Chapter Nine

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-Two Months Later-

It was December the eighteenth, the day that i was finally getting to go back home to Dallas, Texas. I hadn't been home to Texas in almost a year, and i missed my family and friends so much. Austin was from Texas aswell, and i was planning on taking him to meet my family in the two weeks i was home. Only one problem- my mom hated Austin.

Ever since that sex thing two months ago, she immediately concluded that Austin was just using me for exactly what every teenage guy always wants. I tried to tell her we didn't do anything that she should worry about, but she just ignored me. She got especially mad when i told her i was bringing Austin home, telling me things like "You won't be bringin' that sex craved boy down here to meet family. That ain't gonna happen" and "Your mawmaw will have a cow once she knows that boy is comin' home with you." The thing is, my mawmaw is such an old southern woman she doesn't even use electronics or watch television. The only thing that she reads is the Dallas newspaper every Wednesday and Sunday morning before she goes out to work in the fields, so when i called her and asked her if it was okay if Austin came home with me, she said that was alright with her and that she would love to meet such a sweet sounding boy like Austin. She didn't even know anything had happened, unless my momma told her and if she did she probably didn't even believe her.

"What are you thinking about, babe?" Austin asked me, making me come out of my thoughts.

"Oh, um, just how my family is gonna react when they meet you," i said quietly. His eyes seemed to gloss over as if he was imagining what would happen himself, and i knew that he knew that the meeting with my mother would be as horrible as we imagined.. maybe even worse.

"Maybe your family won't bring up the whole sex thing." was all he came up with. I shook my head.

"You know my mom will."

"Well if she does just keep telling her what you have been telling her," he shrugged, kicking his feet up.

"Well obviously she's not gonna listen, so.." i trailed off. Austin suddenly got this mean look on his face, as if he was imagining doing something terrible to me.

"Goddammit, i'm just saying!" he hissed. I looked over at him and gave him a glare. He has been yelling at me like that a lot more lately ever since we had sex a few weeks ago. Before that he seemed to treat me like i was a priority, now he doesn't even seem to care about me. "Why are you looking at me like that?!"

"Because you do not talk to me that way," i spat. I wasn't going to let him think he could just do it over and over, it just wasn't going to go that way.

"I can talk to you however i want" he said. I raised my eyebrows and said,

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really. Last time i checked you weren't my mom"

I just rolled my eyes. "You sound so much like a kindergardener it's ridiculous. You're right, no, i'm not your mother i'm your girlfriend. I expect to get some respect out of my partner."

"Well you're not my girlfriend anymore" Austin said, scooting away from me and keeping his eyes locked on something out the window. I looked at him in disbelief. Did he just break up with me?!

"Excuse me, what did you say?"

"I said, you're not my girlfriend anymore. Stupid deaf hoe," he said before rolling his eyes and getting out of the car since we had stopped. I felt anger build up inside me, not just because he had broken up with me, but because he called me a stupid deaf hoe.

I got out of the car and slammed the door, causing everyone in our tour crew to bring their attention to me. Austin was the only one not looking at me. Instead, he was texting someone on his phone and before i even knew what i was doing, i smacked the phone out of his hand and slapped his face so hard you could hear it in Kansas. Everyone in our crew got quiet then.

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