PPP-Pelly-Part 2

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I sit in anger on the side of my bed. My mascara was already running don my face and I was snivelling.

"Goodnight Pete..." I hear Phyllis say before opening the door. She stares at me and rushes over.

"Pelly!" She calls. "What happened!"

"You know..." I say harshly.

"Are you angry at me?" She asks. I nod my head and bury myself in my bed.

"What did I do!" She gasps.

"Y-you know..." I cry.

"I don't...?" She mans.

"You knew I liked him!" I yell, sitting upright in bed, glaring at her. I wasn't usually like this but I was so furious right now.
"W-wait...what!" Phyllis yells. "Pally! I had no idea! Ugh, and to think I kissed that creep..."
"YOU WHAT!" I spin round to face my older sister who was sitting shocked on the side of my bed.
"Pelly! I'm so so sorry! This night has been awful...he asked me to go to a wedding with him...and I said I don't know...then we went in the dark and we kissed..." Phyllis cries. "I'm a horrible sister. You should go to the wedding with him. I don't even like him...I don't know what happened!"
"Oh Phyllis...don't cry please. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell..." I shuffle over to my crying older sister and put a hand on her back. "If you want to, you can go to the wedding...I don't care anymore."
"No." Phyllis says, wiping away her tears. "Pelly. Your going with Pete to the wedding. I don't want anything to do with him anymore...but I'd he breaks your heart in anyway, he is going to regret it."

I lie back don in my bed, millions of thoughts rushing around in my head...

"Good night Phyllis..." I whisper into the night.

"Goodnight Pelly."

The rest of the week with the Cherry Blossom festival goes perfectly, and Phyllis and I ignore Pete...much to his bewilderment. Phyllis ends up talking Pete into letting me go.

