Chapter Eleven

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Arel looked at his sister who was still grinning at him, he could only sigh again. He had thought he would have had more time before being confronted by one of his family members...but he guessed that was wishful thinking.

"What do you want to know Arista..." he gave her a wary look, "you aren't one to beat around the corel." ...and she wasn't. She told everyone how it was, she was blunt to the core. He had been on the receiving end of her bluntness too many times to count.

Arista's grin widened, "Why, Arel, I just want to know who that pretty mermaid you were holding hands with was?" She gave him a look of pure innocence, that really didn't suit her personality.

Arel snorted, giving her a small glare. She was far from innocent, "That is my business. I don't want you interfering. I just met her and I actually like her. She doesn't even know who I really am."

Arista straightened her back at the tone he was using with her. He didn't use that tone unless he was serious, looking into his blue eyes she could really see he meant it when he didn't want her to interfere. That he would be mad at her if she did.

This caused a mix of emotions to stir in Arista. If he was already this protective of her...then if the two actually got together. Arista bit her lip trying to keep the smile that wanted to break through show on her face.

"I don't want to do anything to her...I just want to know who has caught my brothers attention..." She paused as the last part of what he said caught up with her, "...and what do you mean she doesn't know who you are?"

Arel gave her a look, "She doesn't know I am a Prince...she travels alot." he paused closing his eyes before looking at his sister, "...she said she doesn't stay in once place very long. My guess is she doesn't follow politics that much. She has been traveling for years..."

Arista really looked at her brother. This mermaid was really doing a number on him, and they have just met. She knew how much her brother hated the mermaids that wanted to be with him because he was the heir to the throne. That those mermaids wanted to be Queen...none of them really wanted him.

To have this mermaid like him just for him. It was something Arel wanted, she could tell.

"Are you going to tell her?" Arista asked, if he didn't tell her and she found out another way...that could end bad.

Arel nodded, "I will once she gets to know me more...I know I can't keep it a secret from her very long because of how everyone acts around me..." he paused sighing, "but I can keep the secret for a little while longer."

Arista nodded, she could understand that. Sometimes she wished she was a normal mermaid and not royalty so she could do normal things...she understood where her little brother was coming from.

"I won't say anything..." she gave a small smile, "...for now" She was greeted by another glare for that comment, making her smile turn into a smirk.

"I am going to my room..." he gave her a look, one meaning he wanted her to keep her mouth shut about his new mermaid friend, "...good night Arista..." He than swam past her and headed towards where his room was but was stopped a few seconds before he could turn out of his sisters sight.

"Arel!" Arista's eyes sparkled as she watching as her brother turned around her with narrowed eyes. She gave a small grin at the look, 'He is so adorable when he is like this.'

Arel kept his glare on her, "What now?" He just wanted time alone to think, she had pestered him enough tonight.

"Can I at least know her name?" Arista really wanted to know. What was the name of the girl that her brother was so taken with.

Arel paused before sighing, "...Kagome..." he then swam off, leaving his smiling sister behind. Not knowing that his sister was going to interfere whether he liked it or not.

Arel finally made it to his room, releasing a sigh. He could finally be alone with his thoughts. His sister was definitely going to be a problem. He knew her well enough to know that she never did mind her own business.

Swimming over to his desk he sat down at the chair, looking at the picture he had sitting there with a small smile, "Mom...why did you have to have so many girls..." he knew that he would never want to replace his sisters, but he wished sometimes he had a brother he could talk to about things.

He had Flounder, and he guessed that was fine. He didn't have many friends because of him being the heir of Atlantis. He had been hurt too many times with his 'friends' taking advantage of his status.

That was something he didn't was the reason he didn't tell Kagome who he really was. He wanted her to get to know him for just himself.

Just Arel, the merman that helped her.

He grinned when he remembered the blue eyed mermaid. Something about her was enthralling. She was different than the other mermaids and he liked it. She wasn't afraid of adventure and had such expressive eyes.

Kagome seemed like someone who he could trust. Maybe he could have a future with someone he loved and loved him. He knew it was a little...way early... to be thinking about that but he had a good feeling about this mermaid.

A very good feeling. She was everything he saw in a partner. She smiled so sincerely.

Her smile..

That was another thing that caught him off guard. Such a smile had never been directed at him before.

A pure smile full of thanks and kindness. A smile that was filled with such warm that it made his heart skip a beat. It was an emotion he wasn't used too...that was for sure. He was confident, he had to be if he was going to be King one he never thought he would have someone who could just smile at him and make him want to stop everything just to see that smile again.

He really was in trouble.

His mind flashed back to when he kissed her on the cheek before departing.

Arel felt the flutter of his heart in his chest and grounded, putting his head in his hands. His fingers gripped his hair as he sighed, closing his eyes, 'What am I going to do...'

He really didn't know. All he could do was hope this girl was the real thing...and not going to make him regret knowing her.

He really hoped things turned out...for now he would have to wait till tomorrow and see how things turned out.

He really really hoped.

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