Chapter Five

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Summer's P.O.V:

I arrived at Olive Garden for our date right at nine o'clock on the dot. Cody wasn't there yet, but I knew he would be soon.
As I waited, I played around on my phone and got onto Twitter. After awhile of that, I looked at the time to see that it was nine twenty two. I got a little concerned so I just decided to call him, hoping to get an answer as to where he was.
"Hello?" he answered.
"Cody, where are you?" I asked. He paused and then cursed under his breath and I heard what sounded like a girls voice in the background.
"Shh It's my girlfriend" I heard him hiss, thinking that he had his hand over the speaker but he didn't. I knew exactly what he was doing, and tears swelled up into my eyes.
"No Cody, I'm you're EX girlfriend now. Asshole" I sobbed and hung up the phone. All this time I thought he was the best boyfriend I could ever have when in all reality, he wasn't. I backed out of the parking lot and sped down the highway, tears streaming down my cheeks and mascara and eyeliner all over my face. When I reached the tour bus, I got out, slammed the car door and busted through the door of the tour bus. everyone was quiet and stood still, watching me confused.
"Why are you-" Rocco started but I interrupted him.
"Cody cheated on me" I sobbed. Everyone's once confused faces now turned into looks of sorrow and understanding.
"Summer I'm so sorry." Stacy said, coming over to me and wrapping her arms around me. I sobbed into her chest and I heard her whisper something to the crew. "Come on" she said, guiding me to my bedroom. When I got into the bedroom I collapsed on my bed and just cried and cried and cried. The thoughts of him cheating on me seemed so unrealistic even though that it was more real beyond belief. I just couldn't believe it.
"Summer.. please stop crying. Cody isn't worth your precious tears." Stacy cooed.
"How could he do this to me?!" I cried into my pillow, ignoring everything she just said. She just continued rubbing my back.

"I'm not sure Summer. But any guy who would cheat on you is stupid and most definitley not worth it." she said. I knew she was right, but honestly i never thought that that guy would be Cody of all the guys out there.

"I know.. i know. I just don't understand.." i trailed off, escaping into my own world of private thoughts. The more i thought about it, the more the tears burned and came to my eyes hot and fast.

"Stacy?" i asked.

"Yes, hun?"

"I'm really tired" i lied to her. I wasn't really tired, i just wanted some time to think to myself. She nodded and stood up from my bed, turning on the light beside the night stand and walking towards the door to cut off the light.

"I'll leave you alone then. You need to get some rest for the first show tomorrow after all" she said. "Goodnight, Summer."

"Goodnight, Stacy" i said as she shut the door to my room. I then got up and walked into the small little bathroom that hooked to my room and took off all of the smeared makeup and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I then took my outfit off and changed into a tank top and short shorts, exiting the bathroom and then crawling back into my bed and shoving my headphones in my ear, blasting away the horrid reality of my life with Chris Brown's voice washing my pain away.

Austin's P.O.V:

As soon as the door shut to Summer's room my brain started racing with thoughts of what she could possibly mean by Cody cheating on her. Did he just kiss a girl, or was it something more? Either way, he was a complete idiot. Summer was perfect, and definitley not cheat worthy, and that's coming from me, a guy who has cheated on a girl way more than just once.

"This is horrible" Rocco said, sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Yeah" i said quietly.

"Depression really isn't good when you're on the road. It mixes with not enough rest and- it's just going to be a complete mess." Bei said. "But i have to admit, i feel really bad for the poor girl. She has never done anything to anyone to deserve this."

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