Chapter Eleven

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Summer's P.O.V:

It was, sadly, January fifth, the day that I would have to go back on tour with Austin, and the day that my mom would be going back to Miami. In some sense I guess I was kind of happy to be able to go back on the road because I loved performing, but at the same time I just didn't want to have to deal with Austin. I know he either try and hit on me again, or he would talk shit to me and make me feel like I'm unwanted and useless. Both options I didn't want to have to deal with.

As I zipped up my last bag and closed my sliding closet door, I took one last large breath and looked around the room I had slept in my entire life up until I was fourteen. I was really going to miss this place so much, but I knew I couldn't stay here for forever. I had fans and sold out stadiums waiting for me, and I wasn't the type to disappoint.

I walked towards the door and walked out into the hallway that was filled with tons of pictures of my family scattered everywhere in every possible position on the wall. I shut the door behind me before walking into the living room to meet my family, all who were waiting to say their goodbyes. I hugged and kissed everyone, listened and remembered their little messages to tell Rocco and Stacy, and said my goodbyes. Before I knew it, I was back on the back roads again with my mother.

When we reached the airport, I saw Stacy, Rocco, Bei, Austin, our bodyguards, and the rest of the tour crew waiting for me. When I stepped out of the car, Austin's attention was already fixed on me. I only glanced at him, I didn't want him to think anything that wasn't true.

"Do you have everything, Summer?" My mom asked, rolling a bag towards me. I nodded and brought her in for a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, mom" I said, a few tears sprinkling down my cheeks.

"I'll miss you too, darlin'. But I'll see you again before you know it" she said, wiping my tears away and kissing my forehead. "Now go on now, I see they're waiting for you."

"Okay.. Well.. Bye mom" I said, turning around and waving. She waved back before getting back in her car and starting the ignition, driving off soon after.

Stacy approached me and gave me a huge hug. "You know, I really missed you kiddo!"

I laughed. "I missed you too Stacy."

Suddenly, my phone started playing 'Say it Right' by Nelly Furtado, and I knew it was Beau. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and pressed the cold glass against my cheek. "Hello?"

"Hey!" I heard Beau'a voice on the other end. I smiled to myself. His Australian accent was to.die.for.

"Hey.. What's up?" I asked him. He chucked a little.

"You won't believe me.."


"I'm gonna be in LA for the same two days you will be" I could tell he was smiling when he said it.

"You're joking." I said, a hint of a smirk on my face. He laughed.

"Oh trust me, I'm not joking"

I stood there for a good two seconds taking all of this in. Beau was going to be in Los Angeles the same days as I was. Oh my God.

"Beau! Oh my, we're gonna meet tomorrow?!"

"Yes! I'm excited!" He said. I giggled. We were in the lobby now and Austin was staring at me intently, listening to this whole convo.

"Me too.. Oh my God." I said. I walked passed Austin and into a more secluded hallway where no one could hear me.

"Yeah. Oh hey I gotta go, I'm about to board this flight to LA right now.. Ill text u later ok?" Beau rushed suddenly.

"Okay! Be safe!" I said.

"I will. Bye, love" he quickly said before hanging up the phone. I ended the call and just leaned against the wall, letting it process through my brain that I will be meeting Beau. I thought I wouldn't get to meet him for another four to five months, but

here I am the day before ill see him.

After a little moment to myself and got myself together, I walked back out to the lobby where Austin just looked at me with a glare in his eye. I scoffed. He was beyond ridiculous, he had no right to even look at me like that. He was the one who fucked everything up by being an asshole, I on the other hand had every and any right to look at him in any way I wanted. But I wouldn't, because I didn't need his piece of shit ass.

I shoved my way past Austin to Stacy and talked to her for a little bit before we were given the all call to board the plane to Los Angeles. Austin stepped on my heel, purposely, and I sware I could've punched him if all these people didn't know who we were. Instead, I gave him a glare and mumbled "watch it Mahone" before entering the plane. He just laughed and I of course rolled my eyes.

As I walked past the rows of seats I finally found mine. I sat down next to Stacy and gave her a look that expressed exactly how annoyed I was.

"Austin being a jerk again?" She asked.

"He's not just a jerk Stacy" I laughed coldy "he's a fucking asshole and I hate him."

"Awe nah you don't hate him, you just hate what he did to you" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"No Stacy, I HATE him." I said reassuringly. She laughed.

"Alright alright."

I turned towards the window and looked outside as our plane started to rise slowly and steadily into the air. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my music, finding one of my favorite songs and shoving my headphones into my ear.

This was going to be a long flight.


Hey guys! I'm so so so sorry about not updating in months and months. I know I suck but I think I'm finally going to be able to get back into writing these stories. I've been so caught up in my personal life lately that I've just completely forgot about Wattpad and these stories and a horrible as that is, I promise I'm going to try and post more of each story as much as I can. I've noticed your comments about updating and all of that and I've ignored them (guilty) but hey I hope this short little chapter will do some justice for right now.

In the mean time, I still love you guys and I still appreciate all the love and support even after all this time. Be expecting more within the next few weeks!


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