Chapter 13

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Marivita's POV

"Tell me" Isabela says poking me again and again,
"Nooo one." I groan.
"There you are!" Mirabel says walking out of the casita, interrupting us thankfully. "I've been looking for you. What's up with you?" She says looking at Isabela.
"Mari lik-" her mouth disintegrates before she can finish.
"MARI!" Mirabel shouts in disbelief.
"Shit, I didn't mean to do that." I say making Isabela's mouth reappear. "Lo siento."
She reaches up for her mouth, "I missed this beautiful mouth, don't ever do that again." She hisses.
"I didn't mean to." I protest.
"Mhmm," she says walking back into the casita.
Mirabel helps me off the ground and we walk back inside.
Guests are starting to leave and the music is slowing. A group of people are all standing outside of my room in the casita, looking at the door.
"Crap!" I say, my dad is up there looking at the door.
"What?" Mirabel asks.
I pull Mirabel along with me as I hide behind a wall. She looks at me confused but I cover her mouth before she says anything. I nod my head to the side gesturing where my dad is. she looks up and sees him and looks back at me, eyes wide.

"He can't know." I whisper to her, still with my hand on her mouth. "I can't go home if he knows."

She pushes my hand off her mouth, "nonsense," she says, "you can't just avoid your dad forever."

"Why not?" I frown, "I reckon I could."

She shakes her head, "He's your padre (dad)."

"So?" I don't get where her point is here.

"Come on." she says dragging me back into the main part of the house again.

She starts walking to a flight of stairs, I stay where I am and shake my head.

"Luisa!" Mirabel calls with a smug grin.

"Wha- no don't get Luisa." But she's already next to Mirabel, "How did you get here so fast?"

Mirabel looks at Luisa, its as tho they can read each other's thoughts because Lusia walks over and scoops me up throwing me over her shoulder. I try to get away from her but all she does is tighten her grip to the point where I can barley breathe.

"Hola señor," mirabel says to my dad who's standing outside my door
"Ah Marivita," he says look at me with and points at the door, "what is this?"
I stiffen up and don't respond. He's trying to keep calm around other people.
"I'm talking to you." He says more aggressively. "We're going home and you're gonna explain this. You've hung around these weirdos for to long."
"They aren't weirdos!" I say defensively
"Come on!" He says grabbing my arm and yanking me away from Mirabel who gives me an apologetic look. She doesn't know what I'm in for.
We get home and he slams the door shut and goes to grab a beer out of the fridge. I can tell he had been drinking at the Madrigals as well.

"You want to explain why the fuck you were on that door?" He says loudly.
"Not particularly." I say, hoping my vagueness will lessen his angry.
"Don't do that bullshit with me! Tell me what's going on!" He says aggressively. Clearly not.
"I don't know what's going on," I say, "one minute I'm normal next minute I get some gift door thingy."
"The door in the casita?" He says
He takes a step closer to me and I step back, "you know how ridiculous you sound!" He hisses
"But it's all true. I got a gift, I don't know why me." I say
"You're embarrassing this family. First Carlos went nuts and now you!" He says coming closer to me as I'm now against the wall. "If you can do magic prove it."
I can smell the liquor in his breath, "I can make stuff disintegrated."
He slaps me across the face, I hold my hand to it, to stop it from stinging, "don't talk that shit to me."
Tears run down my face.
"You want a second one?" He says raising his fist this time, putting his beer down on the table. I hold my hand up to his making his arm disappear. Instead of it startling him it makes him more furious. His second arm whips up.

Everything goes black for a second as my knees buckle. I slide down the wall, onto the floor. He hit me square in the nose. Blood is dripping from it.
The dress!
"Hand me a tissue!" I shout trying to stop the blood from getting on Mirabel's dress. "You can punch me again I don't care, just get me the tissue!"
All I care about is making sure I won't ruin her dress. He walks over slowly scrunches the tissue up and places it in my hand and I cover my nose with it and struggle to stand back up. It's to late, blood already had gone down my arm and onto the dress.
Ma and abuelo walk in to see the scene.
"Where's his arm!?" Abuelo gasps. "Did you hit her!" He shouts.
I run out the house barging past ma and abuelo in the doorway.
I run till I'm as far away from the house as possible and just walk to the lake. I sit on the grass, there's a cool breeze that makes me shiver. I consider swimming across the lake and seeing what's over the other side but I'll be blocked off by mountains at some point anyways.
Tears are running down my face which I wipe away.
I bring my knees to my face and wrap my arms around my legs.
Somehow I drift off into sleep.

I squint my eyes open to the morning sunrise. Mirabel's dress now has dirt all along the hem.
My nose is aching, dried blood is all down my face. I walk down and get a handful of water from the lake, trying my best to wash the blood off my face and the dress. I accidentally knock my nose tho. Making me wince in pain as blood starts leaking out of it again.
Great now I have to see Julieta.
I turn around ready to leave when I see someone who was standing behind me.

Their voice shakes "Marivita?"

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