The Able Sisters-Labelle-Part 3

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I wake up in the at 8:00 in the morning and put on my uniform before heading downstairs. I see Gracie bent over a bit of paper-work.
"Ummmm...Miss Gracie?" I ask.
"Wah...Oh yeah, what Labelle?" She asks.
"Are you ok?" I say.
"Well...the thing is closing down the store." She says. My heart freezes and i choke.
"What!" I yell. "Where will I go?"
"You, will leave here!" She smiles. "The stores being sold, and im off to travel towns and give out Gracie Fashion Checks Darling!"
I feel tears stinging my eyes.
"When do i leave...?" I ask.
"In 2 days." Gracie says. I turn around and race out the door. I see Olivia and Rosie chatting by the fountain again. I run up to them, crying.
"Labelle!" Olivia calls. "Whats wrong...?"
"Yeah...Silly, tell us?" Rosie asks.
"Gracie is selling Gracie Grace...I going to have no job..." I sob.
"What!" Rosie shouts. "She cant do that! Its my favourite store..."
I give her a look.
"Cause your there of course..."
"As much as i hate to say it...everything happens for a reason. You could go see your sister?" Olivia smiles.
Olivia was right. I could go see Mable. She would let me back into the family with open arms. It was Sable i was worried about. Sable loved me, i know...but i just wasnt sure how she would react.
I sigh.
"I dont want to leave you girls though..." I mutter.
"Haha silly." Rosie smiles. "We live in town..."
"Yeah!" Olivia says cheerfully. "We may bump into each other."
I check the time. 8:45. I best be heading back to the store to change the mannequins clothing.
"See you guys later!" I call. The bell goes to signal 9:00 am and i open the doors. The day whizzes past quickly and i find myself packing up my belongings. I grab the box that id stolen from downstairs and place my clothes inside along with other things i need like blankets, Pillows, paper, stationery and shoes. I cello tape the box up and move it over to the door. Suddenly it hits me, i have nowhere to stay. I glance at the clock, 2:30 am. Maybe Olivia would be awake. I open my door and head down the stairs, carrying the box containing my only possessions inside. I open the shop door and enter the empty see it was pouring down with rain. I walk down the steps to the bus stop. 5 minutes...I shiver and wrap my coat up around me.
Suddenly i see the blur of head lights shining towards me. The bus slows to a halt and i board it hurriedly. I am grateful for the warmth as i sit on a leather seat.
"Yar! Where ye be goin young las?" Kapp'n asks.
"The village..." I mumble.
"Yar..." Kapp'n says as he closes the doors and heads up the road. I stare out the window, towards the city rushing past. A tear slips down my cheek and i rub it away quickly. Suddenly the bus screechs to a halt, slamming me forwards.
"Yar, we be here..." Kapp'n says. I smile and hand him some money before hopping off the bus. I smell in the fresh country clean and pure. I glance the town hall nearby so i run over.
I enter and slow, sad music plays. A purple bird stands by the counter, looking depressed.
"Ugh...another customer..." She moans. I frown. "Hello...welcome to the Town may i help you?"
"Ummmmm...Could i have a map?" I ask. She mutters something under hr breath and hands me one.
I glare at her and leave. The village was quiet...and rainy.
I open up the map and see Olivias house just down from here. I pick up my box again and run over to her place. The lights are off though...I bang my fist hard against the slowly opens. Olivia comes out, make-up less with bags under her eyes.
"Wah...Labelle!" She gasps. "Come in!"
I walk inside her beautiful home. Regal furniture sit everywhere and a sleeping bag containing Rosie lays on the floor.
"We were having a sleepover..." Olivia yawns. She goes over to a cupboard and pulls out a spare sleeping bag.
"Here, you can stay here the night...just, try not to make too much noise ok?" Olivia grumbles before hopping back in her Queen size Regal bed. I snuggle under the covers, eager to be out of the rain. I pull out my map again and see a small boutique store...'Able Sisters' was written above it.
It was decided...i was going there tomorrow morning to confront my sisters.

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