Chapter Twenty-Six

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   My heart began to race as I looked into those beautiful hazel eyes that I had loved so much. Maybe it was the dream or whatever it was that I had but I suddenly felt different towards Austin than I had that day at rehearsals. I suddenly accepted that I loved him, and I hoped he truly loved me too. Were those images and flashes of the scenarios real? Did he actually find me? I had so many questions, yet I could still barely speak.
    "You're... awake," he said, breathless. "I can't believe it."
   "Why?" Was all I could muster. The tears were beginning to form in his eyes as he quickly blinked them away, attempting to show no signs of weakness. Why was he crying?
    "We'll save that for later, right now I need to call your mom to let her know," he said, before taking out his phone and dialing my mother's number. My mom was here?
   As Austin spoke on the phone with my mom, I sat in confusion. What really happened to me? The last thing I could remember from my conscious mind was me being in a tub with a glass of champagne with the music blasting. Did I do something wrong? How long was I asleep? Why did I feel so numb and stiff?
    While these questions ran through my mind, my mother and a few nurses burst into the room. For the first time in what felt like forever, I saw my mom who for some reason looked aged as if she hadn't slept in years. Again, the question of what the hell happened to me emerged as my mother came over to the bed and kissed my forehead, as the nurses began to check me everywhere.
   "My baby, you're awake," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "We thought we lost you forever." 
   "What...happened?" I asked with as much strength as I could muster.
   "You were in a coma, honey," she croaked out, as tears streamed down her face.
"I can't believe you're awake, Summer," my stepsister, Savannah, said, also crying.
"We really thought you weren't going to make it," my other stepsister, Georgia, said. I looked at them in confusion, as I tried to grasp what was going on.
"I'll be right back," one of the nurses said after taking some blood and checking my vitals. Austin emerged from behind my mom and sisters and sat down on the other side of the bed, offering for me to take my hand in his. He looked up at my mom before saying,
"I think she doesn't know what happened."
"You don't know?" My mom asked as I slightly shook my head. She sighed and looked to my sisters and Austin before knowing what she was going to have to do.
"Let me pull up a chair because it's somewhat extensive," she said, before getting a chair and sitting down in it. She took a deep breath and grabbed my other hand, lightly squeezing it.
"Before I tell you everything, can I ask a few questions? If you can answer them?"
I nodded my head.
"Okay, first. What do you remember?"
"Being in.. the tub.. and drinking," I said softly.
"Do you remember taking a lot of pills?"
I shook my head, "only... two."
My mom looked to Austin who had as much concern written on his face as she did hers, as though they were communicating through their identical thoughts.
"Alright.. well. Let me tell you what happened," she began, gathering her thoughts before beginning. "The doctors said you had taken a lot of pain medication and that it mixed with the alcohol, of which you already had alcohol poisoning. You drank a lot, probably more than you realized.
The doctors think that you took the medication while you were drunk, unintentionally, maybe you had cramps or something similar before and your subconscious was telling you to take the medication. They say that they see it a lot but.. I don't know about that. Anyways, if Austin hadn't found you.. you would've died, Summer."
The flash of the scene from my dream emerged when Austin had found me, and I realized in that moment...
"I.. died," I stated. My mom nodded her head.
"How did you know that?"
"I saw... me," I said.
Austin sat back in shock as the reality of what I had seen set in. But was it so shocking?
    "He did save you," my mom began. "How do you-"
    "I.. was.. out.. of.. my.. body," I said softly.
   "Oh my God," my mom said, putting her hand to her mouth. "Oh my God."
"I-I don't-" Austin said, before standing up and putting his hand to his forehead. "I can't believe-"
"That.. it..happened?" I asked.
"Summer, I can't even put into words how much we've cried. We all really thought you were gone," my mom croaked, wiping her tears away as they fell down her face quickly.
"Well... I'm.. not.. now," I said, giving a small smile.
"Ah! Hello! It's nice to see you're awake," a kind, joyful doctor smiled as he entered the room. "It seems as though God has truly heard all of the prayers from around the world this past year."
"Year?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Yes, honey. A year. You were in a coma for a year," my mom said, taking my hand in hers. In all that time, all those flashbacks and flash forwards and that traveling... it felt as though it happened in mere seconds, let alone an entire year. How on earth was that possible?
"You had a lot of support and a lot of love coming from your fans. It's a beautiful miracle," the doctor said, smiling. "You've been given a second chance, and most people don't get that opportunity."

More Than He Was Going For (Austin Mahone Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz