Chapter Twenty

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Kagome glanced around and saw that there weren't a bunch of people around, there were only a few that were scattered around at different tables around the room. If she had to make a quick count, she would say there was only ten people in the room, not counting the band that was on stage and the staff that swam about.

The band had surprised her when the came on stage. The big octopus played an instrument that looked close to a cello, and a big spider Crab was playing the drums and a couple different kinds of fish played and sang on other instruments. It was a very interesting sight for Kagome, to say the least.

If she ever got home, her friends would find this very amusing.

"How do you like it so far?" Arel inquired as he watched Kagome. She had the most interesting facial features when watching the bad. It was cute.

Kagome lips curled into a bright smile, "I love it so far. I haven't seen a live band like this in a long time..." She turned her eyes back to the band who were giving a bow and walking off stage. The two of them clapped as the band took a break, "Thank you for taking me here."

Arel grinned, "It was no problem. I am glad that you enjoyed it. I like coming here to listen to the music or sing once in awhile.."

Kagome's eyes lit up, "You sing?" She didn't know many guys that actually liked to sing. Inuyasha hated it, as did a lot of the boys in her school. They had always complained of being forced to sing in school.

Arel blinked, "Yes. I find it enjoyable...that and my mother always loved to sing and my sisters say it passed on to me." His eyes got a look in them and Kagome guessed his mother was no longer living.

"Most...mermen I have met don't like singing." Kagome gave him a small smile, "It is nice to hear that one does. I love to sing, but I usually only sing lullabies though." She had sang to Shippo all the time to help him get to sleep, the same with her brother when he was sick.

An idea came to Arel's mind when he heard that, and stored it for later, "I will have to sing for you sometime then."

Kagome blushed at the grin Arel had on his face, but didn't say anything...even when the grin on his face grew at her blush.

"Only if you want." Kagome blushed as she avoided his eyes.

Arel bit his lip, holding back a laugh, 'She is very cute...' He thought to himself. He was starting to like Kagome more and more as he spend time with her.

She really was a breath of fresh air.

"I won't mind. I can sing here sometime..." He glanced at her eyes gleaming with mischief, "Maybe I can even drag you on stage to sing with me."

"You wouldn't dare!" Kagome yelped out eyes wide as she saw the grin and gleaming eyes.

Laughing Arel brush some of his bangs out of his face, "We will have to see..." He might just drag her on stage if she wouldn't be horribly made at him.

Kagome narrowed her eyes, she would have to be careful. He really did remind her a bit of a kitsune.

"What do you like besides singing?" She inquired, she was curious on how merfolk spend their days.

Arel took on a thoughtful look before answering, "I like to spend time exploring around the area with Flounder, who you met already..." He paused for a brief minute trying to think of a way to word some of the things he liked to do without saying he was Royal, "I also like to read and help my father with his work...when need be. "

"I also play in the band here every so often.." Arel gave a slight hum as he thought, "I also love to be in my mother's is soothing...and I love my sisters and do love to be around them, but I have been avoiding that as of late because of the constant gossip they like to be apart of...and the constant trying to set me up with one of their friends..." He rolled his eyes at the last part.

"So no lucky mermaid in your life then?" Kagome joked as she smirked at the thought of his sisters trying to set him up on dates.

"Why..are you interested?" He gave wicked grin when saying that, taking time to gage her reaction to his question.

"Umm" Kagome stuttered out a deep blush dusting her cheeks, ...So now that the band is over...are you going to show me around?" Kagome asked switching the subject to a, hopefully, subject that wouldn't make her blush or embarrass her. .

Arel nodded slightly disappointed she didn't give him an answer and switched the subject, "I can show you around and we can talk more. I would like to hear about some of your traveling adventures."

Kagome nodded, though she would have to do some editing on the adventures, or just make sure to leave some details out. She really didn't like lying, "Sounds good to me."

She just hoped she could survive the rest of the day without turning into blushing mess...

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