The Able Sisters-Sable-Part 2

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I silently work away at the dress i was making as the bell for a customer goes. Evelyn, our towns only human steps inside. She stares around the store before purchasing a deep purple top and leaving. I watch as Mable sighs and looks down at the floor. I frown, this was unlike Mable. Her peppy, up-beat personality had rapidly changed since she went out to buy materials. But...i had too. Ever since the package arrived for me containing the scissors, i had gone into a state of depression. They were the most beautiful scissors ever...and wouldn't have been cheap. It was so kind and thoughtful for Tom to go and buy me them for my birthday...he still...remembered me. Still, he hadnt come he was doing fine without me. Meanwhile Tom and Probably Lable were out living in luxury in the and Mable were struggling to make a living. I watch as Mable sighs again. I stop my machine and find that id finished the outfit i was making. It looked nothing like it was meant too. The season was coming into Winter and snow was beginning to fall so i was aiming to make a pure white dress with snowflakes on it...instead I had made a pitch black dress and a dark purple hem. No doubt it was beautiful...but not appropriate to sell to the animals that roamed the town. I sigh...who would wear this trash.
"Mable!" I yell over to my younger sister who looked up surprised.
"What..." She mumbles.
"Whats wrong...?" I ask. "Your not your usual peppy self?"
"I dont just a bit bummed..." Mable moans.
Suddenly the clock hits 10. I groan as i sit up. I walk over to the door and lock it, turning the 'Open' sign to 'Closed'. I turn to face Mable, who now looks like shes about to cry.
"Mable!" I rush over to her. "Dont cry!"
Suddenly, as if me saying dont cry had triggered some kind of explosion, Mable starts bawling.
The tears roll down her cheeks and thats when i start crying. Not because of her, but because of Tom.
"I-I-I m-miss L-Lable!" She howls.
"What?" I say, my head spinning around to face her. "But shes been gone for almost 5 years...She left when you were 10!"
"I just want to be normal sisters..." She sobs.
"Yes...I know Mable...but until your sister starts realising that home is where the heart when she will realise how much she misses us and vice versa..." I say. "Now come on...didn't you say you were going to record for me some Pointed Love?"
Mable smiles. "Haha...sure. I wonder is Reginald will survive the Quill Operation?"
I smile back and Mable returns it...but hidden behind the smile, i can tell that shes not telling the whole story.

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