Finally it was the day of the wedding. Months had last since the Cherry Blossom festival and it was now winter. It hadn't started snowing yet but it was getting cold. Phyllis helps me into the new dress Sable had made for me. It was a short pink dress with a pink necklace and a pink head band with pale pink high heels.
Phyllis steps back to observe me.
"Oh...Pelly. You look so beautiful." Phyllis smiles before glancing at the clock. "Ok, we need to head down to the bus stop...come on...go! Go! Go!"
We hurry down to the bus station to see a sleek black limo with Pete standing beside it.
"Ok, let's go." Pete rushes over to me and takes my hand. Butterfly's flutter in my stomach.
"Good luck." Phyllis mouths to me. "If he hurts you, I'll punch him...or worse."
Phyllis and I were close sisters and when we used to go to school, our classes were opposite each other meaning we could see each other through the window. We would often mouth things to each, so long sentences we could understand.
"I'll let you know...it'll be fine..." I mouth back.
Pete helps me into the car and closes the door, before hopping in on his side. The car rolls into action and we drive away, leaving Phyllis standing there.
"So..." I sigh.
"So..." Pete looks out of the window. "Look, I'm sorry that I've been acting really cold...I've just been having a lot of thoughts and problems lately..."
I nod my head.
"So...you and Phyllis huh?" I mumble.
"Y-you know?" He gasps.
"Yeah..." I smile...
"Ahem, we are here." The driver says.
We step out into a beach. White chairs and posts were set up and purple flowers. We sit down on our front row seats and the wedding begins. It was a beautiful wedding and Petes sister was almost identical to him, not to mention very pretty. The wedding finished and we went to the service.
"Ok, my mothers coming. Act like your my girlfriend ok?" Pete mutters to me. I nod understandingly and calmly but inside I was screaming. Yay!
"Ahhh Pete! You came!" His mother smiled. She had white feathers and lots of makeup up. She wore a blue cocktail dress. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting. I'm Prudence. You are?"
"Oh, right mother. This is my girlfriend Pelly." Pete smiles.
"Girlfriend huh? How come you have never told me? You told me when you were 8 about your girlfriend Roxy the pebble?" Prudence laughs.
"Mother...please..." Pete blushes. I take this time to make a good impression and speak to his mother.
"I'm very sorry, however I have been travelling across the world for the last year. I have been very eager to meet you. Pete is such an amazing guy, I hope you approve of our relationship." I say to his mother who looks a bit surprised.
"Well my dear, that is quite alright and I do approve that Pete has finally found a girlfriend which isn't a rock, however you didn't answer my question. Why didn't Pete tell me about you sooner?" Prudence stares at me with her cold brown eyes, it was like she was staring into my soul.
"Mother!" The bride walks over to us and stares at us.
"Persephone!" Prudence smiles. "Where is your husband?"
"Oh his mother and father wanted to give him some 'life advice'. Haha, so I chose this opportunity to meet Petes girlfriend. Ah, here she is. Hi, I'm Persephone, the posh woman here is my mother as you probably gathered." Persephone laughs. I was starting to like this girl.
"Persephone, please." Her mother scowls.
"Oh come on mum! Lighten up, it's a party!" Persephone laughs. "So, may I ask who you are?"
"Oh right sorry. My name is Pelly." I smile.
"Well Pelly, I can tell we are going to be fast friends. After my honey moon, my husbands going away on a business trip? We could get together?" Persephone smiles.
"Sure! I do however, have to work...so you could come to our town? We have pretty good shops. You could stay a couple of nights?" I ask.
"Sounds great. Here's my number." Persephone hands me a lacy card with a number and her name is cursive writing.
"Cool. I'll call you after your honeymoon!" I laugh.
"Sweet, see you later!" Persephone says before walking off to join her husband.
"Sorry about my daughter...she's no quite as posh as the rest of us." Prudence says.
"It's fine, she seemed pretty cool." I laughed.
Yes...cool." Petes mother scowled. I gulped. "Well. I'll see you later Pelly. Say, is your name short for anything fancy? Or is it just Pelly. Pete is short for Peter, so why don't you have a real name?"
"I-I do....its Pelly. It's not short for anything." I mumble.
"Well, do you have any siblings?" Prudence asks.
"Yes..." I reply.
"Phyllis." I feel Pete freeze at my answer.
Prudence shakes her head."Mm hmmm. Phyllis. Perfectly sensible name. Pelly is just ridicul-"
"Mother please." Pete interrupts. "Pellys name is perfectly fine, it's a beautiful name and she is a beautiful lady. Can you please stop or leave please."
I feel my face flush at Pete calling me beautiful. I knew he didn't mean it...he loved Phyllis.
"your right...I'm sorry Pelly." Prudence straightens her dress and coughs. "If you excuse me, I'll go and wish the happy couple some congratulations."
"Wanna go for a walk?" Pete sighs. I nod.
We step outside in the cold, it was freezing and snow was beginning to fall.
I shiver and Pete takes off his jacket and wraps it around me.
"I mean what I said..." Pete mumbles.
"W-what?" I stutter.
Pete sighs. "Pelly, I do like you...I really do." We stop moving and he turns to face me. "It's just, your younger than me and act less mature...I like Phyllis because she's mature... Pelly, to save you from heart break, I don't think we should see each other anymore."
I open my mouth to say we aren't even seeing each other but he holds his hand up in protest.
"No, not in dating...as in, no more talking, or interacting with each other...I'm sorry. I'm heading back to see my sister off, you coming?" He asks.
I shake my head and run as far as I could from the party. Silent tears ran down my cheeks.
I pull out my cellphone and open it, flicking through my contacts. I didn't feel like seeing Phyllis. I call someone and it picks up.
"Hello?" They ask.
"M-mum..." I snivel.
"Pelly!" My mum shouts. "What's wrong! Where's phyllis! Are you ok?"
"I-I'm at a party out of town...Phyllis isn't here. I don't want to see her...can I come home and stay with you?" I cry.
"Yes. Come home, I'll drive over, where are you?" She asks. I tell her the address and sit down on a bench. I sighed.
It was always Phyllis. She always got the guys. One time, I had the luck of getting a boyfriend. We dated for 2 months before he broke up with me to ask out Phyllis. She turned him down, and out of embarrassment...he never asked me out again and warned all the other guys he hung out with...that Pelly is boring and has a hot older sister. Don't go out with her.
Finally, headlights appeared and my mother jumps out of the car.
"Pelly!" She screams. "You must be freezing!"
She helps me into the car and we start driving away.
"Pelly...what happened. Did Phyllis do anything?" My mother says. I shake my head and tell her the story.
She stays straight-faced during the whole explanation. We finally arrive at my house and we walk in. My dad sat on the couch reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.
"Pelly?" He gasps.
"Hey dad..." I sigh glumly.
"What happened..." He asks.
I see my mother mouth 'boy drama' and he shuts up. I head up the stairs into my room. I lie. In bed when suddenly I hear my phone ring. It was Phyllis.
If I ignore it, she would freak out...and her being the stubborn bird she is, she wouldn't call mum and dad, she would go out and find me.
I push answer and bring the phone to my ear.
"Pelly! Oh thank goodness your safe! Pete came back and said he didn't know where you were! Wait...where are you?" Phyllis panics.
"I'm at mum and dads..." I sigh.
"What...why!" Phyllis stutters.
"It's a long story..." I mumble.
"I have time?...even though I'm at work?" Phyllis laughs.
I end up explaining the whole story to her.
"I-I just need some space..." I sigh at the end.
"Well ok...nigh Pelly..." Phyllis sighs.
"Night..." Beep...I hear the phone go dead and I drop it on my bed.

The next morning, mum drops me off at the bus station and I head back to the village. Phyllis eagerly waits for me. She hugs me and I notice her ring has gone.
"What happened to your ring?" I ask.
"Heh...it's a long story..." Phyllis laughs. I smile, but hidden underneath it, I still feel sad.

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