Chapter Twenty-Six

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Authors Note: I am making the chapters long now, so I hope you all enjoy them!! 

Chapter Twenty-Six

Arel had said he would come by in the afternoon, so she had the morning to figure things out. She had looked through her supplies and tried to figure out what she had. Some items were definitely different from what she was used too.

Arel had added things into the bag when she wasn't looking, which included a bag of coins. She so far looked through everything and had them laid out on the bed. There was a lot more than she thought.

The survival kit, as Arel called it, had a small pot made out of metal and came with a white bone-like spoon. There were also two knives in there, a good amount of rope and something that look almost like a compass.

The medical kit, and wrappings that were the same color as the blue kelp she had for her tail, some ointments that had labels on them, a bone needle, and a type of thread.

There was the fire stones from earlier, she read the directions for them. Basically, they were used in the place of fire. They had so many uses, around ten. Each colored stone had a different use. The purple you hit them together a few times before placing one or more under what needed to be heated up to make food. The pink is what you would use around your sleeping area to keep warm while you were asleep. The Blue were ones to light up an area, kind of like a flashlight.

He had put a light red blanket in her bag as well as what looked like emergency provision foods. Also, there were some hygiene things. Apparently, to bathe they use a kind of smooth salt rock. Kagome was glad there were things written on helped a lot....but him getting the extra things was really kind of him and something she hadn't expected.

She also hadn't thought of putting those in there. He also put in flash corals and ink packages. They were used as distractions to get away from predators. Kagome was very interested in the things they made down here. They were definitely something she wouldn't have grabbed herself.

Shaking her head, she placed all the items back in the bag and set the bag in the corner, leaning against the wall. She didn't know if she would ever use the bag, but if she did decide to travel across the ocean....she now had the supplies to do so.

"Kagome. You in there?" Blinking Kagome turner to the door. It wasn't yet lunch yet so she knew she had time before that, so she didn't know why anyone would bother her.

Opening the door, Kagome was greeted by Vyline, her brown hair pulled back in a bun. It was different to see her hair up, she usually had it down.

"Is there something wrong?" Kagome asked, frown on her face as she looked at the woman. She held a small smile on her face, so it must not be something serious.

"Yes, your friend is here. He said he is a little early but something came up so he wanted to talk to you." Vyline gave a wide grin as she looked at the younger girl.

"Something came up...."Kagome hummed to herself, as she closed the door behind her, moving so she was beside Vyline, "I hope everything is alright."

Vyline grinned, the girl was kind. Something she knew the Prince could use in his life. She wouldn't tell the girl who he is, but she just hoped the two got together. They would be adorable together, and Kagome would make a good Queen one day. She wasn't like any of the girls that she had heard her husband complain about.

"Why don't you go down and see. He is waiting out front for you." Vyline motioned for the girl to go. Kagome gave the woman a grateful look, before swimming her way out of the hotel.

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