Chapter Twenty-One

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Kagome grinned as she saw in a coral garden off the side of town, Arel and her had been around the city and stopped her as Kaogme had told stories of her adventures. She had to edit things out and reword things to make it more believable. She had told him stories of Sango and Miroku, the two who took forever to confess their feelings for one another and were now married.

She spoke of little Shippo, who lost his parents and now going to a school where he was happy with Sango and Miroku raising him. It was fun to speak freely about some of her adventures. She wasn't able to talk to her friends in Tokyo about them, but at least with Arel she could tell some of the stories.

"You have made some interesting freinds along the way." Arel commented as he sat on the big rock that was surrounded by coral and other wildlife. Kagome nodded, picking up a red flower off the rock, a smile on her face. She really was happy to meet everyone of her friends, she grew into a better person because of them. Her time in the past with them made her grown up and not take things for granted. When she had lived in Tokyo she had taken a lot of the things for granted. She had learned quick to be thankful for everything she had.

"I did. I miss them sometimes, but they have started new chapters of their life." It was true, Kagome had seen them less and less in the past month or so. They were all trying to rebuild their lives now that the danger was over. Sango and Miroku had started to prepare to go back and rebuld the Demon slayers village. They were going to reopen to people who wanted to learn the art. Kohaku, Sango's brother, was going to help too. He wanted to pay his respects to everyone in the village too. He still was haunted by what he did, but with the help of Sango and Miroku, he was slowly getting better.

Shippo, went with them. He was now old enough to go to Kitsune school and the school was closer to where Sango and Miroku where. She was happy he was going. He had wanted to learn more and become stronger.

Inuyasha...he had been distant since the jewel was completed. She knew Kikyo was on his mind. She had come to terms that she and Inuyasha would never happen for awhile now. It hurt but she had excepted it and was happy to just be around him.

"Have to decided you are going to settle down, or you going to keep going on adventures." Arel asked Kagome, breaking her out of her thoughts. This made her paused, she didn't know that answer.

"I don't know." Kagome told him, flower in her hands as she pet the petals with her fingers. She really didn't know what she was going to do. She knew she was stuck here because of Midoriko. She didn't know if she was going to make it back to the past or even her time. The elder Miko had wanted her to find happiness here.

"I haven't decided what I want to do. I could find somewhere to call home, but I just haven't found that place as of yet." She confessed, glancing at Arel who had been watching her, waiting for her to answer. The look of determination came to his face when he heard that.

It meant that he had a chance to convince her to stay in Atlantica. He just had to prove that there was a reason to stay there. That this place could be her home and she needn't travel looking for a place to call home anymore.

"Well, that means I can convince you that Atlantic can be a good home." He told Kagome who glanced at him in surprise. He grinned at her look as he took the flower from her hand and put it in her hair, right by her ear.

"Atlantic is a wonderful place and I think you could be happy here. There are wonderful people here." He was being honest. He loved Atlantica and couldn't see himself living anywhere but here. He was being a bit selfish on wanting her to stay. He wanted to get to know her, and he believed if given the chance the two could hit it off. He could make her happy.

Kagome smiled at him, a small blush on her cheeks when he had put the water flower in her hair. He was pulling all the moves it seems. She didn't know how she felt yet on Midoriko's meddling and wanting to open her heart. She was hurt and falling in love was something she was afraid to do again.

"Maybe." Kagome said, not agreeing or disagreeing. She wasn't sure what was going to happen. She hoped she would talk to Midoriko again when she slept tonight, or when she had some time to herself she would meditate.

Looking around Kagome knew she had spent a good amount of the day with the red head merman. It had to be getting close to dinner and she promised she would be back before than.

"I think we should head back. I promised I would be back before dinner to help do chores and probably help with dinner." Kagome said, pushing herself of the rock she had been sitting on.

Arel nodded, swimming next to her and grabbing her hand. He seemed to like doing that. Kagome didn't say anything as he led her back to the hotel she was staying at. She gave him a smile as the two stopped in front of the hotel.

Kagome saw Yvett about to enter the hotel, her eyes going wide as she looked at Arel then back to Kagome. Kagome tilted her head before the older mermaid quickly go inside.

Turning to Arel she gave him a smile, he handed her the bag he had insisted on carrying for her, "I will come by tomorrow afternoon to take you around more or we can go on adventure of our own."

Kagome took the bag, "An adventure. That sounds fun. Like the one you said Flounder and yourself go on."

Arel nodded, a smirk on his face as he let her hand go, "It may be as exciting as your adventures, but it would be fun all the same."

Kagome nodded, her lip twitching, "Sure. We can do that. I am curious on what trouble you get into around here."

Arel laughed at her teasing, "Tomorrow then." He grabbed he hand and gave it a kiss, and winked at her before leaving a stunned Kagome behind.

Tomorrow definitely was going to be interesting.

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