Chapter Twenty-Four

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Austin's P.O.V.
The next morning, Summer's mother and siblings came to the hospital all looking distraught with evident dark circles under their eyes. They were the only people who were allowed to see Summer at this time, at least until they said otherwise. One of Summer's step-sisters walked out a few times to update us on her progress, but each time remained the same.
Rocco, Stacy, Bei, and the rest of our management team were left to tell the world, at Summer's family's request. The post all throughout practically every social media platform was incredibly heart-wrenching. Under a beautiful picture of Summer performing on our last tour together, the team wrote:

"Dear fans, media, and friends,
Our beloved Summer Rose has suffered from alcohol poisoning and a drug overdose of pain medication. She is being hospitalized at this time, and is currently pronounced as unconscious by coma. It is essential that we tell you the truth, as we are her management and family and want to be as completely honest as possible.
Before entering into a medically induced coma, Summer had been resuscitated three times, meaning she has flatlined and her heart has stopped, and has had her stomach pumped. Doctors have said they have done the most they can do, that the rest is up to God.
     Please, on behalf of our family and team, keep Summer in your prayers. We are so distraught and devastated, and we need all of the thoughts and prayers that we can get. We love you all, and will try to update on her progress as much as possible. Please understand that the world tour has been placed on hold until further notice. Much love to you all."

The days crept by at an achingly slow pace. I stayed in the hospital waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Eventually, Summer's mother let me in to see her when she noticed I wasn't planning to leave until I did and she awoke. I knew her mother didn't like me, but it seems as though that was the least of her worries in that moment.
Seeing Summer in the hospital bed, hooked up to all of those machines, broke my heart into pieces. I almost couldn't breathe as I tried not to choke up in front of her family, but it didn't work. The tears spilled everywhere as I began to cry hysterically. They didn't understand, of course, why on earth I'd be crying this hard. In their perspective, I was only a man with sexual intentions, and after all this time, I can see why they'd think that. But honestly, all I could think about in that moment was her, and how badly I messed up.
"Austin," her mother began after a few minutes, coming up behind me and placing a hand on my back. "Can I speak to you in the hallway?"
"Of course," I said quietly, turning around and following her at the door. She made sure we were in the hallway alone, and that the door was completely shut, before speaking.
"Austin, I know we got off on the wrong foot a few years ago. I know that despite everything, Summer has always loved you. But," she said, beginning to choke up on her words, "I just want to thank you. Because I know that if you hadn't of found her she would be gone, and.. and-"
She began to cry hysterically, and naturally, I brought her into my arms, rubbing her back up and down. I couldn't help but cry as well, as it pained me to see someone in so much pain. If only she knew it was my fault.
We remained that way for a good few minutes before she pulled away and gathered herself before letting out a soft chuckle and wiping her eyes.
"I'm sorry, it's just that all of this is so much," she said, as she continued to wipe the tears that were still escaping her eyes.
"Please, don't feel like you have to apologize to me," I said quietly. "It's understandable."
"You're right," she said giving me a small smile. "Well, I guess I should get back. She's my baby, I don't want to be away from her for too long."
"Wait," I said before she opened the door, causing her to turn and look at me.
"I want you to know that.. despite everything in the past, I-I," I began to stutter. Why was it so hard to admit in front of her mother? She tilted her head to the side, almost in confusion, as she awaited my next words.
"I love your daughter. I love Summer. I never thought that I would say it but I do. I love her so damn much and honestly, she's the only woman I've ever loved. I hate myself for everything I've done, anything that I've ever done that caused her pain. I'm just so sorry and when I found her in that tub and felt her pulse weakening I never knew how much i really loved her," I said, beginning to choke up and cry again as my words began to run together and her mother also began to cry as well. She pulled me into a hug, comforting me as I had her just a few moments before, and I felt so at ease for the first time in days. When we pulled back, she looked into my eyes and leaned up to kiss my cheek, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"All is forgiven, I can never hold a grudge. You're a special young man, and even though I have forgiven you, I just hope that when Summer wakes up," she paused for a second, letting the silence symbolize the real thought of "if" she wakes up, "I hope she can do the same."
"You're a wonderful person," I said softly, giving her a small smile.
"If that's what age and being a mother has formed me to be, then I'll take it. Thank you, Austin," she said once more, before opening the door to the room again. "I hope you can finally get some rest after seeing her."
"I don't think I'll be able to," I admitted, "but thank you for the wishes."
I was in and out of the hospital for months. Summer still never woke up, and she remained in the same state she had been in from the very beginning. I remained thankful to Summer's mother and the rest of her family as they came in from Texas, for letting me see her upon each visit. I was so hopeful of her waking up each and every day, but after roughly four months passed, I began to have my doubts.
Rocco and Stacy were constantly updating fans and followers of her progress, even though there was none. Becky didn't come around much, here and there, but seemed to have an immense amount of guilt. Bei visited as often as he could, as he was beginning his re-transition into the music industry as Maejor Ali, which was planned but assured he wouldn't be apart of the tour if we ever continued it. Everyone seemed to try to move on with their lives, as they all had strong doubts of her waking up, but I couldn't. She was all I could think about, so much that while in the hospital, I wrote numerous songs about her and talked it over with Rocco to let all of the songs be dedicated on a special album release for when she came back.. if she did.
Month after month went by, and soon the long months turned into a year. Before any of us even knew it, a year had finally been set in stone and doctors were beginning to question Summer's family on what they believed they should do. This brought a lot of pain and incredible sadness, as they, just as I and everyone else had, hoped she would wake up. But now, it was time to face the music, she wasn't waking up. She was, as the doctors stated, "already gone," words which cut everyone like a knife.
However, one beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon, I was driving towards the hospital. For some reason, today felt the most positive out of every day within the past year. It felt as though everything was finally at ease, at peace. I didn't know why I felt this way until I reached the hospital and everyone in Summer's family had huge smiles on their faces. Of course, I questioned them what had happened.
"She's been moving her fingers and toes here and there since early this morning, a few hours after you left last night," Summer's mom smiled. "The doctor's have said it's a sign that she'll be waking up soon."
"A-Are you serious?" I asked, suddenly speechless.
"Yes! Look!" She said, pointing to Summer's fingers as they began to twitch a little more. Throughout the remainder of the visit, Summer began to twitch more frequently and closer together. Around ten o'clock in the evening, Summer's mother and her sisters decided that they wanted to make a brief coffee run to the Starbucks downstairs.
"We'll be back!" She called, as they all followed behind her, leaving only Summer and I alone in the room for the first time in awhile. I held her hand close to mine, pressing the soft skin to my lips and rubbing up and down her arms. I was hoping for a reaction, and to my surprise, I got one.
While holding her hand in mine, Summer gripped my fingers, weakly but noticeably. I quickly looked up at her for any signs of waking up, and her head began to move, for the first time since that awful night I found her. Her eyes began to twitch quickly, as she struggled to open her eyelids. She weakly strained her eyes and looked at the ceiling first, before she made eye contact with me, my heart completely stopping at the striking blue that stared back at me.

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