The Able Sisters-Mable

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A Few Years Later...
I lie on my bed, attempting to stitch my shirt back together.
"Mable!" I hear my older sister yell.
"What!" I shout back.
"Can you check the mail please?" Sable asks. I moan and roll out of bed. I down the steps into the shop and exit the door. I walk down the post office.
"Hello!" Pelly says.
"Hi! Do we have any mail?" I ask.
"Yes!" Pelly says. "One letter for Sable from Mr Tom Nook and one letter for you from a store in the city called Gracie Grace."
"Thanks." I say taking the letters. I walk back to the store and hand Sable her letter. I watch her open it with anticipation. It was her birthday yesterday so it was probably a birthday card. Sable opens the letter and I watch her deeply read the card. Tears form in her eyes as she removes a present. She unwraps it and finds a beautiful box. She opens it and finds a pair of shiny scissors. I smile and walk upstairs to open my letter. I open and read the fancy paper.
Dear Mable
You were so young when it happened and you probably don't remember me that well but I am your older sister. I am working in a fancy store called Gracie Grace and I am fine. I hope you and Sable are doing well too. I feel awful about that fight with Sable. I want us to get back together and for us all to work together again. I understand if you don't want too but I miss you and regret that fight everyday.
Please forgive me-Labelle

I gasp. I couldn't tell Sable about this...could i? I walk downstairs.
"Sable?" I ask.
"Yeah?" Sable says.
"Do you know just random question, that you could forgive Lable?" I ask.
"I don't know Mable? She ran away after a fight. I haven't seen her in years...I don't know what she's like anymore." Sable sighs.
"Oh..ok..." I sigh.
A Few Months Later
"I'm just going out to do some shopping!" I call to Sable.
"For what?" Sable asks curiously.
"Just some materials...don't want to run out!" I reply.
"Ok! Just stay safe!" She calls back. I exit the store and head down towards the bus store. I'm going to confront Label. The bus pulls in and I board it. Eventually we reach the city. I look back at the letter Label sent me and then look for a store called Gracie Grace. I find it and enter the door. Fancy music plays as I watch villagers walk around, looking at clothing. I see Gracie standing there and then spot Label talking to a couple of cats. I watch from afar, pretending to be interested in an ugly shirt that's displayed on a mannequin. I look at the price tag. 5.500 bells! That's ridiculous.
"Mable?" I hear Label ask.
"Surprise?" I awkwardly say.
"You've grown so much!" She gasps. "I can't believe you've come here to see me!"
"Yeah!" I say,awkwardly.
" did come here to see me...right?" She asks.
"Yeah! Say, who were you talking to over there?" I ask.
"Oh that's Olivia there..." She says pointing to a white cat with purple eyeshadow. "And that's Rosie!" She points to a blue cat with a big smile.
"'ve made friends..." I say.
"Yeah, it gets pretty lonely here... Hey! Rosie, Olivia and I are going out tonight! You could come!" She smiles.
"I would love too! But sable is waiting for me back at the store...she'll get worried." I sigh.
"Oh...well we could at least go back to my apartment? I can't just let you stand around here all day..." Lable says.
"I would like that." I smile. Sure enough, soon the shop closed. I hid under a table as I heard Gracie yelling at Lable.
"You stupid girl! I told you that the Gracie Sunglasses go under the Gracie Hat!" She screams. I wince.
"I'm sorry ma' won't happen again..." Lable whispers.
"It better not Labelle. Cause if it does, your fired!" Gracie screams before going up the stairs to her apartment. I sneak out of the table.
"Let's hurry." Lable says. We rush up the stairs and enter her tiny apartment. Clothes with holes in them were scattered around the floor. A small blue bed sat in the corner with a writing desk beside it. A flickering lamp sat on the floor.
"What's with all the ripped clothes? " I ask.
"Oh...right...ummmm well Gracie doesn't pay me enough for proper clothing so I get all the leftovers that don't make it to the store..." She sighs.
"Well...I'll fix these up." I say as I gather up the torn clothing in my paws.
"Your still as nice as I remember..." Lable smiles. Suddenly the clock behind me strikes 10 pm.
"Shoot!" I yell. "I'm so late! Sable will be so worried! And I didn't even get the materials..." I sigh.
"well...the last bus leaves in 30 minutes...we can just run down to the store and take some?" Lable asks.
"Lable!" I gasp. "Isn't that stealing!"
"Yeah...I guess?" She shrugs. "Come on! Let's go!"
We rush out of her apartment and down the small stairs to the store. Lable shows me to a glass cabinet and she slowly opens it with a key, revealing rows of gorgeous fabrics.
"Help yourself." Lable says as she walks over to a mannequin and straightens its dress. I walk towards the cabinet and gasp. I stare at the time. 20 minutes. We should be ok. The fabrics were beautiful and Gracie had tons of them. I take a roll of a light blue fabric, checking to see if there was a spare. There was. I also grab a dark pink one with soft flower designs on it. I know pink is Sables favourite colour. I also grab a green gingham plaid pattern with had a mixture of yellows and purples in it, quite a strange combination. I close the cabinet and head over to Lable, awkwardly carrying the materials in my arms.
"Here..." Lable handsome a large satchel bag which was a white colour.
"Thank you!" I smile as I put the rolls of fabric in the bag.
"Come on now...we don't want to miss the bus..." Lable says as she opens the doors of the city. We step out into the cold eerily empty city. We walk down to the bus stop just as it arrives.
"Well...this is it..." Lable says.
"Lable why don't you just come back!" I say.
"Oh Mable...if only it were that easy..." She says. "Look, you better get home's cold and Sable will worry..."
I nod and turn to the bus. I hesitate and spin around to hug Lable. She gasps in shock and slowly hugs me back.
"Bye..." I say as I turn back to the bus and climb on. The buses door closes and I watch as Lable slowly waves as the bus drives away.

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