Chapter 26

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Rydel's Pov

"Now explain please..."

Ellington looked up at me and said "Rydel it was a big mistake I-" "Ellington! please just explain, I don't need anymore excuses. You're just making it worse on you" I said being completely honest with him.

"Okay fine, so you know last night that Riker and I went to that new club they built recently?" I nodded wanting him to continue. "Well when we got there, we immediately got drinks and after a while we got drunk. This random girl who I had been talking with throughout the night, got me completely stoned she would bring drinks back every time mine was empty." he said staring down.

"I don't remember anything besides her dragging me up the stairs and then it's all a blur, I woke up that morning in bed with her and we were naked. I didn't know what to do, I panicked got dressed and ran downstairs to find Riker. Once I found him I had already decided I wasn't gonna tell anyone about it." He looked up finally and said "But Ry every time I saw your face it killed me to know I cheated on you."

"So I decided to do something even more stupid and just ignore you but it was harder than I ever thought because every time I saw you I wanted to run up and kiss you and hug you but I couldn't." Tears started to brim his eyes again. "I'm Sorry, I'm so sorry." he then started to sob uncontrollably.

I sat there for a second then it hit me he was drunk. He was stupid enough to get drunk at a party and cheat on me with some random chick. I said what came straight to my head, "Ellington, I-I think w-we n-need a b-break" He looked up at me and I died on the inside but it's for the best.

I got up and ran out of the room and found my mom. She'll understand, so I told her everything that happened in the room. She hugged me and said "Honey,if you think you guys need a break then you need a break thats okay." I just hugged her. "Thanks mom." I said smiling. "No problem sweetheart."

Ellington's Pov

"Ellington, I-I think w-we n-need a b-break"

When I heard that I died inside. I need to make this right, I need to fix this. Before I could speak to her she got up and ran out. Soon Riker and Rocky came in. "Hey dude we heard everything, man I'm sorry" Rocky said patting my back.

"I know how to get her back too. We are gonna go with the plan for the proposal." I said looking at them. "Wait are you still gonna propose or are you just gonna ask her back?" Riker asked.

"I think I'm gonna propose still, its hopefully gonna work please let it work." I said thinking out loud. They both looked at me hopeful and worried. Please let this work.

We got up and started setting everything up for what exactly we were gonna do for the proposal we got everyone ready to help and got their opinion on the plan. Ross and Courtney were setting up the beach spot with Stormie. While Riker and Savannah worked on getting everything prepped for Rydel and mines outfit, and for setting up the actually big surprise. Rocky, Ryland, Mark, and I worked on the song choice and what exactly I'm gonna say. I got up and decided to go check on Rydel, we may not be dating but I can still be her best friend.

Rydel's Pov

I was sitting on the beach just staring at the ocean. I felt someone sit beside me, I looked over to see Ellington. "Hey" I said quietly. "Hey princess, what's up?" "Nothing just thinking about our conversation earlier, Ell I'm sorry I just don't know what to do anymore." "I was thinking oh we're best friends it's gonna work out perfectly but it didn't and I just don't know what to do." I said honestly.

"Rydel, no matter how perfect a couple thinks they are for each other there we always be fights and breakups. I'm gonna be honest I think we should get back together, we will fight this together better than we can apart and I love you so much and we can do this together." he said looking straight into my eyes.

I looked up into his eyes. Next thing I know he hugged me, I hugged him back and felt tears come to my eyes. "Baby I don't wanna see you cry no, I wanna see you smile." Ellington sang wiping my tears. "So Rydel Mary Lynch, will you take me back? Please say you'll be my girlfriend again." He asked. "Of course I will because Ell we are better together." I said smiling. "There's that beautiful smile, the real one, my favorite one." He said smiling. I laughed and kissed him. Finally I have my one and only back and I hope it stays this way, forever.

A/N: here's the update. Rydel and Ellington made up yay and Rydel might be on the same line Ellington is hopefully she says yes. Updates may be slower due to the fact I'm working on summer reading and I still have to write 2 essays and finish a book in 16 days, so it will be slower and I hope you guys can bear with me. Enjoy this update, another one coming as soon as possible.

Love, Gabby <3

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