Chapter Seven

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Summer's P.O.V:

When we got our food from Sonic, Austin started driving in the direction away from the area the tour bus was parked. A part of me was thinking, should i be worried? But the other part of me was thinking i shouldn't, that Austin wouldn't hurt me. I couldn't help but be curious either way, so i finally built up the confidence to ask where we were going.

"You'll see" he said, a small smile appearing on his face when he gave me a glance. That smile made my heart skip a beat and i knew for sure that wherever he was taking me wouldn't be bad.

When we reached the place that we were supposed to be, i noticed that it was a park. A hint of a smile appeared on my face as i thought about all those times that me and Cody would come to parks whenever we got the chance to see each other. Cody. I shook the thought out of my head. Cody was the past, Austin was my present. I didn't need to think of Cody anymore.

Austin opening the passenger door for me disturbed my thoughts. I was glad though, i didn't feel like crying tonight, especially since Austin was being such a gentleman. I just want to know what has gotten into this boy lately. At first he almost attacked me for sex and now his attitude towards me has suddenly changed.

"What is it?" Austin asked, shutting the door behind me.

"Oh, nothing" i replied, walking in front of him.

"Something's up. What is it?" he asked, catching up beside me.

"I was just thinking about how weird you're acting" i admitted, shoving my hands in my jacket pockets since the temperature felt like it was dropping by the minute.

"I'm not acting weird" he laughed. I looked at him like he was crazy and he giggled. "What?"

"You were like, on your knees begging me for sex the other day and now you're treating me like a princess" i said. He looked at me with disbelif before he finally answered.

"I don't know what i was thinking. All that i really know is that i shouldn't have attacked you liked that and i'm sorry. You're not the kind of girl i would do that to"

I looked down at the ground, thinking about what he just told me. So, he wasn't the person i thought he was.. he actually cared about my feelings.

"Oh" was all that i could really muster. Austin stopped at a picnic table in front of the pond and i stopped as well, sitting next to him.

"I didn't mean to come across that way. I'm really really sorry" he said softly. I looked over at him and took his hand in mine.

"Stop apologizing. I understand." He looked up at me into my eyes and i felt the whole world stop and my heart start beating even faster than before. Without even realizing it, i was moving closer to Austin and he was doing the same to me. Our lips crashed together and they started moving in sync with each other, and the longer we kissed the more heated it got.

As Austin deepend the kiss, i moved my way onto his lap. I ran my fingers through his curly hair and he moved his hands down to the lowest part of my back. I wanted it to go further and i layed him down against the table, not breaking away from the kiss once. I put my thighs on the sides of his torso and grinded up on him. You better bet that that isn't where we stopped. Both of us wanted each other, and this was the only way of getting it.

Austin's P.O.V:

As we were driving back home from the park i couldn't help but smile. I didn't get exactly what i wanted, but i got somewhat close to it. No, we didn't have 'sex', it was more like oral sex. Either way, i was still happy that i got something out of it.

I didn't know what was more amusing though. The fact that she was actually believing all of this or the fact that she actually did something for me. I guess my fake sob story was actually believable. Damn, she was stupid.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"What? Oh, nothing babe" i lied, taking her hand in mine. Those hands could work wonders i tell you.

"So um.. what does this mean?" she asked, her innocent sounding voice echoing through out the car as we pulled up to the tour bus.

"What does what mean?" i asked, killing the ignition and looking into her eyes.

"I mean.. what are we?"

That was a good question. I didn't want to tell her i didn't want a relationship, she would just think i used her, which i did but that's besides the point. I still had to keep this act up to get what i really wanted.

"I think we're together.." i replied with a fake smile.

"You didn't ask me anything though" she replied. Oh. right.

I cleared my throat, making her giggle. It was cute actually, not annoying. "Summer, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I will" she responded before kissing my lips. This was just the beginning of the road to get what i wanted most.


(A/N: I'm sorry it's so short! I needed to get this chapter over with so i could continue with the story line! But despite how short it was, i still hope you enjoyed it!(: Please vote and comment what you think of this so far! Also, i wanted to give a small birthday shoutout to my babeee Peyton Sanders who's turning 18 today! <21 I love you Pey(:

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