The Able Sisters-Sable-Part 3

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3:00 am. I should be asleep. But i keep looking at the eviction notice. A tear slips down.
The town...were getting rid of our store. I don't know what to do. Mable was fast asleep upstairs, not worrying about anything. I sigh and rest my head on the desk. Before i know it im asleep.

"Mable!" Labelle yells as she chases her around the garden.
"Haha! You cant catch me!" Mable yells as she toddles around on the grass, a baby.
I watch and laugh at them.
"Mama! Papa!" I call. My parents walk over.
"Haha...Sable, your father and i are just going out to the city." My mother smiles.
"We'll be back soon, sweetheart." My father smiles. "Youll look after Lable and Mable right?"
I nod enthusiastically before hugging them. They turn and leave through the gate. I never once stop to think that that would be the last time I would see them.
I have tears streaming down my face at the funeral. Mable stands there, not quite understanding whats wrong. Lable stands there, silent...her expression blank. Mable was 5, Lable 10 and me 15. I could feel the pain...and it hurt. Suddenly rain pours down and thunder claps. I hug Mable and lift her onto my waist, holding her close. It was just us from now on.

I wake up suddenly. Sweat running down my face, my breathing fast and painful. I breath in slowly and get up. What was the time. 8:00 am. I had slept. Suddenly i hear a knock on the door. I walk over to peep out, checking if it was a customer. I couldn't see. I slowly open the door and gasp in shock.
"L-Lable!" I scream. "Is it really you...?"
I can feel my body shaking. My breath raspy and my throat dry. She nods. I throw my arms around her, tears falling down my face. I lead her inside.
"Mable!" I yell. No answer. "MABLE!!!"
Mable runs down the stairs.
"What...?" She asks sleepily.
"Look..." I smile.
Her eyes travel from me over to Lable. They widen.
"OH MY GOODNESS!!!" She screams. The three of us sit down in the lounge. Suddenly after the happiness was there...anger appeared.
"HOW COULD YOU!" I scream suddenly. Lable stares at me in shock.
"H-How could i what..." She stutters.
"Sable!" Mable yells. "That is no way to treat our own sister!"
"I'm sorry Lable..." I mumble.
"Oh...I'm sorry. But could you guys possibly call me Labelle?" She says pronouncing the 'elle' fancy.
I roll my eyes and sigh.
"Fine then...'Labelle...'" I sigh. She smiles.
"And...lets just say, I wasn't getting paid much...and I didn't want to come back looking like I needed your help. I wanted to be independent" labelle mumbles.
"Labelle..." I stand up and walk over to her, enveloping her in a hug. A tear slips out, wetting her scarf. Labelle sniffles before crying too. I look over at Mable to see her crying as well.
"I-I would n-n-never had thought that...I would have taken you back!" I cry.
"Ok..." Labelle takes a deep breath before cautiously placing a finger under her eyes. "I need to stop's going to smudge my mascara..."
We step back and I sit back down.
"So..." Labelle starts. "are we going to just settle down and keep the store?"
"Well..." I mumble. "We kinda got evicted...but I know there's a new village! It's opening up a shopping square! We could move there...the three of us."
I smile.
"Well when do we leave?" Mable pipes up.
"In two days time...lets get packing." I say. I walk out to the front and grab one of the boxes sitting by the door. I watch as Mable walks to the front of the store and puts the
'CLOSED' sign on it. I grab some outfits and place them carefully in the box.

