Chapter Fourteen

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Kagome was sitting at a table with Arel across from her, she really did like the place. It was cozy and there were only a few mermen and mermaids scattered around the restaurant. They all were minding their own business and eating their food.

Another thing Kagome was a bit nervous

What do merpeople eat? She had absolutely no clue whatsoever!

She smiled nervously as Arel gave her a questioning look.

"What's wrong?" He could tell something was wrong, she was fidgeting and looking around.

"Um...I haven't been out in a while. I am not really used to being in this kind of environment." Kagome said a small blush on her cheeks as she thought about the real reason. She knew nothing about merpeople and didn't want to embarrass herself if she did something wrong.

"How long has it been since you relaxed and just enjoyed yourself?" Arel asked. He knew travelers didn't stay in one spot very often, but there were some who did and enjoyed the sites when traveling.

Kagome frowned, when had she last taken time for herself. She always had been doing things for Inuyasha...shippo...and all her friends, "Um...I really don't know..." she tilted her head to the side as she thought about it more, "'s been awhile...that is true."

She didn't remember the last time she took time for herself. She had a good excuse...she had been fighting Naraku and demons while trying to stay alive. Kagome hadn't really had time for just herself. She had been worrying not getting killed.

Trying to change the subject she looked at Arel and smiled, "What would you recommend?" Maybe she would let him order her food and drink, that way she could see what the food here was like...she had no clue what merpeople ate. She hoped it wasn't disgusting...because she didn't know how she would survive living here with food she hated.

Arel looked at her trying to think of things his sisters ate...he couldn't see her eating all those low carb diet food...but it was better to ask than assume, "Are you on a diet?"

Kagome reeled back in shock at his question, did she need to be on a diet? She looked down at her body then back at Arel who now had wide eyes.
"I didn't mean it like that! It's just my sisters always complain about certain food not being a certain way and ruining their diet and..." He blushed when he realized his mistake. He didn't mean to make her think she needed to be on a diet.

Kagome bit her lip, seeing his frazzled look as he tried to defend himself. A small giggle escaped her lips as she saw the blush darken, "Its okay..." She giggled again, as he averted his eyes, trying not to look her in the face, "...I'm not on a diet. I am also not a picky eater..." or so she hoped.

Arel ran a hand through his hair, pushing the strands out of his face, as his blush lessened but was still evident on his cheeks, "...alright then..." He glanced at the blue eyed mermaid once more before he looked at the menu again, " you want me to order for you?"

Kagome gave a smile, "...that sounds like a good idea..." She was curious on what he would order for her.

He nodded going back to reading the menu in front of him. He could do that. Arel could order something he had before and knew was good.

Something not spicy...maybe something sweet would do. Girls liked sweets...right...?

"You like sweets right?"

Kagome laughed, he was really trying to pick something for her while being considerate of what she wanted. That was something she wasn't used to having a guy do, "Yes, I love sweet things."

He nodded, he had a pretty good idea what to get her then. He hoped she would like it...Arel looked over to where he knew the owner of the restaurant was. The owner smirked and gave him a look before as he made his way over. The owner gave a small bow and nodded, "Are you two ready to order?"

Arel nodded, "Yes we are." He hoped Kagome would like the food. He didn't want to ruin the start of a good day.

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