Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kagome looked at the woman on the other side of the table, shifting as she saw the sharp eyes looking at her. She could tell that she was excited but she also was taking in everything she did. Kagome had a feeling it was because of her brother and how much interest he was showing her. Kagome wasn't stupid on what kind of interest Arel had in her. She was just putting the thought at the back of her mind. She didn't know if she wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with him.

It wasn't like she didn't like him, that was far from it. He was kind to her and she had fun being around him. She just didn't know if she wanted to open her heart to fall in love after Inuyasha.,..she needed to decide soon if she would take the words Midorkio said to your heart.

She knew she was a bit jaded with the aspect of love...but she was more scared f she opened up again she would someday be left broken. Glancing at Arel she saw him send her a smile, and she felt her heartbeat a bit faster.

'Would it be a bad thing to let someone in...' Kagome thought as she turned her attention back to Arista. She would need to seriously think about it today, if she didn't want to she would have to try to distance herself from Arel. She didn't want to lead him on if she wasn't going to let him in.

"So, Kagome, how are you liking Atlantica? I heard you were a traveler! What kind of things did you do on them?" Arista asked, shooting off question after question. Kagome could hear the small groan come from Arel as he looked at his sister with a 'really' look on his face.

Kagome blinked at the questions and gave the woman a smile, "I have liked what I have seen of Atlantica. It is different than I am used to...a lot bigger." She paused seeing that Arista was looking at her with hopeful eyes, and she had a feeling she wanted stories or more information on her travels.

"As for my travels, I have done them for years now. It seems like forever." Which was true. Her travels had felt like they were long, way too long. But she had learned a lot from them.

"I traveled with a small group. We were a mix-matched bunch. They all have gone on and a couple is starting a family....and another decided to go to school" She closed her eyes remembering Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Opening her eyes she played with her fingers, "others wanted to go on their own and figure their life out." Her thoughts flashed to Inuyasha.

"We got ourselves into interesting situations, though some of them I could have done without. We were in danger more than once." She didn't want to give too much information. She should learn more about the world under the sea. She had seen a girl with a book earlier, maybe there was a library...

She was brought out of her thoughts by Arista speaking again, "How many were you in your group! How long did you travel together? Do you plan on traveling again on your own soon?"

Kagome could see that Arel was looking rather more intently with those questions, sighing she shook her head, "I had a bit of a mishap on my journey and ended up close to Atlantica....something happened because of..." She tried to think of what to call Midoriko...., "Another friend, I ended up in a situation losing all my things and a hurt fin..."

That is the easiest way she could explain what Midioriko was, it isn't like she could call her the entity that created a powerful jewel and sent me to this place so I could find happiness....oh and I was once human too...yeah that would go over soooo well.

"Arel and his friend Flounder helped me when they found me at the bottom of a well I had taken refuge in to stay out of danger, but with a hurt fin it is kind of hard to do anything." Kagome sent a smile to Arel before continuing.

"I don't have any plans to leave as of yet, but I can't really stay at the traveler's hotel forever. I am figuring out what I want to do still. For now, I am happy to explore and enjoy Atlantica." Which was the truth. She had a feeling she was stuck here and it would be good for her to get used to her new home, but she had a lot of options. She could really travel the ocean once she learns more, or stay here and make a home.

There were a lot of possibilities and she hasn't gone over all of them yet, content with going day by day for now.

"I did wonder why you wanted to meet me? Or do you do this with all of Arel's friends?" Kagome asked before Arista could shoot off more questions. She would give the girl that, she could talk fast.

Arista grinned brightly, "Arel doesn't make that many friends so when he does make one I want to know them." What she wasn't saying is, Flounder was his only friend. He had acquaintances but friends was something he didn't have a lot of.

Blinking Kagome glanced at the male in question who wasn't giving anything away from the look on his face, "Is there a reason you don't make many friends?" She was curious

Arel gave her a sad smile, "Let's just say sometimes merfolk try to become friends with others for the wrong reasons." Kagome titled her head to the side at this. She knew he was keeping something from her but she wanted him to tell her in his own time and not push him when he seemed uncomfortable talking about it.

"I can understand some merfolk can have ulterior motives to befriend someone. I am guessing there is a reason they wanted to befriend me but you don't want to tell me that reason as of yet..." Kagome raised an eyebrow at him, a soft smile coming to her face as she continued speaking, "Though....I don't understand I will let it go...."

Kagome could see Arel relax a bit at her words as he gave her a grateful smile, "I will tell you eventually....but for now I want to keep it to myself...alright?"

Giving a nod Kagome turned her attention back to Arista who was watching the whole exchange with Arel a knowing look on her face as she looked at her brother.

' now she knows he likes me as well....' Kagome thought as she shifted a bit at the thought. It didn't seem like she was against it from the look on her face...and Kagome didn't know how to feel about that.

"I heard you would be helping Arel with escape there a reason he is going to need these escapes..." Kagome was wondering what these people could be like for Arel to want to escape during their visit.

Arista had a mischievous grin on her face as she glanced to Arel who narrowed his eyes at her, "Oh....just some people coming....our father is trying to match Arel up with a nice mermaid....but all his attempts have failed so he has disguised meeting with the mermaid's fathers as Opportunites for the mermaids to get close to Arel.." Arista trailed off seeing the look her brother was giving her, but her real attention was on Kagome. She saw something flash through her eyes when she said it and the grin grew on her face.

Kagome's eyes flickered to Arel who had was looking at his sister in disbelief, "So she is helping you escape a mermaid who is trying to marry you then?" This day was definitely turning out different than he expected.

With narrowed eyes, Arel nodded his head, "let's say some of them can be very....persistent..."

Kagome gave a hum, "Is arranged marriages something normal?" She didn't know if that was normal here or not. It had been in Japan, even in the modern setting there had been plenty of marriages that happened that were set up between families. It isn't something she is unfamiliar with.

Arista giggled, "They can be depending on the family. A lot o the time though here in is what we believe to make a marriage."

Kagome smiled at this since that information was very good to know, " your family does arrange marriages then?" She was curious about this. If Arel was going to be put in such a relationship she would step aside. She didn't want to have drama.

"They have been known to if they don't find someone they would like to marry by the age of eighteen, which Arel is almost to that age." Arista supplied, looking to her brother who did not have a happy look on his face.

"Though....with you now here I don't think Father has much to worry about," Arista said, smirking as she looked at her brother, not even flinching from the look he was giving her.

"I think that is enough visiting" Arel spoke, his tone sharp as he moved from his chair, grabbing Kagome's wrist. Kagome let him, she could tell he wasn't happy.

"I will see you later, Sister." From his tone, Kagome knew he was going to be having words with his sister. Kagome gave a wave to Arista as she let Arel drag her away, her last thought before leaving the shop was, ' We didn't even get lunch.'

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