The Able Sisters-Labelle-Part 2

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I wave slowly as the bus rumbles through the tunnel. I turn and walk back up the stairs. I stare around at the huge much as I hate to admit...I miss the small village. Not that I would tell anyone that... I walk back to the store and open the glass doors before locking them and hurrying up to my apartment. I lay in bed and before I know it, I'm fast asleep.


"LABELLE!!!!" I wake up suddenly as I hear Gracie screaming my name. "LABELLE!!!!!!"
I rush down the stairs hurriedly to see Gracie standing by the glass cabinet containing the fabrics.
"Y-yes?" I ask shakily.
"Why...are there fabrics missing!" She yells. I wince.
"I don't know Miss...." I shrink against the wall.
"I have told you that your on your last'm going to be away at a high class meeting and I want you to run the store. If anything goes missing...YOUR FIRED!!!" She screams before heading out the door. I sigh and head upstairs to get changed. I glance at the clock and notice we have an hour until we open. I exit the store and walk around the already busy city. I suddenly notice Olivia and Rosie standing by the fountain. They wave me over.
"Hey girls!" I say.
"Hey..." Rosie mumbles.
"You missed out girls night out!" Olivia says. Dang it...I knew I forgot something.
"I'm so sorry! But...something really big came up..." I trail off.
"What..." Rosie says, a panicked look crossing her face.
"Well, my younger sister sort of came to see me..." I say.
"You have a sister!" Olivia shouts.
"Shhhhhh! Keep it down!" I whisper. "Yes! I haven't seen her for ages though..."
"OMC!" Rosie squeals. "Oh my cat!"
We talk for a bit around the square. I look up at the clock...8:55. The store opens in 5 minutes.
"Sorry guys but i have to go..." I say.
"Sigh...ok then." Olivia sighs.
"You better talk to us later." Rosie yells. I smile and head back to Gracie Grace. The clock hits 8:56 and I watch as crowds swarm around the front glass doors. I hurriedly dash around and tidy up the outfits lined up on the mannequins. I glance around the store...perfect. I quickly smoothen out my dress and straighten my scarf before walking towards the doors in a composed manner. I usually act cold and withdrawn from customers apart from Olivia and Rosie. I hear the bell hit 9:00 and i open the doors, causing a wave of people to race inside. I walk over and help out a little bunny with pink polka-dot fur.
"Can i help you ma'am?" I ask.
"Yeah..." She says. "Im looking at this you think it will suit me?"
I glance over at the top. It was a white and green gingham plaid shirt, with different colours of green weaved through it. It instantly reminded me of Mable.
"Hmmmm...not really...but you would definitely suit this one!" I say, walking over to a mannequin sporting a dark blue shirt with bright purple dots on it.
"Really!!!" She squeals. "Then ill take it!"
I open the draw beneath the shirt and pull out a spare in her size. We walk over to the cash register.
"Ok! That will be...7.500 Bells!!!" I smile. Way to overpriced. The bunny hands over the money.
"Hey! You remind me over someone...back at home.." She frowns.
"Oh, no. I have no siblings...or family. My name is 'Labelle'!" I say, accentuating the 'belle' so it sounded more french and fancy.
"Huh...Ok. Well if you ever want to hang out...names Chrissy. I'll be in the village and i pop round the city occasionally. See ya later Sparkles!" Chrissy says as she walks out of the store, clutching her fancy plastic gracie bag containing the top. Eventually closing time comes round and i shoo all the leftover customers out. I lock the door and walk over to the green gingham plaid top. I open up the cupboard and grabbed one in Mables size. After 30 minutes of choosing a nice wrapping paper i head upstairs and sit at my writing desk. I write a note to Mable and slip the shirt in. Suddenly i hear a tap on the door. I spring up and leap down the stairs, hoping it was my sister. I peer outside the window to see a white pelican standing with a couple of packages in his hands. I sigh and open the glass doors.
"Package for Miss Labelle?" He says.
"Thats me!" I say and collect the parcels.
"Also could you give this to Miss Gracie Grace please?" He hands a very fancy box labelled 'Gracie' on it.
"Sure..." I say as i take it. He nds and leaves. I walk over and put the package by the cash register and take my presents up to my room. I open one and see a fancy dress, messily sewn but i know Mable had done it. I smile. The others were dresses too, sewn. The last one i opened and saw a yellow and white gingham plaid apron. I checked the letter that was attached.
"Dear Labelle (As you now like to be called),
This was not actually made by me...but from Sable.
She made this a couple of years ago, when you ran away.
She hoped to give to you one day...and so i thought, why not now?
She doesnt know its gone, dont worry...
Please come home sis...
The family isnt the same without you...
Love Mable..."
I tear up at the last part...'the family isnt the same without you...'.
Oh Mable...

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