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I've always been close with my sister. She been there for me all the time, never complained, when I have my drama...she helps me. It's just, how could she be this infuriating. I pace around my bedroom at my parents house.
What, I'm 16 ok? I can still live with my parents...geez.
I sigh and sit on my purple bed. I hear a quiet knock on the door.
"S-sis..." Pelly mumbles. She was 14. "Are you mad at me?"
I grunt.
"I'm sorry!" She cries. It makes my heart bleed a little when I hear her cry. I walk over to my door and open it to see her hunched in a ball on the floor.
"Get up." I say coldly. Pelly leaps up.
"Why Pelly! You knew I wanted this so bad!" I cry.
"I just...wanted to do this with you?" She smiles. I shrug and close the door.
Want to know what happened? So the other month I saw an advertisement in the paper offering a job in a town hall for a far-away village. I decided to send in an application, however later found out so had Pelly. Ok, so not that bad...but to me, I was hurt.

2 Years Later
I heave my huge suitcase down the stairs. My parents were already there, smothering Pelly with kisses and words of advice. Today was the day. I was moving to this new town, and starting fresh...with my sister...
My parents hug me.
"Keep Pelly safe..." My mother whispers in my ear. I nod and we hug again before heading into the bus. I sit in silence for the whole journey, staring out of the window.
"Yar!" The turtle driving pipes up. "Where Ye be goin lassies!"
Pelly politely tells him the town name but I keep on staring out the window. It was mid afternoon, around 2:00ish. The bus suddenly screeches to a halt at a bus stop. I gasp. There were tall fancy buildings everywhere and a beautiful fountain in the middle of the square. Was this it!
"Excuse me?" I ask the driver.
"Is this our stop?" I ask.
"Yar har har!" He chuckles. I frown. "Nar lassie, you got a wee bit left."
I watch as a blue cat and a white cat wearing way to much eyeshadow sit on the bus. The bus starts up again and we roll off into the night. It starts raining, and by raining I mean bucketing down. Thunder and lightning crashed in the sky. Finally though, we stopped at the bus stop. The two cats, equipped with an umbrella hop off the bus into the night. I grab my suitcase and pull it down the stairs.
"Hey-could you tell me the way to-" I start but the bus speeds into action and drives away. I sigh. I see two wolves sitting together under an umbrella. One was pure white and the other dark blue. They were holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. Gross. I slowly walk up to them.
"Go away." The blue wolf says.
"Lobo, come on. That's not very nice. Sorry, my boyfriend gets cranky sometimes." The girl white wolf laughs.
"Whitney! It's you and me time!" Lobo mumbles.
"After! We need to help these animals." Whitney mutters. "Sorry, how can I help?"
"Do you know where the town hall is?" I ask.
"Yeah! It's just down the hill..." Whitney smiles. I mutter thanks and pick up my suitcase again before heading down the hill. We come across a large building and I open the door. A desk stood there and snoring could be heard in the back.
"Hello?" I ask. The snoring stops and an old turtle walks towards us.
"A-hem!" He grunts. I look over to him him standing behind the bar. Pelly flips it up and he walks through.
"Ahhhh..." He coughs loudly before turning back to us. "You must be Pelly and Phillipa!"
"Phyllis..." I mutter under my breath.
"Yes, yes, whatever. Now I have your schedules ready for you too. You'll start work tomorrow morning!" He chuckles. "The name is Tortimer, and I'm the Mayor of this fine town!"
I mentally slap myself for being so rude.
"Now, Phyllis, you were going to be on the day shift..." He says, looking at the sheets. "But because I can see you have serious anger problems, your working on the night shift!"
"What!" I yell. Pelly flinches. "This is so unfair!"
"My point exactly, too angry." Tortimer shakes his head.
"Pelly, your shift is 7AM to 10PM and Phyllis, yours is 10PM to 7AM." Tortimer hands us our time sheets and goes back to sleep over in his desk chair.
"Let's go." I sigh as we leave the town hall. Suddenly a white blur pushes me and Pelly over. It scrambles up, before offering us a hand.
"H-hi!" The white pelican smiles. "I-I'm Pete...you are?"
I frown and push his hand away before standing up and helping up Pelly. Pelly stands there smiling before looking to the floor.
"WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING!" I yell. Pete doesn't seem to care though, he carries on staring at me.
"HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" I groan. "Come on Pelly."
