The Able Sisters-Sable

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I wake up and head downstairs to start sewing on a new piece of clothing. Suddenly I hear Mable scream. I immediately leap up and race towards Lables room. Mable stands there crying. I look towards the bed, which is empty. I know exactly what Lables done.
"Why did she leave us..." Mable cries. I hug her.
"I-I don't know." I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I decide to go outside and see Tom. He always understands me. I head towards his small store and enter. I see him frowning at a small piece of paper.
"Tom?" I ask. He looks up and smiles.
"Sable!" He calls. "What's wrong?"
"L-Labelle ran off to go to the city! I don't know what to do!" I burst into tears. He pats my back.
"It's going to be ok!" He smiles. "Listen Sable, I need to tell you something."
I sense the seriousness in his voice and sit down.
"I'm...going to the city..." He says. My heart stops.
" can't be serious!" I shout.
"I'm sorry, it's just, the village is to small and I want to expand my horizons! You could come too!" Tom says. "We could start a department store which sells handmade clothing aswell as furniture!"
"I'm sorry Tom...I don't want to go to the city. I like it here in the village." I mutter. Toms face falls.
"Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I guess this is goodbye." Tom walks over and hugs me. I try to suck in the tears. Tom was always there for me, when my parents died, when I was having a hard time with my sisters, he was always there.
"We will see each other soon Sable! Don't worry. We can make plans for a department store in the village when I get back. Sounds like a plan?" He asks. I laugh and nod.
"Sounds like a plan."
I walk back to the store and enter my room. I burst into tears.
"Sable? Are you ok?" I hear Mable ask from outside.
"Y-Yes...I-im fine!" I scream. It just isn't fair.
"Sis...I know your not..." Marble says, as she slowly opens my creaking door.
"I'm fine ok Mable! Just leave me alone!" I scream. Her eyes open wide and she scrambles off. I feel guilty for yelling at her but I feel sad. I feel like it's all my fault. I feel angry at myself, angry at Mable, angry at Lable, angry at everything...but worst of all, I feel angry at Tom. How could he just leave me. I roll over on my small bed and stare at the shop Tom owns. It was big...far bigger than my store. I watch as I see Tom taking out boxes to the path. He looks around and for a brief second...I feel like he looked at me. I sit up a bit...but he turns around and hurries back into his shop. I sigh and watch as he places it's of wood over the windows, restricting me from looking in. Suddenly I cry, all the memories flood back and I can't control it anymore. Once he moves to the city...he'll probably never see me again.

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