The Able Sisters-Mable-Part 3

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The bell rings as a horde of customers flood inside.
"Welcome to Able Sisters!" I smile. I notice the two cats come in again along with another cat I've never seen before. To be honest, she looked like a giant orange. She walks up to me.
"Hey!" She says happily. "My names Tangy! What's yours?" She asks.
"Mable!" I laugh.
"Cool! I live just in New Leaf Town so I'll see you round!" Tangy skips away. For the rest of the day we were packed with customers, scrambling to get to certain outfits and pre-ordering clothes. I pop round the corner after we had closed to see Labelle carefully placing tomorrow's stock neatly on the mannequin heads.
"Hey Labelle!" I smile. She spins round.
"Oh, hey Mable." She says.
" was your day?" I ask.
"Pretty good, sold a heap of designs." Labelle says.
I smile before we hear Sable calling our names. We rush into the kitchen to see Sable standing there with two gorgeous dresses.
"Come on you guys? Try them on....I made them especially for you. I was thinking we could go back to tha City and spend the night there? "Sable smiles. I look at her and raise an eyebrow.
"This usually isn't your thing Sable? Don't you hate the city?" I ask.
"I's just, after all we've been through...I feel like we deserve it?" She smiles.
"Well ok?" Labelle shrugs. "It's just gonna be weird...."
"You can show us your apartment!" Sable says.
"Yeah..huh if it's still there..." Labelle mumbles.
"Ok girls, go put these on, maybe freshen up and pack some spare clothes." Sable says before skipping off. I turn to Labelle.
"Well she's happy..." I say.
"Yeah..." Labelle agrees before I head to my room. I pull out the design Sable had made. It was absolutely beautiful and similar to Labelles old uniform. It was a black dress which came just above my knees. I also saw a white and green gingham plaid scarf so I put it on. I comb through my spines quickly before meeting up with my sisters in the kitchen. We all wore the same but Sable had her red and white gingham plaid scarf and Labelle an orange and white one.
"You guys ready?" Sable smiled. "It's a little chilly so you can out a jumper on if you want."
"Fashion is pain." Labelle smirks. I roll my eyes but don't put the jacket on. It would be warm on the train. We exit our store and sable puts the sign on. It was night time and snowflakes was gently falling. Thick white snow lay on the ground. We trudge towards the train station and Sable goes to talk to monkey guy.
"Wait!" Labelle yells. Sable spins around.
"Could we bring our friends?" Labelle smiles. "We could have a massive girls day out!"
"Fine but be quick..." Sable groans.
"Could I?" I ask timidly.
"Sure...but be quick!" Sable yells as I take off into the village. I rush around desperately trying to find Tangy. I spot her just going into her house.
"Tangy!" I yell.
"Mable?" She calls back whizzing round to see me.
"I was....wondering...if you...wanted to...come out with me to the city?" I pant.
"Would I ever!" Tangy says gleefully. "Let's go!"
We rush back to the station to see Sable and Labelle with her friends waiting for us. We leap onto the train and take a seat. Sable sits with Labelle and her friends and I sit next to Tangy. We talk for an hour until the train slowly pulls into the station. We all hop off and then head to the bus stop. The bus immediately takes us to the city. Once we arrive there, we go up the stone steps to see everything had changed. Gracie Grace had become an abandoned building. A temporary cafe had been put in. We all walk towards Gracie Grace(or what was left of it). I watch in horror as Labelle pulls down a chunk of wood and steps in.
"Labelle!" I whisper-yell. She ignores me and keeps on walking. Sable, Tangy, Rosie, Olivia and I follow her through and gasp at the sight before us. The once regal high class store had been reduced to charred bits of rubble. It was obvious someone had lit a fire in here and it had gotten out of hand. I watch as Labelle bites back tears and I walk over and hug her.
"It's ok..." I smile. Labelle composes herself and looks for anything that could be saved. Nothing. Well if there was anything that had been left, it had been stolen long ago. We walk up the stairs to Labelles old apartment to see her furniture sheets and pillows had been stolen, only to leave the bed frame and closet.
"Well...this is where I lived!" Labelle says simply.
"L-Labelle!" Sable gasps. "I had no idea..."
"Of course you didn't!" Labelle snaps. "Cause while you and Mable were living the cushy life back at home, I was sitting lying in this dump. And it didn't look any better with my things in it!"
I wince, Labelle wasn't usually like this.
"Labelle...calm down..." Sable mutters.
"Calm down!" She shrieks. "Calm down! You expect me to calm down after this! I couldn't even have come home if I wanted too! I wouldn't have been able to afford a ticket!"
Suddenly we are cut off by a loud banging coming from the bottom floor.
"So, Miss Ankha. You heard yelling above here?" We hear the police officer ask.
"Yes officer...I was just doing my own shopping, minding my own business when I hear yelling. It could be bad..." A female voice purrs.
"Quick!" Rosie squeaks.
We all hurriedly pull open the rusty window and jump onto the roof. We hear the cop burst into the room.
"Put your hands up!" He yells. I freeze. If he looks out the window at us, we are all dead. I look up to see the others climbing up onto the top roof. I scramble up too and we all sit in silence on the roof as we hear the voices fade back off into the distance. We all laugh.
"That...was a close one!" Olivia pants. I see Sable flash a weak smile, she was just as scared as I am.
"Woah! Guys look!" Tangy gasps, pointing at the sky. Clusters of stars shine brightly down and a shooting star whizzes past. Tangy and me look at each other and smile. I then look at Sable and Labelle who smile too.
It was at that moment...
I knew we were going to be just fine...

(Authors Note)
That was so cool and I hope you liked the Able Sisters! Leave a comment on who I can write about next! I have someone in mind...
You never know though! The Able Sisters may pop back into the story later!

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