Reese & Cyrus-Reese

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Ever since I was young alpaca, I knew what I wanted to be.
I didn't want to become a I wanted to enter business. I had already picked out what university I was heading too and I made sure I got the best grades. I never dated and refused to go to parties, I would study instead. I had only 1 friend, my sister, Clarissa. She was the popular one, the one that dated went out to parties.
We were besties. She was the fun-loving, easygoing, carefree twin and I was the nerd.

Well...that was then.

5 Years Later
"Reese!" I hear Clarissa stomp up the stairs. I kick my hoof out to keep the door shut. The doorknob rattles as she tries to open it desperately.
"Studying!" I yell. "That means keep out!"
"Ugh. Your always studying! There's a killer party at Persephones!" Clarissa laughs. "Come on! You've been in your room all week!"
I remove my hoof and open the door. Clarissa stumbles forward.
"Is that a yes?" She asks.
"No. It's not." I scowl. "And for your information, I'm applying to Lambington University tonight, I'm trying to make sure if i get in, I won't fail!"
"Pshh, whatevs. I haven't even worried about studying! Or applying!" Clarissa giggles.
"It's really not funny Riss. This is our future! You didn't even pass your exams!" I yell.
"Whatevs, I don't want a party pooper coming anyway. Have fun in this stuffy room." Clarissa mumbles before walking off.
Ouch, maybe I was a bit too harsh. I stretch and head over to my mirror, pushing away study notes to look at my reflection. I looked awful. My pink fluff was everywhere, my eyes were bloodshot and sweat beads were running down my forehead. I had no makeup on (not that I wore any anyway) and my clothes were starting to look grey. I was 19. My twin sister and I used to share everything from the same room to hairbrushes and clothes.
After we turned 16, my parents split us up and I got a room to myself, next to the library. Our family was quite rich, we weren't super duper rich...but we lived in a pleasant life. My sister comes in again, her hairbrush in her bright purple hair, her black eyes stared at me.
"What." I answer.
"Necklace." She replies, pointing to a purple crystal necklace I wore the week before at my graduation.
"Oh. Right." I hand it to her and she scowls before leaving.
I type up my application letter and keep it on screen. I head to the shower.
"Reese!" I hear my mother shout. I head downstairs in my onesie pyjamas.
"Why don't you head out?" My mum smiles.
"But mum! Applic-" I get cut off.
"Applications aren't going anywhere. Go out for a walk or something!" I run upstairs and begrudgingly apply some makeup. I put on a pink party dress before running back downstairs. Mum smiles before shoving me out of the house. I walk down the street and remember the address of the party. I approach the house. Flashing lights glow in my face and loud thumping music playing the songs of new artist KK Slider playing. A remixed version of Steep Hill, my all time favourite was playing on the stereo, surrounded by a variety of animals holding cups of assorted drinks.
"Hi there!" A young bird about 16 comes up to me. "My names Persephone, here's your complimentary drink, and...hold up, Pete!" She screams. "Sorry, my brother..."
A bird looking identical comes up beside her.
"Ugh, do you have the goody bags!" Persephone awkwardly smiles. Pete shyly hands me a bag containing glow sticks and head accessories and runs off.
"Sorry about him, hey? Are you related to Clarissa?!" She laughs.
"Ummmmm yeah. Have you seen her around?" I desperately search for her. I hear Persephone talking in the background as I tune out, looking at the crowds of people partying.
"Anyways, that's why you shouldn't go near the pool! Hey, were you even listening!?" Persephone says.
"Yep, I'll see you round!" I break away from her and into the sweaty crowds of dancing teens. It was awful. Too crowded. Too loud. To much PDA...geez.
I spot Clarissa with a group of other girls standing near a blue alpaca. His hair was in a cool flicked design and he had dark shades on. Crowds of girls surrounded him but he seemed bored.
"Clarissa!" I yell, heading towards her.
"Oh look who decided to leave her room! How predictable!" Clarissa scowls. "See! I can use big words! But that doesn't matter cause I fail at everything!"
"Clarissa, I'm here to say sorry!" I moan. "I didn't mean to sound like that..."
Clarissa face for a brief moment softens, then hardens again.
"Whatevs...I'm over it." Clarissa goes back to drinking from her cup again.
I wander off and bump into (well stand on) a girl lying on the grass stargazing.
"Isn't it magical!" She squeals in delight.
"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I just stood on you!" I say, panicked.
"Hehe it's fine. Here, I can tell this isn't your crowd, take a seat." I sit awkwardly on the grass beside her.
"My name is Reese..." I smile.
"Luna, absolute dream to meet you!" She laughs. "Now, where is Katrina with those drinks."
I take a sip from my cup before spitting it onto the grass, much to the disapproval of a flamingo girl wearing a pep squad uniform.
"Luna!" A black/purple panther comes running over. "Here, your warm milk, I have my soda."