"B-bye!..." Pelly smiles. We walk down the path and come across a large store with a small raccoon standing outside.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Yes?" The raccoon replies.
"I'm Phyllis and this is my younger sister Pelly, we need a house?" I ask.
"Hmmm...yes!" He says. "There is accommodation with one of my work employees. Her name is Harriet. She owns the store of Shampoodles inside my store. I'm sure she would love some company! My names Timmy Nook by the way."
"Aren't you a little...young to be running a store?" I ask
"No! I was trained by Mr Tom Nook who now lives in the city!"
"Oh..." I groan. Timmy pushes open the sliding doors of his department store and we walk inside. It was fancy I guess. We walk to the back to see a barber poll with a villager sitting inside. The couple from earlier, Whitney and Lobo were inside. Whitney was sitting in a massive chair getting asked questions while Lobo was reading a magazine on the waiting room chairs.
"Ok Hun!" Harriet laughs. "Let's begin your transformation!"
Suddenly a massive machine pops onto Whitneys head, completely blocking out everything. It pops off again revealing Whitney who looks a bit dazed.
"Ta-da!" Harriet squeals. "You look fabulous and totally different!"
She didn't, she looked exactly the same.
"Yay!" Whitney giggles, standing up from the chair.
"That'll be 3000 bells!" The poodle smiles.
Lobo hands Harriet the money and the exit the hair dressers before smiling at me and leaving.
"Ah-hem, Miss Harriet." Timmy clears his throat.
"Yeah sugar?" Harriet smiles. She was a poodle with bright pink, poofy, hair and wore an apron with some scissors on it.
"We need some accommodation for these two ladies, Pelly and Phyllis!" The raccoon says. "Could they stay with you?"
"Why of course they can!" Harriet laughs. Timmy thanks her and leaves, leaving us alone with the dog.
"Well, follow me!" We head over to the corner of the room and Harriet pulls a sliding door leading to a staircase. We walk up and see two rooms. Pictures of scissors and hair styles were displayed on the walls and a sickly pink flower sat on a table under a small window at the end of the hall.
"This is your room." Harriet says pointing to a room. "I'll let you get settled in and here you go."
Harriet hands both Pelly and I a bag containing 20,000 bells.
"What!" Pelly gasps. "We can't accept this!"
"Nope!" Harriet holds her hand up." I don't want to hear it. I want you guys to be as comfortable as you can! Go buy some furniture, maybe clothes. Heck, I'll even give you a free hairstyle. Tom Nooks nephews who now own the store have a furniture section, maybe you could go and pick up some beds? Anyway, you two get settled in. I have to head back to work. I glance at the small clock on the wall. 3:30 pm. I open the door to our room. It was small, but it wasn't bad. We had a clean bathroom with pretty blue tiles everywhere and our kitchen came with a stove and cupboards. There was space in the other corner of the room to hold two beds and other necessities and on the wall by where the beds would be, was a window where we could see the beach.
"I'm going to go buy some furniture? Do you wanna come?" I ask Pelly. I look over but she sits on the floor.
"Pelly? What's wrong?" I ask.
"We're never going to see each other...when we start working, your going to have the night shift and I'll have the day shift" She sniffles.
"Pelly, don't be ridiculous. Of course we will. Now are you coming." I ask.
"I think I may go look at the clothing store and maybe head to the beach." She smiles.
"Ok, stay safe." I walk out of the room and downstairs to see Harriet styling someone's hair. I walk out into the main store and walk up the stairs. A little raccoon ran towards me. I brush past him and come across a beautiful white bed.
"Oh!" The raccoon pipes up. "That's the regal bed!"
I purchase it, along with a regal vanity, regal chair and a book shelf. I head back to my room and place them, they fit perfectly. I decide to visit the museum. I glance at a sign showing a small cafe and decide a cup of coffee would be good for me. I sit on a seat and look beside me to see the white pelican from before. I hastily order a cup of coffee which the pigeon pours and sit for a bit.
"Hi! What's your na-" Pete begins.
"Don't! Please don't talk to me." I gulp down the rest of the coffee and feel the burning liquid slide down my throat. I stand and quickly leave the cafe. For the rest of the day, I walk around town and get a feel of the place. That night I return to see Pelly lying in bed, fast asleep in a bright pink bed with love hearts on it. I crawl into my bed and sleep heavily.

This was a new start.

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