We sit on the bus in silence. Our boxes were being moved separately. Mable sat next to me and Labelle sat opposite. I glance at the small clock on the wall of the bus. 1:30 am. Too early. We had woken at 10 pm after getting a small nap and had showers and gotten changed before packing last minutes things like blankets and clothes. Mables head lay rested on my shoulder as she silently slept. I watched as Labelle stared out the frosty window. Snow was falling and I shiver.
"It's going to be different..." Labelle sighs.
"Different from what...?" I ask.
"From the won't be as popular...Olivia and Rosie will be gone..." She mumbles.
"Labelle...sometimes in have to move on. You can't dwell on the past." I yawn rub my paws together.
"Yeah...your right..." Labelle smiles. Suddenly the bus screeches to a halt.
"Yar...we be at the train station." Kapp'n says. I slowly shake Mable awake.
"We are taking a train?" She mumbles. "Cool..."
I grab my bag and we walk off the bus to the frozen ground. We walk into a large grey building with lockers and some seats. Labelle and Mable go and sit on the seats while i walk over to a monkey. The room was freezing. There was no air conditioning and there wasn't a back wall along with a gaping hole where a door should be.
"Eek Eek, hello!" The monkey smiles.
"H-hey..." I shiver. "Three tickets to New Leaf town...?"
I remember the town name so well. It was pretty and it described our family so much. We were turning over a new leaf.
"Sure!" He hands me three tickets. "The next train is in five minutes."
I nod and walk to sit over with my sisters. Mable shivers. I open up my bag and remove a spare jacket, wrapping it around her. She smiles.
"This is so exciting!" Mable smiles.
"I'm so happy!" Labelle says. We talk about what new stores and have guesses to what our store will look like. Suddenly a horn blows in the distance and we stand up as the train pulls into the station. The doors open and we hop inside, relishing in the warmth. We walk down and sit in some seats with Mable sitting next to me and Labelle sitting opposite again. The doors close and the train picks up speed, as we leave the station. Suddenly a blue cat walks up.
"Hey! Can I sit with you guys?" He asks.
"Oh n-" Labelle begins.
"Yes! You sure can!" I smile. He returns it and sits next to Labelle.
"My names Rover." Rover says.
"Nice. I'm Sable and these are my sisters, Labelle and Mable."
They shyly wave hello.
"So where are you guys heading to?" He asks.
"Oh! We are heading to New Leaf Town!" I smile.
"Is this it?" He asks, pulling out a map. I frown, everything was in an awkward place.
"I don't think so..." I say, handing the map back.
"Silly me...wrong one!" He laughs as he hands me another one.
I stare at it, this one was beautiful. Everything was perfect. I nod.
"Keep it!" He says. "I have too many maps as it is."
We talk for a bit longer until a chirpy little tune pops onto the overhead speaker.
"we are now entering New Leaf Town..." It says. I stand up and stretch, picking up my bags.
"Well...I'll see you guys later!" He says.
The train pulls into the station and we step out. The cold hits us like a wave again we all shiver. We walk towards the open hole and enter the town. A young yellow dog waves to us along with two cats.
"Hello!" She smiles.
"Hi!" I smile back.
"I'm Isabelle...the Mayors assistant. Problem is...our mayor hasn't turned up yet...but they will!" Isabelle says optimistically.
"So where are you guys going to live?" She asks.
"Well we're going to open our shop in the shopping district." I say.
"Oh! You must be the Able Sisters!" She laughs. "Yeah! The stores waiting for you."
She tells us where it is and then returns back to the town hall.
"Rosie! Olivia!" Labelle screams. I watch the tree of them embrace.
Mable and I smile.
"Come on Labelle! It's 2 in the morning...we need to get some sleep." I yawn.
"Oh to you girls later." Labelle smiles. We pick up our bags and walk across the train tracks. We emerge into the shopping district. This was a new town so a lot of shops weren't open yet but you could see the potential. We see a store with the sign saying 'ABLE SISTERS' on it. I walk towards the door and open it. A small sign read, 'Coming soon.' I kept it up and he,d the door open for the others. The store was way bigger than our old one. A small door sat in the corner, disguised by a panel of wood. I slide it open and a kitchen sits there. There are no steps up like there used to be though. A small living room area sits in the corner and a hallway heads down. I walk down and open up the four doors. A big bedroom sits closest to the kitchen. Opposite that was a medium sized bedroom and at the end of the hallway was a small but liveable bedroom. The bathroom was opposite that. There were blue tiles and a glass shower sat in the corner with a bath running down the side and a toilet. A sink stood with a gorgeous mirror. I walk back down to the lounge.
"Ok." I say turning to face Labelle and Mable.
"Who's going to have which bedroom." I say.
"Can I have the small one?" Mable asks. I look at her quizzically. "I like small bedrooms cause they feel cosy."
I laugh. "Sure, that sounds fair."
"I really don't care...all of them were bigger than my apartment in the city so I really don't mind." Labelle shrugs.
"Sable, your the oldest. Why don't you have the biggest one?"
I smile. "Ok! Then it's settled."
We all help set up blankets and sleeping bags and we sleep in the living room.

