Chapter 24

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Ellington's Pov

I was going ring shopping for Rydel , yup I decided to propose. I invited Rocky to come but he doesn't know thats what we are actually doing. I may have told him that we were going shopping for new converses, oops.

As we got in my car I started to drive to ring store. As we pulled in the look on Rocky's face was priceless, "Um dude why are we here?" he asked really confused. "Seriously Rocky think." I said laughing. "You're proposing to Rydel?" he said or more like whispered like he couldn't believe it.

"Duh you idiot" "Seriously! Woah this is huge, Did you tell Riker." he asked. "No you're the first one to know." "I feel so honored." he said putting his hand over his heart. "Shut up and come on."

As we walked into the store this young blonde girl came up to us, she couldn't be older than 20. "So are you two looking for a ring" she said. "Oh um yes, I am for my girlfriend this is her brother, I'm Ellington and this is Rocky." "Oh then let's look, anything in mind?" she asked. "She loves roses."I've got the perfect one." She said smiling.

We followed her and stood at the counter. She reached down and picked up this black box and handed it to me. "Open it." she said smiling. I opened the box and I knew this was it. "Dude she'll love that." Rocky said smiling also. I looked at it.

"Its Perfect, how much?" I asked honestly not caring how much it was she was worth it. "Its $12,550, will that work?" I didn't say anything just handed her my card. "Thank you sir, I hope everything works out with you and Rydel."

I looked back, she smiled and winked. She knew exactly who we were. Wow haha. We got in the car and Rocky said "So how are you gonna propose?" "That's what we are doing next after I ask for your dad's blessing to marry her." To the Lynches we go.

When we got to the house I called everyone to the living room. "So I called you all down here because I need to ask for something." My hand started to shake, what if they say no. I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Rocky he nodded. "I wanna propose to Rydel." I said They all looked at me. Oh no.

Rydel's Pov

We were all hanging out in the mall and everything was going great till Laura got a text. Laura had went to the bathroom and left her phone on the table of course it vibrated and let's just say not the best person texted. Courtney picked up her phone and she looked confused.

"It's Ross, he said that they needed to talk and to text him as soon as possible he also said he loved her." We all looked surprised. "Well maybe they just need to talk about something with work." I said trying to make the situation better.

"Ry, A&A is over what would they need to talk about?" Court said in the verge of tears. "I don't know if I can do this anymore, all the hate from the fans, Ross lying to me, and I'm sorry but I have to go, I can't.

She started to run away as Laur came back. "Hey, where's Court?" "She left because of you and Ross." Vanni said. "Oh my god she saw Ross's text didn't she?"

"Yeah." I said "what's that about anyway?" I asked. "Ross needed my help planning his surprise for her." She said and then soon covered her mouth.

"Oh no, she's probably about to confront Ross we need to catch her." I said worried. We all got up and ran to the cars.

Riker's Pov

Ellington just asked if he could propose to Rydel. I got up and walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder he flinched. "Dude I'm not gonna hit you and yes you have my blessing." I said hugging him.

Soon dad stood up, "Ellington, you know she's my baby girl the only one and honestly I don't want her to get married but what dad does and if she does get married I would be so proud to walk her down that aisle to you. You're one of the nicest men I've ever meant and I know you'll take great care of her." dad said smiling with tears in his eyes.

Ellington's smile got bigger and everyone then nodded. "Let's get to planing this proposal!" Stormie said excitedly. Then Courtney busted through the door, Tears coming down her face and Ross stood up.

Ross's Pov

I stood up and walked over to Court, "Baby what's wrong?" I asked worried. "Don't call me that!" she snapped back. "Okay well come talk to me please." I said compromising. She looked down so I walked up to her and threw her over my shoulder. See Court won't take about her problems unless you make her and this has happened before.

I sat her down on my bed. She still didn't talk, then suddenly she looked at me. "You're such a dirty cheating bastard." she spat at me. Wait what? "What are you talking about?" I asked confused as ever. "You're cheating on me with Laura, you know the fans always said you guys had something I just never believed it because I love you too much."

Then I saw that text tand it killed me." she said as she started to cry. "No baby there's nothing going on with us, I was texting her because shes helping me with something." I said comforting her. "Okay and I know you guys are friends but I don't like the I Love you's, I'm so worried you're gonna leave me for her you've known her for four years I mean why wouldn't you. I can't sleep Ross, I'm so worried and the fan hate isn't helping, you know I act strong but it's slowly killing me, I just can't do it anymore." She said bawling.

I just scooted closer to her and pulled her in my lap rocking her. We will get through this together and if we have to break up or if she wants to then we will,but I will always love her. "I love you so much Court, so much." I said kissing her head.

A/N : More on Rydellington and on Rourtney and Raura. Elllington proposing yayy! The next chapter will be all about planning the proposal and then the next will be the proposal. This book's almost over :( But I've started a Ross ff so that will be out right after this one ends :) Updating soon <3

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