Chapter 5

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Rydel's Pov

*read end of ch. 4 continuing from there*

Ellington was one of my best friends well still is. The reason I care so much is because I try so hard to hide my depression especially from Ell because I.... I like him or more like love him I've liked him for 4 years now. Why would he ever like a girl like me, I'm depressed, worthless, and lonely. I mean I've never had a boyfriend, who would want to date me? 

Now, that Ell knows I'm depressed, he's gonna be weirded out and stay away from me. Why me? I thought. I got up and went to my bathroom and opened my secret drawer full of razors and blades. Yes, I cut I have for 2 years now and no one has noticed. As I make the cuts in my wrist I whisper words to myself  "ugly, worthless, weirdo, slut." After 12 cuts about I made at least 6 on each wrist. I then wipe off the blood and I hop into bed dreaming about Ell loving me.

*end of pov*

Ell's Pov

I was playing video games with Rocky when my stomach turned something was wrong. But what was it? I just forgot about it and continued playing, maybe it's for the best I thought.

A/n Why Ell? And Ps I'm not promoting self harm please don't hurt yourselves you're all beautiful!

Love, Gabby (:

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