PPP-Phyllis-Part 2

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"Mr mayor...Can I please go home?" I moan.

"Sigh...very well Phyllis. Also, the villagers have decided to hold a celebration about the cherry blossoms coming out...its going to last for a week. So, you get the week off." Tortimer smiles.

"Are you serious!" I squeal.

"Yes. And the best thing is, you, Pelly and Pete get to organise everything. Theres some decorations in the back room, I expect it all to be done by tomorrow night. Well..he he horf! Go get some rest." Tortimer coughs.

'Ugh...I knew there would be some sort of catch..." I roll my eyes. "Whatever...later."

I head back to the store and try to open the sliding doors. Locked.

"What...no...no...no!" I shout. "Hello! Anyone! Let me in!"

I look up to the window to the room here Pelly would be sleeping. I spread my wings and fly there. I land perfectly on the roof and gently tap the window.

"Pelly...PELLY!" I whisper yell. Suddenly the curtains part to reveal a tired looking Pelly. She looks at me and her eyes widen. She hurriedly opens the window and helps me inside.

"Phyllis!" She calls. "Whats wrong! Are you ok! Do you need medical help! Let me call a hospital!"

"Pelly!" I laugh. "Im fine!"

"Oh no...Phyllis..." Pelly turns to whisper to me. "You didn't kill the mayor did you?"

"Pelly...don't be ridiculous. Of course not!" I scoff. "We get the week of to celebrate the cherry blossom festival!"

"Really!" Pelly smiles. "This is great news!"

"I know right! Say, do you wanna go grab a coffee?" I ask. "Im too awake now to go to sleep."

"Im exhausted! And you nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you out on the window sill...Im going back to sleep."

I leave the room and head down to the café. I enter and see a pink hedgehog sitting there. I sit on the stool next to hers and order a coffee with no milk and no sugar.

"Hi." I say to the girl. She looks up at me, blushes and looks back down.

"Oh...hi." She mumbles.

"My names Phyllis. I work the night shifts at the Town Hall. Ive seen you before...your the Able Sisters girl right?" I ask.

"Yeah...Im the one sitting at the back sewing..." She looks up. "My names Sable."

"Well, nice to meet you Sable! Say, shouldn't you be in bed?" I ask.

"Haha, I could say the same for you?" She laughs. We talk long into the early hours of the morning.

"So why are you here?" I laugh, on my 7th cup of coffee.

"Well...I needed inspiration...I think I've gotten some." Sable smiles. "Tell you what...I'm going to make you an outfit for the Cherry Blossom Festival, cause everyone gets dressed in fancy clothing for the dance."

I gulp. "Dance...?"

"Haha yup!" Sable takes a sip of her coffee.

"Well, my little sister Pelly, runs the day shift. She needs a dress too...Ill pay for one for her?" I ask.

"Well sure! Ive seen Pelly, she seems like a chirpy girl. I think I have some inspiration." Sable laughs.

Suddenly the clock on the wall strikes 7am.

"Oh no!" Sable gasps. "I have to head back to the store! Mable will be wondering where I am, I don't want her to be scared!"

"Haha, she'll be fine! But I should head over to the Town Hall. See ya later!" I call.

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