Chapter Twenty-Five

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Summer's P.O.V.
    The darkness was terrifying, intruding, and alarming. Even though it was brief, I felt as though I had been scarred forever. The panic of not knowing where to go, the caution of which way to run when it all looked the same, the cold Arctic feeling running through my soul as though I was standing in -100 degree weather. But it all stopped once I found my way, and made the right turn. The turn of which brought me light, warmth, happiness. As I trailed to the end of the light, I realized I was standing before a breathtaking scenery of which my eyes had never seen before. It was mountainous, with a long ocean stretching far and wide with many flowers and birds and animals and people. Even though I had never seen it before, I felt as though I was finally home.
   Suddenly, time flew once more and I was placed in another place, which looked achingly similar to Miami. I felt a pang of sadness, thinking of the last events in my memory i could think of, which trailed back to Austin and Becky. The two people who I trusted and loved who betrayed me. The lightning speed zoomed quickly from the familiar Miami surroundings to me in the bathtub, naked, alone, with the music blasting throughout. It was an outer-body experience of which was absolutely terrifying to see. I felt sorry for myself, knowing that I was no longer alive. I hurt myself, unintentionally and carelessly, and now who knew who else I had hurt.
Within moments, I heard a distant voice calling my name and someone banging the door open to my bathroom. Suddenly, Austin emerged, looking distressed and fearful.
"No, no, no!" He cried "Summer, baby, please wake up! I love you, I'm so sorry."
When realization swarmed through my soul, I was taken to what I recognized as the Miami hospital. I saw Austin sitting alone and crying in the hallway, and I heard his prayers for me.
"God, if you can hear me, please please let her come back to me. She's all I've ever wanted, all I've ever needed, and I know i screwed up, God. I know I did. But please, I need her. Her family needs her. The world needs her. We can't live without her God, please." 
And then, I was taken once more, back to where I had begun, in the beautiful place with the mountains and the ocean and was placed before a strong comforting light of which I knew was the Holy Ghost.
"Summer," the voice called to me, however, it wasn't as though I could actually hear the words, it was all very internal.
"Do you wish to stay alive?"
"I-I don't know. I was in so much pain there, like I lost a part of me. What should I do?"
"It is all up to you. Whatever you wish."
"I don't know what I wish. I'm very confused, and scared. How do I know going back will be what's best for me?"
The next thing I knew, I was in a changing scenery once more except this time, I was on the Italian coast, standing in a wedding dress before the very man I had dedicated my last two years to, Austin.
"Do you, Austin, take Summer to be your lawful wedded wife?" The preacher asked, smiling at the two of us as we stared into each other's eyes with love.
"I do," Austin said with a smile, squeezing my hands in his.
"And do you, Summer, take Austin to be your lawful wedded husband?"
"I do," I repeated, giving Austin a wink.
"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mahone," the preacher said. Austin and I smiled ear to ear, crashing our lips onto each other as the wedding party and our family cheered.
Again, the scenery quickly changed, and I was now in another hospital bed.
"Push! You're so close!" The doctor said to me as I was red faced and sweaty, pushing with all my might.
"Come on baby, you've got this," Austin said, squeezing my hand tight. I took another deep breath before pushing again, greeted with the sound of a crying healthy baby. Austin smiled the widest smile and kissed my cheek as the nurse placed our beautiful baby on my chest.
"It's a girl!" She said with a bright smile as Austin and I began to cry.
"You did it baby," he said, before kissing my lips softly.
"No, we did it," I giggled.
In that joyous moment, I was swept away once more to a mansion in the California hills, where Austin and I were packing a bunch of boxes into a brand new car.
"Well, I think that's it," a much older Austin said, wiping the sweat off of his head.
"I'm going to miss you guys so much," a young girl, who had my eyes and long brown hair with many of Austin's features, said.
"Oh, honey. We're going to miss you so much more," an older version of myself said, before bringing the young girl into a tight hug.
"We don't know what we're going to do without you," Austin said, placing an arm around her.
"You have Carter, dad," she laughed.
"Have you met him? He's pretty wild and he's not going to have anyone tell him what to do. I guess your mom and I will have to step it up," Austin teased, causing our daughter and I to laugh. "All jokes aside, I love you hun. I'm so very proud of you for going to college."
"So am I," I said before we all joined together in a group hug.
I was then swept away again to one last final scene, where Austin and I were sitting on a wrap around front porch in what I knew had to be Texas, both of us with a large glass of sweet tea. We were both very old, and had white-gray hair, holding hands and talking.
"You know, honey, I don't know what I would do without you," Austin began, looking in my eyes with a gentle smile.
"I'd be lost without you," I admitted, "all of our years traveling and performing, our marriage, children, and grandchildren... I wouldn't have wanted to spend it or experience it with anyone else."
"I love you, Mrs.Mahone. More than you'll ever know."
"I love you too, Austin," I said before we shared a gentle kiss on the lips. "Till death do us part."
I was swept back once more to the first place where I had been, and was questioned once more with my decision. It wasn't very hard to choose what I wanted to do in that moment.
"Very well."
Before I knew it, I felt my body once more, the feeling in my fingers and toes had returned, and the tight feeling of someone gripping my hand and the distant sound of someone talking came to my rusty senses. I felt cramped, and immobile at first, but the more i twitched my fingers, the more I felt I had the energy to eventually move them.
I struggled to open my eyes, as they felt like mini weights to open. I was first greeted with the hospital ceiling, and glanced over towards the window, before I looked down to my arm and trailed up my evident veins, to find the one person who I was happiest to see gripping my hand tightly and watching me very closely.

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