Chapter Thirteen

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I awoke the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes and a constant knocking upon my door. My slumber was not that of what I was hoping for, considering the fact that I was still absolutely exhausted. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed as the knocking continued and managed to mumble the words "I'm coming damn" as I walked across the hardwood floors of the hotel room. I unlocked the door and opened it to find Stacy and Bei.

"Oh I'm glad you're awake!!" Stacy said, pushing past me to the little table in my room. She had brought doughnuts from Krispy Kreme and a Mocha Cookie Crumble frappe from Starbucks, both of which I had been craving for quite a while now, and set them down on the table.

"Well I wasn't really 'awake' I was still sleeping" I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Oh well it doesn't matter. You need to be up anyways" she said, as if she didn't care that I was absolutely exhausted.

"Tomorrow is the day of the big show.. Probably one of the biggest shows of your tour. We needed an early start" Bei said as he walked towards the window and opened my curtains. I put my hands up to shade me from the bright light pouring through the window.

"Okay well that's tomorrow. I really could've used about another three hours of sleep you guys"

"Sorry. That's just how it is" Stacy said, shoving the last piece of her doughnut into her mouth.

"Well what do you want me to do?" I said, getting a little annoyed.

"Eat some breakfast and get ready. We need you to be ready to go by 8:30 at the latest." Bei instructed and I groaned. It was already 7:45.

"Fine." I said, taking a doughnut and eating it quickly. I took a few sips of my frappe before placing it into the freezer so it wouldn't melt while I got ready.

"We'll be back at 8:30 sharp. No later and no earlier" he said, giving me the "I'm dead serious" look.

"Okay" I said. I was already getting my clothes ready as they walked out the door.

My outfit was very simple, and nothing too complex. It consisted of yoga pants, my old high school t-shirt with the arms and sides cut out, and a black bandeau. I pulled on my shoes and walked into the bathroom to wash my face and put in my contacts. As far as makeup went, I decided not to do anything because there was no point when I'm sure I would be sweaty with the dance routines and what not.

I looked at the clock hoping I had at least a little bit of time to just chill, but it was already 8:27. Time was not on my side this morning.

I pulled out my frappe and started sipping on it again, hoping that the caffeine would keep me energized for the morning. I pulled my phone off the charger to see Beau had texted me, but I had no time to reply since Stacy and Bei were back.

"Let's go Summer!!"

I sighed and grabbed my purse and room key and met the others outside. Austin was with them, and like usual, he was looking at me.

We walked towards the lobby and out to the car where our driver was already standing there waiting for us.

I got into the car and Stacy got in after me so she could separate Austin and I. Bei got in the front with the driver so we wouldn't all be smushed together in the back.

"Okay so here's the game plan for today" Stacy started, flipping through the papers in her lap, "first is rehearsal at the Staples Center. We'll go over all the songs and dances and then we'll run the full show. After the show, we'll leave and everyone will be free to do what they want till tomorrow morning."

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