Chapter Seven

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Kagome let him drag her along as her eyes took in everything greedily. She never seen anything like this. It was breathtaking. Then again, she had never been under the Ocean like this before, so that was a marvel to her as well. To see so many different things.

As Kagome looked around she didn't notice the looks the two of them were getting. But Arel sure noticed the looks.

Arel knew this would happen, but he hoped they would be able to not draw as much attention as they were. Then again, when one is royalty there isn't much one could do but draw attention.

"Come on. I'll show you around" He had a feeling tonight at home would be interesting if the gossip got back to the castle. His sisters were gossips so he had a feeling he was going to be questioned for sure at dinner.

He glanced at the black haired girl, as she looked around in awe. He can't say he would mind the interrogation though. This girl, Kagome, was interesting and he wouldn't mind going through question after question just to see her and spend time with getting to know her.

A smile graced his lips as he quickly swam through everyone, dragging the poor awed mermaid behind. He could see the looks of inquiry from the shop owners and others out and about, they could make up whatever they wanted. He was used to it by now.

"Where we are now is the main shopping center, but the shopping centers are the main place people go to gossip and talk." Arel told Kagome who wrinkled her nose at the mention of gossip and shopping.

"Not a shopping fan?" Arel asked amused, all the mermaids he met loved shopping. He knew his sisters were obsessed with fashion and anything to do with being a girl.

"Not really. I rather read." Kagome muttered, glancing at the shops. She was curious on what they sold under the sea though. Maybe when she got a little money she would buy something and that way she could look around at what was in the shops...but as of right now she had no interest.

A small chuckle left Arel as they left the shopping district, "There is a music district down to the left, we can go there another day if you are interested. They are mostly busy with practicing right now. Not a good idea to disturb the bands when they are practicing."

Kagome smirked, "Learn that from experience."

Arel laughed, as he dragged her along, away from what she now knew was the music district, "You could say that..."

Kagome was getting the impression he was a troublemaker, but she didn't say what she was thinking. From the look he gave her, he knew what she was going to say but Kagome bit her lip and refrained herself.

Arel kept on taking Kagome to different places and showing her Atlantica, the whole time the two could be seen still holding hands. He showed her gardens, places people hang out and some coves that were breathtaking. Arel even took her past the Palace.

It was probably hours before Arel got to the last place he needed to show her.

"Down this street is the Inn, usually for travelers." He pointed to a four story building which had a couple mermaids at the front door who had traveling packs on their back, "To the left of that is an equipment shop..."

Kagome nodded as he pointed the shops out. She didn't know if she had money to stay at such a place but she could see if she could do some work for room and board. If not she could always find somewhere to spend the night, it wouldn't be the first time she slept out in the wild. It would be the first time sleeping in the wild in the couldn't be THAT much different...she hoped.

She gave him a grin, "Thank you for showing me around today. I had fun!" She really did, she got along well with Arel. She hadn't been this relaxed around someone for a long time.

Arel grinned, "I am glad, I will leave you here. I think you probably could rest your finn a littler more and get some sleep..." He paused as if an idea came to his mind, "How about we get together tomarrow and I can take you to the shops and the Music will be fun."

Kagome smiled and gave a nod, "It sounds like fun."

Arel grinned, "I'll see you tomorrow then." He reluctantly let go of Kagome's hand. He liked being able to hold it. He paused as he was about to leave and swam closer and kissed her on the cheek and his grin widened seeing the blush on her cheeks.

"Goodnight!" He left the blushing mermaid with a grin on his face as he made his way home, not knowing that he made the gossip chain grow even more with that one move.

Too bad he didn't know until it was too late.

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