Reese & Cyrus-Cyrus

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Damn it Cyrus! Why do you always have to mess things up! You scared the poor girl!
I slam my head on the steering wheel. I was still parked up outside Reeses house.
I start the car and start driving. I reach my house, it was average house. My family wasn't rich but we weren't poor, we were comfortable. I head to my room and close the door. I was careful not to stand on pieces of wood or paint tins. I turn on my old computer and decide to message Clarissa.
Cy-Guy: Hey Rissa, what are you doing?
SassyRissa101: Have fun with Reese?
Cy-Guy: We are just friends...
SassyRissa101: Sure...listen. Reese and I are in a fight...your gonna take my side...right!?
Cy-Guy: Ummmmmmm no thanks.
SassyRissa101: ugh! I just knew you would say that. You just wait...the plan will be amazing
Cy-Guy: listen...I'm gonna head to bed, I have work tomorrow...
SassyRissa101: whatevs, I know your lying.
SassyRissa101: Wait!
Cy-Guy: what now.
SassyRissa101: Wanna hear what I did to Reese!
Cy-Guy: what did you do...
SassyRissa101: Ummmm, I totally deleted her university application!
SassyRissa101: it took her a week to write!
SassyRissa101: 1-0 To Clarissa!
-Cy-Guy: Has Gone Offline

I slam the off button on my computer. It wasn't fair on Reese. I decide that sitting round in my room was going to make me feel worse. I head back to my car and hop in. I drive.
I don't know where I'm going but I needed to get away. I stop and get another coffee and over to my sisters.
She was older than me and had orange fur with piercing blue eyes. I park outside and just sit for a moment. I breathe and knock on the door.
"What now Tyler!" She screams before coming to the door. "Oh! Cyrus! Sorry, things got s bit messy with my ex the other day. Ummmmm, come in!"
I head inside and we sit on the couch.
"Cria...I need some help." I frown.
"Girl trouble?" Cria smiles.
"Yeah..." I moan.
"Is it with Clarissa? No offence but that girl is not good enough for you!" Cria grumbles.
"No...its with her twin, Reese. Clarissa is acting really mean to her and I need to know how to date Reese without Clarissa taking it out on her!" I complain.
"Hmmmm, well. Talk to Reese about it. If your not officially dating it's fine, if it's effecting Reeses personal life, either don't get involved or talk to her parents."
I yawn after Cria finishes.
"Just sleep in the spare bedroom. No need to drive all the way back to mum and dads!" Cria smiles.
I yawn again. "Thanks sis..."
After attending my woodwork class I head to the cafeteria. I grab some of the turnip mash and sit on a table. The usual crowd of students rush to sit beside me and talk away but I pay no attention.
My phone buzzes and I flip it open. Reeses face appears. I answer and head over to an empty classroom.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask.
"I have literally just spent the whole day typing up a new application!" I hear her shout. "I need socialisation. You up for getting coffee?"
"Yeah! I just have a class left, I'll only be an hour and then I head over to see you." I say excitedly.
"Ok, cool." she says before hanging up. The bell rings and I head to my class. For the whole hour, I sit, tapping my pen on the desk. The final bell rings and I head back to my car to head over to Reeses house.
I park outside her house and she comes running over. She opens the car door and hops in, a single bead of sweat dribbling down her face. I decide against mentioning it, knowing it would make her embarrassed...she did look cute when her face when red though.
"Did you finish your application form?" I ask.
"Barely...Clarissa did a good job of ruining my notes for me, I could hardly remember all the points I had..." Reese sighs. "It's hopeless...ill never get into my dream school."
"Hey. Don't say that." I smile, desperately trying to cheer her up. "You'll get in, don't you worry!"
I head down to the coffee shop and we sit in one of the corner booths.
I look across the table and catch Reese staring at me before hastily looking away. We make eye contact suddenly and lean in. Our lips touch but this time, Reese doesn't flinch.
We finish the kiss and awkwardly stare into our coffees.
"Reese, would you girlfriend?" I ask her. Reeses face turns a brilliant shade of red.
"O-of course!" She shouts.
"WHAT!" Clarissa's voice booms from the distance.

Hey guys! The competition to have the option for you to be in my story is still open! Make sure to comment or PM me using the form in the previous chapter! Hope to see some entries!

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