Chapter Three

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A couple of nights later, I got a call from Rocco. He told me that I needed to come to the studio immediately because he finished my tour plans with the tour director.

I got in my car and drove to the studio to also see a red range rover parked over to the side. I sighed, knowing exactly who's it was.

I got out of the car and walked inside, seeing just the face I wish I didn't have to see everyday- Austin. I wasn't sure why he was here, but I just wish he wasn't.

"Good. You came just in time" Rocco said, motioning me to come sit beside him and the tour director, Stacy who had papers spread out all across the table.

"So what's up?" I asked them, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"We've decided that you and Austin will go on tour together." Stacy answered. I looked at them for awhile before i finally processed the fact that I would be on a tour bus with Austin. For a year.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"I told you she wouldn't like it" Bei mumbled from across the table. I looked over at Austin who was sitting beside him, a small smirk on his face. Of course he would like this.

"Well Bei, we're just doing what's best for both of them" Rocco said.

"I don't like this idea.." I grumbled, putting my head in my hands. How could Rocco be so stupid?

"I do" Austin said.

"Of course you do." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Anyways, the tour will be starting next week as planned. We ordered the tour bus yesterday and they said it should be in by Thursday" Stacy read off of her paper.

"Where will we be going first?" I asked out of curiosity, wincing at the word 'we'.

"Atlanta, Georgia." Rocco said. I sighed. It would be a long trip there. "Atlanta? Will I be able to meet with Peyton?" Austin asked. Rocco shook his head.

"We're only staying in each town as long as we have to. As soon as a show is over it will be onto the next city."

"What about when we go to Dallas? will I be able to see my family there?" I asked. Rocco paused as if he was thinking.

"Yes. But you will actually be in Dallas before we even do the show. I'm giving you two weeks off from the tour the day you go to Dallas, which will be December Eighteenth," he replied. I smiled. At least that's something to look forward to.

"When's the Dallas show?" Austin asked.

"The Dallas show is December twenty- ninth," Stacy said, looking down at the tour dates on her clipboard, "anymore questions?"

Austin and I both shook our heads no.

"Well, you two are welcome to leave now. We just wanted to let you know what we had decided" Stacy said.

"Alright well bye guys. I'll see you at Rehearsals tomorrow" I said, standing up to leave. As I walked out the door, I noticed Austin walked out at the same time. I sighed frustratively and stopped in my tracks, turning around to face him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, barely even audiable. I didn't want to deal with this right now, but I might as well go ahead and do so. I didn't want to have to deal with this on the road.

"I want you" he said, a sexual smirk on his face. I swallowed hard.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"Sex. I wanna fuck you" he said, coming straight out and saying it. I gave him a disgusted look.


"Why else? You're sexy, you have a nice ass, I'm pretty sure your pus-" he started, but I stopped him, knowing exactly what he was going to say next.

"Just stop there." I said. He crossed his arms and licked his lips, looking me up and down. "Why do you have to be this way?"

"Be what way, baby?" he asked.

I winced at the word 'baby'. But I reminded myself why I was even doing this- so I won't have to have drama on the road. It's not like I can just run off whenever I wanted to. if something really bad happened between Austin and I, I know that Rocco wouldn't let me go wherever I wanted to. I would have to stay with Austin and the crew.

I sighed at that thought, but I soon came back to reality. Austin was awaiting my answer, and I was ready to tell him how I truly feel.

"Austin, I wanna be nice to you. I really really do. I see that deep down, you're a sweet guy. I know that a couple of years ago that's truly who you were and it wasn't just an act. Why have you let your hormones take over you the way that you have, Austin? Weather you realize it or not, you've become a monster that nobody wants to deal with except you're prostitutes and fans," I started out, "Your fans. Your Mahomies, Austin. Do you think they would be happy with the person you have become behind the scenes? Behind the act of who you used to be? What do you think about that Austin?"

Austin just looked at me with a blank expression. His lips that were once curled up into a sexual smirk now laid in a tight, flat line. He was thinking about what I said, and he was thinking about it hard.

I looked down at my phone and saw how late it was and seeing that I was already exhausted pushed me to say what I had to say next.

"I have to go. But seriously think about what I just said." I said, giving him a look. "Goodbye Austin"

I turned on my heels and walked towards my car, hearing no hints that Austin had moved a muscle. Hopefully what I said to him would really make him think because I would not and will not deal with someone like him for the next year.


Austin's P.O.V.

I watched her as she pulled out of the parking lot and drove to her house, the sound of her music fading out as she drove down the deserted highway. Was what she said true? Was I really a monster?

I stood there and thought about it for a good while longer before I opened the door to my red range rover and got into the spotless car.

Was I really a monster?

The question resurfaced my brain over and over again as I drove down the highway. I didn't see what I did as wrong, I mean It's not like I'm the only guy out there who does this. But yet, I've always promised myself I would never be like any other guy. I wanted to be different. Did I let that slip away when I let my hormones take over everything including my brain?

I felt a tear slip down my face when I realized it was true. I was a man whore. I was a monster.

I pulled into the parking lot of the building where my condo was and got out, immediately being checked out by a bunch of girls. A few of them who I've slept with.

"Hey Austin" one said, taking her hand and rubbing it down my arm sexually. I just ignored the slut.

I walked into my condo and was immediately questioned by my mom what happened at the studio but I ignored her. I had some serious thinking to do. I really needed to sort out my thoughts alone.

As I lay back on my bed I thought about her. Summer. Yeah she was sexy and of course I would love to have sex with her but in order to do that I would need her to fall for me. Fall for me in more ways than one. I would need to change... but just long enough for her to think I had really changed so I could get her. Yes. That's it!

I sat up in my bed, a small smile on my face. I knew exactly how to get her now. I knew exactly what I was going to do, and it would all start the day of the tour.

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