I wake up and rub my eyes. Labelle and Mable sleep huddled up in their sleeping bags. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. I walk into the main store and open it. My heart beats faster as I see who it is.
"T-Tom?" I ask.
"Sable!" He calls. I expect him to hug me and apologise for leaving but he doesn't.
"Ahem...I have your furniture." He says sternly.
"Oh right..." I sigh. "Just put it in here...I'll sought it out..."
I help him move the boxes and furniture in the store.
"D-do you w-want a coffee?" I ask.
"Ummmm...I have to head back to my store. Nooks Homes." I look around to see a light blue building in the distance.
"Oh! Right! Of course...sorry." I mumble. He nods...and for a moment I thought he was about to hug me...but he didn't. He rushes off. The city had changed him, just like it had changed Labelle. I listen to a mumble as Labelle staggers into the room.
"The furnitures here!" She says happily. "Wait...where's my furniture..."
"Yeah...ummm...we kinda sold it..." I mumble.
"What!" She screams.
"Look, we were running low on money ok!" I yell back. Suddenly Mable rushes into the room.
"What!" She yells.
"Nothing..." I say back. Another knock comes from the door and I watch as Labelle gracefully walks over. I begin moving my furniture to my room as I hear Labelle squeal.
"She did care!" She says.
"What?" I say, entering the room.
"Miss Gracie sent me a box of furniture!" She smiles. As Labelle admires the furniture I grab a letter sitting on one of the boxes.
'Dear Labelle,
I have sent you a box of the furniture that I could not sell.
I have also sent you a certificate to prove you worked for me.
My store has been closed down and I now wander towns to give people tests on how well their fashion is.
Who knows? We may see each other again.
Make me proud,
I put the letter back on top of the box.
"Mable, let's get your room ready now." I say as I grab a box marked Mable. I set her bed up in the corner and move her writing desk on the other side. We set up the rest of her furniture and stand back to admire it. It was obvious that there was a blue and green theme going on. Her bed was made nicely and a small blue hedgehog soft toy sat on the end. Mother and father had given one that looked like us...made by mother herself. I walk over to my room and observe it. It was a dark pink colour and my old sewing machine sat in the corner. I walk back to the main store and push my huge sewing machine over to the corner. I then place our cash register on top of the table by the door and place some mannequins on top of another table. I walk through the hallway area and reach a room with fancy white tables and wallpaper. Suddenly an idea hits me.
Instead of having Labelle hanging around, we could sell accessories and have her in here! I run back to Labelles room. I stop and stare in awe. Dark wood with green circles line her room.
"Gracie it?" She says.
"Yeah...ummm so I was thinking. We could have you in the other room, selling accessories." I smile.
"Sure! But I'm not making them." She laughs. I walk into the furnished kitchen and make myself a coffee before sitting down at my sewing machine. I watch as Mable starts displaying clothes on the mannequins. I decide to make an umbrella. Am hour goes by and I look at ,y finished product in pride. It was white with lace on the edges. The lacy umbrella.
"Mable?" I ask. She spins round. "Yeah?"
"Could you give this to Labelle? She'll set it up."
Mable takes the umbrella and I start making a hat. A few hours go by and I've finished 3 hats, 3 facial objects and 1 umbrella.
I was going to have to do a lot of work if I was to keep running the accessory store. I head to Labelles room. Her Gracie certificate hung on the wall along with her Gracie scarf which was tied in a bow. I looked at her, she wore her black dress with a white top underneath and had...the apron I had made her tied around her neck like a scarf.
"W-where did you get that?" I ask, astonished.
"Mable gave it to me." She smiles.
"It wouldn't fit me I took off my Gracie scarf and am wearing it like a scarf!" She shrugs. I look around the room. The umbrella was in the middle and the facial objects along the side of the right wall and the hats on the back.
"Well!" I say confidently. "I think we are ready for business!"

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