stood on it and it said 110 Ibs. Why? I found my hidden blades I know I promised Ellington but it just hurts so bad. I reached for the blade. Before I could cut myself I heard a knock on the door. "Delly are you in there, you promised you'd drive me to the set today I need to be there in an hour." I heard Ross's voice say. Oh yeah.

I promised him."Yeah I was just about to take a shower." I answered. Then I got up and put my hair in a messy bun and turned on the shower. Thank god Ross came or I would of broke a promise which I am not going to do hopefully. After about 15 mins I hopped out of the shower and got dressed. I put on some leggings then grabbed my rock 'n' roll t shirt and Ellington's hoodie. I took down my hair and straighten it then put on some foundation concealer and eyeliner and mascara. Lastly I put on my brown uggs and grabbed my phone then went downstairs to get some breakfast.

I got a yogurt as I was eating I noticed my phone had cracked great. Ross came down the stairs I fixed his hair then we got in my car and left. "Del, are you and Ellington together?" Ross asked curiously. What do I say I'm gonna tell him I mean he is my brother. "Yeah" I say nervous. "Oh well he better or not hurt you or I'll-" "I know Ross you'll break his face." I say laughing, knowing he wouldn't. "You know it." He said and I just rolled my eyes and laughed. Soon we pulled up to the studio and he got out. "Are you coming?" he asked. "Nope gotta get my phone fixed" I said showing him my phone. "Whoa what did you do?" "I dropped it this morning, I'll come back afterwards." I said. "Okay bye Del, I love you" "I love you too" I said smiling just Ross saying that made me feel better. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the Apple store.


Hey guys so I finally updated I'm so sorry i have been so busy and i just saw that this sorry hit 1.6k views which is crazy so thanks you guys. Vote and comment please (:

Love, Gabby

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