PPP-Pelly-Part 3

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The next week flew by and my new job at the post office was a lot more demanding. Every time Pete walked in to get the daily mail, he would briefly look at me and hurriedly look down again. I would attempt to smile at him, though it never worked. In the few moments Phyllis and I got to spend together, she would tell me he wasn't worth it and that he was a selfish guy anyway. I would laugh but deep down...it made my heart ache. I didn't have many friends and spent the majority of my time in my apartment. I had asked Phyllis countless times about what happened that night with Mr Nook but she would quickly change the subject. In the morning, my alarm clock goes off and I get ready. I head down to the post office to see a tired looking Phyllis heading back to her apartment. We briefly chat before I head to my station. Every day was the same at the Post Office, I would make a coffee with our own coffee machine and get the letters ready for Pete to deliver. Sigh...Pete. No. I can't focus on him. The door opens and Pete takes the letters before flying off. I turn to the filing cabinets and start organising the letters. Suddenly the door opens and the familiar tingle of the bell meets my ears. I spring back over to the desk to see a girl walk in. She wasn't an animal like the other villagers and I realise she must be the infamous mayor that Isabelle was talking about.
"Hello! Welcome to the town Post Office! How may I help you?" I ask happily.
She hands me a letter sadly.
"Could you send that to my future self..." She mumbles.
"Sure! When would you like it delivered?" I ask.
"Any time but now..." She coughs before rushing out. She's not happy...
I stare at the letter sitting on the desk. Tear drops stained the envelope. Should I open it...I mean, I'll just re-seal it? I cautiously glance around to silent room to see no one. Knowing it was safe, I open the envelope. If I was discovered opening the mayors letters I would be fired and sent out of the town. It was a risk I was willing to take though. I smother out the letter on the desk and start reading.
"Dear future me,
How could you have fallen in love with him?
You know that it will only end in heart break,
He's only a simple man and older than you.
Just forget about Pete the mailman ok?
Forget about that night, Mayor Evelyn"

I feel the letter slip out of my hand as I slide to the floor. 'Forget about that night?'. I feel my heart break into a million tiny pieces as I release that Pete loves basically everyone but me. Night comes around and Phyllis comes into the Post Office.
"Hey Pelly! What happened?" She asks.
"N-nothing!" I snivel.
"Pelly, you have that face on...I can tell." Phyllis frowns.
"Nothing happened Phyllis! Just keep your big beak out of things ok!" I scream before running off.

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