Reese & Cyrus-Reese-Part 2

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"WHAT!" Clarissa storms out from a booth and faces us.
"Clarissa!" I shout. "What are you...umm doing here!?"
"I happen to be watching out for my little sister!" Clarissa scowls.
I start screaming, "Clarissa! You have never looked out for me! You just look out for yourself-"
SMACK! Clarissa's hoof collides with my face and I fall to the floor in pain.
"Hey!" I hear Cyrus yell.
I stand back up before something heavy smashes on my head and I fall to the floor...

I run my eyes and open them. My vision was fuzzy but I could make out the green fluff of my father and the yellow of my mother.
"Oh! She's awake!" My mother says, relieved.
My vision becomes clear and I look to see my parents sitting beside me in a white room.
"W-what happened?" I ask groggily.
"Ummmm, there was an accident at the cafe." My parents say.
"Yes...that Cyrus boy, he smashed a vase on your head. Clarissa was trying to help you." My father says sternly.
I look to see Clarissa smiling gently at me.
"W-who's Cyrus?" I ask curiously. I had no recollection of the past few days. My mother glances at my father and sister before turning to me,
"He, is a bad man. He wanted to hurt you!" My mother says. "Your safe now though...your lucky your older sister was there and saved you!"
I look over to a smiling Clarissa.
"Thanks Riss!" I smile.
"Anytime sis, remember, we are best friends!" She says, a bit aggressively. "Nothing! Will ever change that!"
I got released from the hospital with some medication to help with the headache. At home however, I was forced to stay in my bed, 24/7. My parents tell me about my application for Lambington University, which had already been typed up. I sent it off to the school. All day, I lay in bed, listening to Clarissa explain about how she saved me, how Cyrus had apparently tried to stab me with a teaspoon but she bravely kicked it away. The story changed every time but I was grateful for Clarissa.
I lay in bed and glance at the clock, 2:24am. The house was silent but for the huge grandfather clock, ticking away in the lounge. I hear a rock be thrown at my window, a small pebble but enough to make a loud noise. I head over to the window and peep out of the curtains. A blue alpaca was standing there, holding a bouquet of roses and looking rather panicked.
I head onto my balcony.
"Excuse me?" I ask. He breathes a sigh of relief. "Are you here for Clarissa?"
"No! Reese! I was so worried! I went to the hospital to see you but the nurses and your parents said you didn't want to see me again...I thought...i lost you!"
It was obvious that this boy and I had a very close bond...I just...couldn't remember him!
"Ummmm, I sorry...who are you?" I ask.
"I-I'm your boyfriend!" He smiles. My heart stops. What?
"I'm sorry...I-i don't have a boyfriend..." I smile awkwardly.
The boy runs his hoof through his hair, looking panicked again.
"It was Clarissa!" He says angrily.
"Who are you!?" I say, now panicked. I started to back away from the edge.
"C-Cyrus!" He shouts. "We went on a date! Your my girlfriend!"
My heart pounds., no, no! This bit was not good! He wanted to hurt me. I scream, at the top of my lungs.
"Reese!" He shouts.
"Get away from me!" I scream, standing by my door.
"What have they done to you!" He yells. "What did she do..."
Clarissa and my mother burst into my room, Clarissa shielding me from him. My father rushes out onto the lawn, brandishing his golden shovel.
"Get out of here!" My father yells. "Can't you see she doesn't want to see you! Get out and never return!"
Cyrus races away. "Remember Reese! Remember who you truly trust..." He yells.
"Honey! Are you alright!" My mother says, wiping a falling tear from my eyes.
I nod shakily before heading back to bed. My mother kisses my forehead and turns off the light, closing the door behind her. Clarissa hands me a glass of water before leaving. I gulp it down in one and lay in bed.
I close my eyes and suddenly, a blur of images flashes before me.
Meeting Cyrus at the party. Luna and Katrina, Clarissa leaving the awful note.
Kissing awkwardly in the car...and...the coffee store. The kiss, and being boyfriend and girlfriend.
And then Clarissa ruining everything.
Cyrus protected me, Clarissa smashed the vase on my head. I could hear sobbing, Cyrus yelling and the pigeon Brewer yelling at Rissa to get out. Then black.
My eyes open suddenly.
"I remember!" I yell.
"Oh no you don't..." Clarissa smirks.
My head pounds and I feel sick.
"W-what did you do..." I ask weakly.
"Chucked all your medicine in the water...have fun!" Clarissa laughs.
Visions swirl in front of me, memories, random colours, darkness.
My eyes force themselves open as I feel the vibration of being in a moving car.
"Reese!" A voice shouts. "Come on!"
Water gets splashed in my face and I wake up instantly. Head pounding, I see Cyrus driving.
"Please don't scream!" He yells.
"I-i remember!" I smile.
"Everything...?" He asks shakily.
" was Clarissa..." I sip some water from the bottle handed to me and breathe. "How did you find me?"
"Clarissa was dragging you out of your house and I was waiting out there...I took you from her...we're going to a's not safe at your place least, while Clarissa's there."
I frown and continue sipping. We sit in silence before I break it with a burning question.
"W-we still dating?" I ask.
"Only if you wanna?" He shrugs. I nod.
It's still dark and rain hammers down on the windscreen. Cyrus drives with a concentrated look on his face.
He glances quickly at me before realising that I don't want to talk and turns back to the road.
I knew my parents weren't bad people...they loved me. They were just trying to protect me.
We sit in silence for hours until we reach a crappy motel at the side of the road. We hop out of the car and Cyrus checks in. We unlock the door and turn on the lights. A cockroach scuttles across the floor. I shudder.
"Well...umm, you take the bed. I'll get the couch." He smiles half-heartedly. I look over at the moth eaten sofa.
I nod and lie on the bed in silence. I could tell we were both up late...thinking.
It took hours but I eventually managed to fall asleep.
The next morning I wake and see Cyrus tinkering around with a box computer.
"And done!" He turns around and faces me. "Ok...I know that you needed to send out your form for university...I managed to get the email system up and running."
I sit down at the computer and type up my application. A pounding sensation is still being felt in my head. I feel weak, like I'm about to throw up and my legs are shaking.
"Reese?" I hear Cyrus call from the distance. "Reese!? Just sit can do that tomorrow!?"
Before I know it, everything is black again.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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