Chapter Twelve

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Kagome hummed as she silently sat on her window ledge watching as the sun was finally hitting the water and shinning down the the depths of the sea. It was nice to have sunlight again, though she missed being able to feel the sun on her skin.

With tired eyes she took some of her hair and started to braid it absentmindedly, it was too early to go down to eat and she didn't know when Arel was going to come around so she might talk to the Hotel owners, at least the wife. She seemed really nice last night when she came in, and she probably could help with the chores. It would give her something to do while waiting.

Though, Kagome wasn't really sure if she wanted to get to know Arel if he was the one Midoriko was wanting her to love. Though he was nice, she could see them as friends...she didn't want to be anything else.

As Kagome got up from her spot at the window she grabbed her key and made her swam her way down the curved tunnel that led her to the main floor. As Kagome turned out of the tunnel she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!" Kagome apologized, she really needed to get used to swimming. She couldn't stop as fast as to when she had legs.

"It's no problem." The woman brushed off the apology with a wave of her hand.

Kagome smiled a blush on her cheeks as she looked up at the woman, "Good morning, and I am sorry for bumping into you."

"Good morning to you as well...and it is no problem. It didn't hurt, you should be careful though, not everyone is as nice as me!" She gave her a cat like grin, before continuing as he looked her up and down," ... You must be the newbie..right!"

Kagome nodded, at least people were friendly here. That was good "Thank you. It my first time in Atlantica so it is nice to see that it is friendly here."

The woman gave her a grin, "It is always nice to be in Atlantica. I am from the Northern part of the Ocean in Antarctica, so when I visit here it is always a home away from home..." she gave the younger woman a reassuring smile, "My name is Yvetta."

"Kagome" Kagome greeted back, smile still on her face, "I haven't been over to the Antarctic Ocean, is it nice there?"

The woman, Yvetta, nodded, "It is nice, colder than the warm water here, but it is nice. The ice is always beautiful."

"Is there a reason you come to Atlantic every year?" Kagome inquired, she was curious but she didn't want to be to nosey.

Yvetta nodded, "I have a brother who lives here and I like to come visit, he married a nice mermaid from here and when they married the two settled down here instead of in the Arctic."

"Tha-" Kagome was cut off by another voice.

"Oh! You're up!" the soft but surprised voice of Vyline interrupted the two talking.

Kagome greeted her with a smile, "Yes, I tend to be an early riser."

Vyline smiled brightly, "Most of you travelers tend to be it seems."

Kagome grinned, it was true. From all her travels she learned to get up early so they had as much sunlight as possible. Traveling in the dark was dangerous in Feudal Era, and she bet it was going to be even worse under the sea where it would be pitch dark with no light from the moon reaching the ocean floor.

"I was just talking to Yvetta. It is nice to talk to other travelers." Kagome told the woman who gave a nod of understanding.

"It is good to make new friends...and speaking of friends..." Vyline gave Kagome a smile, "There is someone waiting outside for you...he just arrive."

Kagome blinked, "So early..." She didn't expect him to get here even before Vyline could even serve breakfast or have her do some chores.

"Do you need me to do anything before I leave? I haven't done anything as of yet." She bit her lip, she didn't want to seem ungrateful to the woman.

Vyline shook her head, "You can help later tonight. Be back for dinner...alright?" Vyline gave the girl a smile, she had a good feeling about her. She reminded her of her younger sister.

"Alright!" Kagome turned to Yvetta, "It was nice talking to you. I hope you can excuse the interruption, and I hope to talk to you more before you head back home!"

A grin came to Yvetta's face, "We will talk more at can tell me more about your friend who is here to pick you up so early..."

Kagome narrowed her eyes but only nodded. She could tell the woman was teasing her. Kagome waved to them as she left the two mermaids who had knowing looks on their faces.

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