Chapter Twenty-Three

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Arel grinned as got back home and into his room. He was trying to do his studies but his thoughts were filled with Kagome. He had a great day showing her around and just talking with her. He never had this much fun with a mermaid before. His grin grew as he thought of her answer of maybe finding a home in Atlantica.

If he played his shells right, he could find a way for her to stay. He was definitely sure he could fall in love with her. She was sweat and had a kind heart. Her stories of her adventures showed her true self. She helped take in a young merman and took care of him as they traveled. She helped her friends overcome hardships.

He had to think of ways to woo her. He never had to try to get a mermaid to like him before. They usually flocked to him and he swam away as fast as he could to avoid them. This was definitely a different situation that he was used too.

He may have to take the plunge and as his sisters for advice. He mentally cringed at this idea. His sisters would have a field day with this. They would be over the coral to help him. He didn't know if that was a good or bad thing. He knew from how Arista reacted finding about Kagome that his other sisters would be just as overjoyed. Sometimes their help wasn't a good thing, so he would keep that as a last option for now.

He shook his head going back to the document in front of him, but he had read it five times by now as his thoughts kept on straying. He just couldn't concentrate tonight. He finally gave up and was staring off into the sea when the door opened and his sister, Arista came in. She had a grin on her face as she swam over to where the redhead was sitting at a desk.

"You are doing your studies? I thought you would be out and about still." She swam so she was sitting of to the side of the desk. She had a grin as big as a shark on her face making Arel a bit wary.

"What do you want." Arel asked, completely ignoring her questions as he gave her a look. He knew his sisters. Arista wanted something, but he didn't know what exactly.

The grin on Arista's face stayed in place as she twirled one of her blond locks around her finger, "Well. I was going to tell you something...but if you are going to be like that...." She trailed of making a motion to get back up, making Arel sigh and turn his full attention to his elder sister.

"What can I help you with..." Arel frowned, not knowing what she could have to say to him. The only thing he could think of is she wanted to know more about Kagome.

"Well....I do want to meet your mermaid friend..." Arel cut her off, narrowing his eyes at her. He should have guessed this is what it was about.

"No." Plain and simple. He wanted to spend more time with her before his crazy family came into the picture. He was fine with Flounder knowing about her, because he will keep information about her to himself. He loved his sisters, bu they don't keep secrets very well.

"Wait and hear me out first." Arista scowled at her younger brother, crossing her arms over her chest as she sent him a disapproving look.

"I overheard some of the kitchen workers....." She paused as she knew she caught her brothers attention. The workers of the castle were the ones who heard things first and knew a lot of the things going on in the kingdom.

"Apparently Father deiced to bring some new mermaids here. Some of the Noble families daughters. This time they are from the Arctic...." Arista told her brother, and saw the look of exasperation on his face. Their Father was really trying to find a match for Arel, much to his dismay....and amusement to all the sisters.

""When..." Arel asked, dread already setting in. He hated when his Father did this. He wasn't going to pick any of them. He knew his Father wouldn't make him enter a betrothal without him saying yes, but it didn't stop him from meeting mermaids and trying to get him to like one of them.

"In the next few days. They have already started to prepare for their arrival." Arista sighed, seeing the look on her brothers face. He really wasn't going to like this.

"I am up to helping you make ex capes out of the castle if I can meet your Kagome...." She grinned seeing the look pass over Arel's face. She knew s he was going to get her way. She knew that he would take any escape to get away from the potential mermaids their Father has picked out.

Now that he has someone in mind he wants to court, he wasn't going to amuse them by smiling and just waiting for them to leave. He had played pranks to get some of the more pushy mermaids to leave quicker.

Arel sat there thinking, if she helped him sneak out of then he could spend more time with Kagome. He would just have to put down ground rules with Arista before the two met. That could work.

"...I will have some conditions...." He told his sister who broke out into a wide smile and clapped her hands together happily.

"Yes. I understand!" Arista laughed, happy she would get to meet this mysterious mermaid who seemed to have her brother so smitten.

"Alright. I am going to meet with her tomorrow and we can meet up with lunch....If she is willing to meet you." He wanted to make sure it was something Kagome was comfortable with. He wasn't going to make her meet his sister.

Arista nodded in understanding. "I can agree with that. You can send a messenger fish to me and give me the answer and where we will meeting." She was happy that she may have a chance on meeting Kagome. She couldn't wait. She hoped the young mermaid would agree to it.

Arel nodded, it seems tomorrow was going to be a busy day. He watched as his sister gave him a kiss on the cheek and let herself out.

A sigh left his lips as he glanced back at the documents in front of him, before he gave up and swam over to the window edge and sat down and looked out on Atlantic, a small smile on his lips as he looked in the direction of the hotel Kagome was staying in.

'Tomorrow is definitely going to be an interesting day.'

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