Chapter Twenty-One

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         I couldn't believe I fell for his games again. I should've known those nights on the balcony, the date, him swearing that he loved me were all a lie. A part of me knew it, but another part of me wanted to believe him. I'm so fucking pathetic.
       I should've moved on after Beau, I shouldn't have thought that Austin had the potential to love me when he doesn't have the heart or the capability to love anyone. That's on me. I'm the idiot, despite what I want to think.
     Becky can also shove it, because I couldn't give a fuck about what she had to say. That day at rehearsals when she was acting so damn weird I really should've known she was on to something, but I ignored it. Again, I'm the idiot for believing in everyone.
     At this point, I was already back in my drive way and marching up the stairs in my mansion, unable to cry and unable to hurt. I wanted my revenge, on both of them. I wanted them to rot in hell for what they were worth, because I was worth so much more than this complete bullshit of a situation. I was valuable, and if neither Becky nor Austin could see that, it's on them.
      When I reached my bedroom, I came to my conclusion on what I had to do. I needed to change, I needed to make it known to the world, and to Austin and Becky, that I was hot, sexy, worth it, and wanted. I wanted to let go of the whole "good girl" image I had and have a transformation like Rihanna, except I could probably never do it as well as she did but it was worth a damn shot.
     As a business woman, I knew this change in image would direct new fans and new ages to my music. I was now 18, so ultimately my choices were my own, as long as they were approved by management. These thoughts were running through my head as I began looking through my closet and tearing my clothes from my hangers into a pile on the floor. Maybe it was psychotic what I was doing, maybe it wasn't. But whatever it was, I liked this knew me, even if I had only knew her for 30 minutes.

      I picked up my head and stared back at the newly dyed turquoise hair that poured over my shoulders. I was doing what I always wanted to do, and I felt incredibly sexy doing it. My outfit for rehearsals wasn't the usual leggings and t-shirt, but rather, black short shorts that accentuated my ass, and a low cut tank top with a red and black plaid shirt, which I let hang down off my shoulders. I even wore long heeled boots that came to the knees, since it was my signature and I knew I'd be dancing in heels for the show.

   As I stepped out of my fine ass Camaro, I slammed the door ready for my entrance before Becky and Austin. I could hear the soft beat of my music in the background as I approached the door, inhaling deeply before putting on my ultimate bitch face, which was no problem considering the bitches inside.
     I opened the door forcefully, and as my heels clicked against the hardwood, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared, my music still thudding against the ground and shaking the mirrors. I set my stuff down, making sure to look as sexy as I could, before standing back up and flipping my hair over my shoulders and reapplying my lipstick, which I had already perfected just moments before in the car.
  "Summer," Rocco walked over, looking at my new hair, "you're late."

"Only by a few minutes, Rocco," I said, before throwing the lipstick back into my bag, "it won't happen again."

"Alright," he said before turning to Austin and Becky, who were both staring at us, "do you know what's going on with them?"

"They fucked," I shrugged, before walking to the middle of the dance floor. "Shall we begin?"

The dancers looked at each other before nodding and I looked towards the DJ, asking him to throw me my mic and hit the music. When it began, I sang my first hit, "Womanizer," which I added extra flare to. I continued to sing my other songs, and the rehearsal seemed to fly by. Before I even knew it, they were over.

"Good job, Summ," Bei said, walking over and giving me a high five. "I think that's the best rehearsal we have had. What has gotten into you?"

I laughed, "if you really want to know, take a look at the bitches in the corner."

Bei let out a soft chuckle before turning back to me, shrugging. "I kind of expected it, not going to lie."

"Yeah well, when did I become so damn vulnerable?" I mumbled, before coming to a realization of who I wanted to be now. "I mean, why was I ever so vulnerable. I've changed."

"In two days? I don't think so," Bei said, leaning his back against the wall. "I know you, you're just upset."

"No, I'm not 'just upset," Bei. This transformation has been a long time coming. I swear I'm not taking anyone's shit ever again," I glared. "Maybe you just think you know me."

I began to gather my things before Bei placed a hand on my arm gently, attempting to grab my attention.

"Listen, Summ. I'm behind you every step of the way. I believe in you. But you've gone through a lot of shit in the past few years and your whole life is in the public eye. Just promise me you won't do anything stupid?" He begged. I stopped before turning to look at him and biting the skin on the insides of my cheeks. I was tired of everyone wanting to protect me, I was fine. More than fine. I wasn't a 16 year old child anymore, I was more than that. I was a damn woman.

"I know you're here for me, Bei. You've always been. But maybe I just need to be let off of my leash. I'm so tired of everyone being so damn protective. Let me be heart broken and shit, it'll be good for the next album," I shrugged. "As far as it goes, there's literally no promises. I'm just going to go with whatever life throws at me."

I briefly glanced over at Austin and Becky in the corner, who seemed to be enjoying each other's company as the minutes passed. I knew what they would be doing after this, it was completely obvious. But I couldn't help but feel a pang in my heart seeing them, like a piece of me shattered. Again, the question that had been haunting me since I saw the two of them re-emerged; why was I so stupid to believe him?
   Since Becky's back was facing the reflection in the mirror, I briefly made eye contact with Austin, whose glance looked pained and distraught. I hardened my glance, staring into him as though I could set him on fire, before I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the door. I could feel the hot burning tears in my eyes and the tightening of my throat as I tried not to let any tears emerge before I was able to place my sun glasses over my eyes. Why was this hurting me so much? Hadn't I already been through the hurting part?
  I quickly began to scramble for my keys as I heard the studio door squeak open, begging in my head for it not to be anyone running after me. I just wanted to go home, and deal with my emotions in peace. But alas, I felt someone's presence behind me, and it was exactly who I didn't want it to be.

"Summer, please hear me out," he begged, touching my arm gently which struck a nerve in me quickly. I finally had the keys in my hands, but my anger overtook me. I slapped his face hard and pushed him away from my car, before unlocking it and opening the door. He stood there in silence, as I hadn't said a single word to him, in utter shock. It took me a minute to build up the courage, but I was finally able to speak out.

"Don't you dare come over to me and ask for me to hear you out, you son of a bitch," I spat through a tight throat which ached as I tried to hold myself together and the tears that were wanting to spill over so badly. "If I hadn't made it clear enough, I hate your fucking guts. Don't come near me ever again, let me go. You had your fun."

"Who even are you anymore?" He asked, tears evidently sprouting in his eyes, as if I cared.

"Why don't you ask yourself that question? You created her."

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