Chapter Fifteen

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Kagome looked at the meal that was brought out before her, it didn't look that bad. It was interesting, to say the least. She just hoped it tasted good too.

Giving Arel a smile, Kagome looked to see if there was any silverware and mentally cursed when there wasn't.

'So everything is eaten by hand?' Kagome silently questioned herself as she saw Arel pick up his food.

Kagome followed suit and gently picked up the green square that had pink flowers on it. She took a small bite to sample it...and it reminded her of that American dish. French toast. It was sweet, almost sweet like honey, and the texture reminded her of a mix between bread and a rice crispy treat.
It wasn't horrible. It would take some getting used too, but the food wasn't horrible.

"How do you like it?" Arel questioned after he saw her take the first bite. He hoped she liked it. He had thought this dish would be a safe dish for her to try.

Kagome gave him a bright smile, "It's good! Thank you. It actually reminds me a bit of something I used to eat where I lived."

Arel grinned at her answer, he was happy that the food he picked was to her liking. At Least, now he knew she liked sweets. He would have to file that for later.

"So..." Kagome started, finishing off the flat bread like the food she had on her plate, " there a way I can make you let me pay you back somehow?"

Arel rolled his eyes and gave her a simple, "No".

Huffing Kagome turned her eyes away from him. She would find a way to pay him back, one way or another.

She couldn't do it now...but she would do it eventually.

Arel sighed, "I can tell you have had a hard time the last couple days. You lost all your things, hurt your fine, which you were lucky it, it could have been worse. Let me do something nice and pay for a good meal, and get you some necessities..."

Kagome bit her lip, she understood where he was coming. She really wasn't used to people doing nice things for her and not wanting something in return.

"What do you want in return?" Kagome asked, knowing he had to want something. No one does things for free anymore.

The red haired merman gave her a sad smile as if knowing she wasn't used to people doing things for her, "All you have to do is be yourself."

Kagome didn't say anything for a minute, just looked at Arel trying to see if he wasn't lying...and it didn't look like he was.

"Alright..." She breathed out, sighing. She would pay him day, but Arel would have his way...for today.

Arel grinned in victory, "Good. Are you ready to head out then?"

Kagome nodded, getting up as Arel left some gold cones on the table. He waved at the waiter who had been taken care of them. The waiter waved back and Arel grabbed her hand dragging her out of the restaurant.

"So...where are we going first?" Kagome questioned as she looked around. There was more merfolk around now going about their day. It was nice to see so many people out so early, so she wouldn't be the only one out if she decided to explore on her own.

Arel gave a hum of thought, glancing over the surrounding area, "I know there is a good traveler store not that far from here. We can start there and..." Arel stopped talking when he narrowed his eyes at something in front of them.

Arel let go of Kagome's hand and swam forward to where there was a jewelry stand, and plucked something up off the stand.

Kagome swam over to him, a questioning look on her face.

Arel had something in his hand...a small crab. All gave a small glare at the crab that he was holding in front of his face by the crab's shell. Kagome blinked and saw the crab give Arel a sheepish look and tried to hide in his shell to look as small as possible.

"Sebastian..." Arel started, eyes narrowed, "Just what are you doing here."

The crab, Sebastian, just gulped, still trying to look as small as he could. It seems like Arel had himself a little stalker.

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