"Thanks Kat, oh right!" Luna jumps. "Katrina, this is Reese."
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Katrina." We shake hands. "You are worried about something, perhaps that effects your future?"
I yank my hand away. "H-how did you know?"
"I, Katrina, can reveal people's fortunes by reading the stars. I use lots of other things too!" She says excitedly. "Like, cards, crystal balls..."
I smile and take another sip of the disgusting liquid before tipping it out of my cup.
"I'll just be getting a drink!" I say, standing up.
"Ok! Be back soon! I may fall asleep though...I like sleeping." Luna says dreamily.
"The stars, fire, all sought a of ways!" Katrina carries on.
I walk up to a black table with an assortment of drinks. A dog and parrot were making out under the table. Gross.
I feel a presence behind me and whip around to see the blue alpaca standing there. He pushes in front of me and gets himself more of the disgusting substance that I possessed earlier.
"Hey! Excuse me! Manners! I was here first!" I yell. He grunts.
"Ugh, trust you to know about manners..." I frown. I get myself some orange juice before leaving.
The guy grabs my arm.
"D-do you want to go on a date?" He asks.
"W-what!" I shout, ripping my arm away. "I hardly know you!"
"We can get a chance then!" He smiles. I roll my eyes.
" funny business!" I scream.
"Cool! So, come on!" He takes my hand again and we head off. I glance behind me and see a group of girls looking jealously at me, my sister looked livid.
He takes me out to an old pickup truck and hops in. I roll my eyes, didn't open the door for me. I open the door and a pile of grease comes away in my hands. I frown and hop in anyway.
"Ummmmm, I don't even know your name!?" I say, suddenly panicked at the thought that he may have no intention of just going on a "date".
"Right, sorry. My names Cyrus. Sorry for the rude manners back a reputation to uphold." He chuckles nervously.
"Your name is...?" He smiles. It was a warm smile, a genuine one. I smile back.
"Well, we are going to the coffee shop."
At the empty coffee shop, I order a coffee and a slice of apple pie. We sit and talk about each other for what feels like ages.
"No way!" Cyrus laughs. "Your Clarissa's twin!"
"Haha, yep!" I say, wiping a crumb off my cheek.
"She must be the evil one then!" He chuckles.
I weakly smile before sighing.
"She's not all that bad...we're just...I don't know." I sigh.
"Hey! Don't be sad! She's probably a great person! She must be if she related to you!" Cyrus says. Suddenly a group of boys and girls walk in and spot Cyrus. He hurriedly throws  his sunglasses on.
"What are you doi-!" I whisper before being cut off.
"Here they come!" Cyrus panicks. "Yo! What up guys!"
The group stares. "Ummmm, what are you doing here with her!" The girl stares.
"Just drop it guys." Cyrus says threateningly.
"Whatevs, this place sucks anyway. Let's go." The group leaves.
"Sorry about that...their the only friends I have..." Cyrus smiles weakly.
"You have me!" I laugh.
"We could be more than friends?" Cyrus suggests.
"Don't push it..." I giggle.
I hear a clock chime from in the cafe.
"2:00am!" I scream. "I have to get home!"
"Hey!" He calls over to the young pigeon serving coffee. "Two coffees to go! Make it snappy!"
He slams down a hefty amount of cash on the register and the pigeon giggles with glee.
"We don't have time to wait-!" I start.
"Done. Two piping hot coffees. Pigeon blend." The pigeon smiles.
I take the cup and we head back to the truck. The ride home was awkward, the silence only broken by, weather talk and Clarissa talk.
We pull up outside my house.
"Thanks for driving me home..." I smile.
"It was nothing..." Cyrus smiles. He leans forward and before I realise it, I do too. Our lips touch but only for a brief moment before I regain my senses and grab my purse.
"Reese!" Cyrus yells. "I-I'm sorry that made you uncomfortable!"
"I-I need...ill see you later..." I panicked before closing the car door and rushing inside. I sprint up to my room and sit on the edge of my bed, my heart pounding. I drop my purse and see something misplaced. The computer desk with all my study notes and work was all over the floor, some of them ripped. A large poster hanging up of an alpaca boyband my Aunty bought me was ripped and lying in pieces on the floor. A photo of Clarissa and I sitting on my desk had been ripped in half leaving just Clarissa. I shakily look at the computer screen. My application letter I spent nearly two weeks on was no longer there. Deleted.
Instead was a message.
"Your move...Reese

(Authors Note)
Ok guys! I'm gonna give you guys the option to become a character in my story!
It's pretty easy to enter and since not many people read this book, you'll probably get to be in it! (If only like 5 people enter, all five of you will be in the book!)
Ok, so in the comment section or you can PM me, you guys will need to fill out a form.(doesn't have to be exact)
-Story Name:
-Relationships (with any existing character, these may be changed to fit plot line):
-Favourite Animal Crossing Character:
Ok! So if you see this! Please enter! It's super easy and fun, and who knows! I will say the winners in another chapter so yeah! Go enter!

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